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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. The problem with Mary Decker and a Shawnee is finding a place wide enough for the boat. I didn't recall Clabber being like that at all but it's been years since I've been through it.
  2. That's all well and good Dave. Just do me a favor and keep it quiet about the little z-man stuff you sent me, don't think the rivers could stand much of that action.
  3. We finally got enough rain that the river is well and truly blown out this morning. Yesterday afternoon it had come up about a foot and was showing some color but was not really all that bad. This morning it's up about four feet above normal and truly muddy.
  4. Lets stop talking about it and do it.
  5. I wonder how Clabber compares to Mary Decker.... We need to make this happen. When the water goes back down a little after the rain this week. Maybe one of our local spies could help there.
  6. Man that sky looked threatening. And it wasn't an empty threat either.
  7. I'll try to put together a trip for there with the OAF good ole boys and wives - late September or any time in October. Watch your PM's.
  8. Game times are a problem.
  9. Wow I just looked at it on the ROLF website. WHAT A PLACE!!!
  10. Terrierman

    What's Cooking?

    More follow up on the smoked pickled eggs. Really adds a nice touch to a chef salad. When this batch is gone, I will definitely make another. And won't be diddling around with the recipe either.
  11. They sold it instead of giving it away. Not that complicated. The guy at ROLF will take good care of it and I'll more than likely stay there someday. That area really is special.
  12. We agree twice in one week. World stopped spinning for just an instant.
  13. I wish I could have put all that into haiku but head hurts trying
  14. It's the internet for crying out loud. Have fun with it however you like. No need to take things so serious.
  15. Nice trip and nice report. Thanks for posting.
  16. I got a Buffalo Jones Monkey on my back.....
  17. Certified mail, return receipt requested would be my next step. And then one from an attorney.
  18. There are apps that only disable texting while driving. Hands free is safer than having to handle the phone. Honesty compels me to admit that I cannot count the times I've missed a turn because I was on the phone though. I bet you have too. And if not, then kudos. So there is still an element of distracted driving.
  19. There are at least five apps out to disable phone/disable texting while driving.
  20. Aw come on. Tell us what's the best color tube.
  21. How hard could it be to take a photo of a fish being weighed and then of it being released back into the lake.
  22. Finally, something we are in 100% agreement on. A lot of this thread seems to be about somebody catching and keeping "my" fish.
  23. It still amazes me that the app that shuts phones down while moving above a certain speed isn't mandatory or at least a lot more widely used.
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