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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. Hello does anyone know of a number to call to see if they will be running water? Back in the 70s you could call the dam.
  2. borned in 51 and before the lake ozark got shorlined with houses docks and run over septic tanks dad and grandpa used to trotline line for carp and buffalo and grandma would can em just like salmon and they were pretty good. now probally not so much but, coming out of cold water like stockton where it is clean carp are pretty good cook right
  3. Does anyone know when the skipjack will start their run up to bagnell dam?
  4. If you run the main part of the Lake and there are no wake going into the coves the wakes are still going in
  5. Where on the MDC site can I find how many Trout was put into the lake in Sedalia?
  6. fish anyway that is legal My jugs are free floating and I attend them at all times. Granddaughters love to chase them around too. And OH by the way I keep fish to eat too.
  7. Moved there in 98 and fished it for 13 years. the mdc is not going to stock any blues or hybred stripers. when stockton was built they stocked some northern pike there and the state record came from there but water was to hot and they all died out. They just just put a boat load of 3 to 4 walleyes there about every year. some big flat heads there thou
  8. Don't think there are any blues any stockton, just channels and flatheads
  9. Hello; You should try Crappie.com Mo. forum for more info on the crappie and www.catfish1.com Mo. forum and the best to you and yours
  10. some rod guides won't work with braided line. it wears in and causes a slot which will cut the braid. How I know this is been there and done it.
  11. thanks abunch
  12. thanks abunch
  13. My daughter teaches school in Waynesville and she would like to fish this creek from the bridge on bus. 44 bridge in Waynesville to the Casconade, what are some of the better lures since no scented bait or live bait can be used?
  14. thank you
  15. walleyeguy


    How far up do you have to go for the water to be cold enough for trout and fishing for them?
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