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Everything posted by Robert

  1. Referring to any person who angles as a fisherman is not sexist. We have become petty if that is the case. I find it hard to believe people fuss over things like this.
  2. I traded my Chota STL's in for their top of the line rubber sole boots and paid the difference.
  3. Robert


    We are all in for some water shortages here in Springfield. We will need to rethink the type of grass we plant because there will not be enough water for sprinklers. Uncontroled growth is one of the problems.
  4. I got down to the river last week. The day after the tornado. 70 degrees, and just a great day to fish. I pulled on my new Chota rubber sole boots. I could not put the studs in(wrong nut driver) I figured I would be on my butt quickly. I'm happy to report that they stuck like glue. I'm not sure if I will need the studs.
  5. I hope for the best for my friends in Branson.
  6. I'm pretty well set on gear. I read about rubber soles being in the state law now or in the future. My seven year Chota STL wading boots were felt bottomed. I called Chota and asked if they could put rubber soles on my boots. I was told I could not, but if I shipped back my STL boots they would sell me a pair of Chota Caney Fork wading boots for $65. USD. The Caney Fork is their top of the line. I jumped at the deal. The rubber on the new boots is very stickey on a wet surface. I'm going to try them without studs first time fishing. Chota builds a great boot in my opinion. I like good support and a ruggard boot, and I get that with Chota. I've been layed up since just after Thanksgiving so, I have had plenty of time to sort things out with my gear. I should be ready for lots of fishing this year.
  7. My Chotas are seven years old. Fished all over the place with them. I ordered out a new pair of Redingtons today. If they last as long as the Chotas I'll be 80 years old by then. I figured to fish until I'm 90, and then see how it goes from there.
  8. Happy Thanksgiving to all!!
  9. has not set their status

  10. I'm going to fishing for Atlantic Salmon and Brook Trout in Newfoundland. Barbless is the law up there. It is really difficult to get high quality barbless hooks. I think but not sure that Mustad sells barbless hooks. I just checked, but my catalog is a 2006 version. I just did a check and Gamakatsu has a line of Barbless hooks.
  11. I am looking for someone to fly fish with me in Newfoundland for Atlantic Salmon. The price is $1600.USD + license of $61. per person for a week of fishing, guides, room and board, and transportation to and from the lodge to the airport. This would be the last week in June. Right in the middle of the season. I spoke with the owner yesterday. Four fisherman a week. Each with own room, full bathroom facilities(No out house). Please let me know if this is something anyone might be interested in. The flying would be out of Tulsa or Kansas City. Airfare runs about $850.USD.
  12. Who is the 82 year old that still guides?
  13. I tie my own leaders. It is not rocket science, and they work really well. I even use my hand ties on steel head and Atlantic Salmon.
  14. I do business with Feather Craft. When I first came here some five years ago. I needed some supplies for fly tying they have what I need when I need it.
  15. I'm still using Cortland 444 Classic Pink. I like the line a lot. It has been a lot of years. The line has a hard finish, and shoots very well. I'm messing with a Cortland Precision Salmon.Steelhead Tri-Color Spey Short Belly WF 8 Floating line on my switch rod. It is working out very well. My Spey casting leaves a lot to be desired, but this line satisfies me. 16' front taper with a 36'body. Fly lines are like anything else. You will probably get a different answer form everyone you ask.
  16. Seagar fluorocarbon Red Label is hard to beat. I use it for Tippet on everything. If you are using it for tippet make sure you use a double surgeon knot if you are using a mono leader. The biggest problem I've seen with any fluorocarbon is folks do not wet their knots enough. I did hear that Seagar made most of the fluorocarbon line. Did you ever notice all fluorocarbon is made in Japan and no place else?
  17. A little less rain would help a lot. Just staying healthy, catch and releasing some fish that have given me a really good fight. I have a couple of trips to Michigan planed, a trip to Washington and Oregon as well.
  18. Is that the fat guy I had to remove from the chimney last year?
  19. Merry Christmas to all, and a very Happy Healthy New Year!!!
  20. Congratulations to the new record holder. No matter what he did with the fish. It was his choice.
  21. An aluminum canoe is too noisy. Nice and light. The poly canoe is stronger and quiter. If you dent the poly canoe just take the dent out with a heat gun. I have owned both. At my age the lighter canoe would be nice. Both are made with a square stern.
  22. 2008 is on its last days. It was a great year for fly fishing for Atlantic Salmon. I'm looking foward to 2009. I fished the Little Southwest Miramichi at the Upper Oxbow Lodge for the past five years. 2008 was the best year in many years. Conservation has finally paid off. Upper Oxbow is a catch and release lodge. It is a five star lodge at a very reasonable price. Last year the rate was $270.USD per day. Including room and board, guide, license, and transportation to the fishing if needed. The home pool yields some nice fish as do all the pools fished. If anybody is interested in fishing for Atlantic Salmon send me a message. I'm going up on 20 June 2009 and coming back on 28 June 2009. Six days at the lodge and five days fishing. Booking early is a good thing. The lodge fills up fast.
  23. This past June when I traveled to New Brunswick for Atlantic Salmon I booked my flight with Hotwire. This was not a smart thing to do. It is better to book with the carrier. In my case that was Delta. The fare will be the same, but a ton of inconvence can be avoided. My booking thru Hotwire had me with one stop. Three days before the flight my flight going was changed to three stops. Got me in late and an unexpected hotel room. Coming back was four stops. By going to the Springfield airport I got one stop removed. The clerk was a nice guy. He told me if I had booked thru Delta online the price would have been the same. I'll be booking with Delta direct online for next June in Febuary. Springfield, to Atlanta, and then to Bangor, ME. It gets me in at 1400EDT and I can get to the lodge before dark.
  24. Really great pictures. Thanks for posting them.
  25. I bought a pair of Chota STL wading boots four years ago. They are a bit pricey, but they hold up really well. The only problem I have noticed is in tailwater they are a perfect fit. In warmer water they tighten up a bit. Overall a good boot. The new Simms Freestone is a good looking boot. They did a good job when they upgraded them. The price is the same as on the old ones. The old boots could be judged by shoe size. The new ones need to be bought a size larger(made in China).
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