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Everything posted by dtrs5kprs

  1. Yes. The Loctite silver bottle has been the best. Some of the cheap ones, especially the squeeze tubes, react with the plastic.
  2. Saw this today at the Fishing Museum in Branson. Doesn't really inspire confidence.
  3. If those are Winn grips, I'd like to know how they hold up over time.
  4. Weather has a lot to do with it. When it's hot it wants to run. Try not to get it on the sides of the nozzle. As mentioned earlier, keep excess gunk off the tip. If it startsto build up, crack it off with pliers. Half dozen is nothing. We go through a couple dozen a year. I buy it at a grocery store back home, often on sale, and we get fuel points. This trip I've been using it to hold that Zman Palmetto Bugz on the flip hooks, keeping the bullet weight attached to the head, and gluing them back together. That burned up a bunch of tubes. Folks started using the black bottle, think that is the extra control, because it sets up faster. It also gunks up worse than the silver bottle. If you're pre-rigging, go with the silver. If you need something quick in the boat, go with the black. I have been known to put them in the cooler if they get runny and drippy.
  5. You'd need some patience. They're on the bottom in about 12'-16'.
  6. Saw a bunch of them down by Gobbler's on Saturday. Fun to watch, but that's about it.
  7. Yep. Day 1 last week. Looked perfect for it. First flip with a Bugz in a place I'd buzzed to death kicked out a fish. We even built a dozen buzzbait or so for the trip. I'm not at all sure the fish around Kimberling are eating shad. Lots of craw bits showing and being spit up. Strong Ned, tube, FB jig bite. Also swing head, but they were short biting it badly this morning
  8. Wind definitely got to be a bit much. That's the trouble with that main lake dragging bite.
  9. Change that to "some snakes left alone" and I would even tend to agree. Rattlesnakes and copperheads might be able to be given a wide berth. Might, if you can see them, there aren't more you don't see, aren't a child, etc. Cottonmouths are a different critter altogether. Those things will try to get in the boat with you.
  10. You need more baits. Heck, Donna should have her own wall.
  11. Yep. And a chatter bait. That's why we're flipping, lol.
  12. His level of misery was on the high side. A dead snake won't bite anyone.
  13. So... I get all the reasons why I should love and welcome snakes. Here's one reason I don't. As a newly minted pharmacist in August of 1996, one of my first patients was a guy who had been bitten by a snake. Age and boat wakes are killing my memory, but it was venomous, either a copperhead or rattlesnake. Just can't recall which, we have both around Leavenworth. He had gone out to his drive to work on his vehicle. Hot day in August. Rolled under only to find a snake had crawled under it, possibly to stay cool. Things turned snap snappy. He wasn't in the pharmacy for the snakebite. He was there because of a reaction to the anti venom. Now, reaction is a super nicely put, dinner table description. In fact, his skin was bright red, swollen, and peeling off in sheets. It made the case or two I've seen of Stevens-Johnson Syndrome look like a mild sunburn. So, having actually met and treated a snakebite victim, I'll pass on sending any goodwill their direction. Choot 'em.
  14. That's what it looks like.
  15. We haven't seen any signs of topwater fish. Think it's the water color.
  16. He's a little tank.
  17. Temp is hit and miss. Mostly hovering one side or the other of 80. We always have some fish that spawn in June, including largemouth. Think there are more this year because of the timing of all the water. Fish were up in some of these places last week, more clearly came up with the moon. Don't take that to mean the coves are full of spawners. Just that there are some to be caught. That isn't a 30 fish a day bite, but you mostly wouldn't need a board for the ones that eat it.
  18. Do you like movies about gladiators?
  19. When the lake is up, you sometimes have to roll with the punches. Certainly doesn't feel like TR in June though. We started out yesterday throwing Ned, then switched to flipping pretty quickly. That put a limit of blacks in the boat by 9am. All in various stages of bedding, all in the very back ends of spawn coves. Those places are also alive with bait. 930ish we ran downlake to look at some Ned fish. Found a horde of them, caught them on the 1/8oz, mix of colors on the cut Zinkerz. PBJ, GP red, Deal, etc. Did that until the wind and wakes got to be a bit much. Moved shallower on the same stuff and caught some flipping. Next stop was some main lake brush close to deep water. Flipping again. That added a couple more keepers, including a brown fish, and several shorts. Right before we came in we also caught several on a swing head and action cat out in front of the same bushes. On the flip bite...it seems like they are on different types of wood/bushes in different places, but the same in a given place. Some are pretty darn shallow, less than 2'.
  20. Snake hugger.
  21. Add that to the folks surprised I pick up a casting rod at need.
  22. And yes, we had to run back into Schooner, lol. I do fish other places. On occasion.
  23. Kimberling on Saturday was as bad as I've seen it in a while, and Monday wasn't much better. We ended up fishing until about 230 because the ladies were shopping. Running back into Schooner was nasty.
  24. That shallow bite is strong. Still some blacks bedding, mix of blacks and brownies can be caught flipping stuff out closer to the lake.
  25. LOZ is a much better largemouth lake. But no brown fish, and the locals seem to hate spots. I find LOZ kind of boring. Lot of similar banks, manicured coves.
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