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Everything posted by Terrierman

  1. -9 when I got up. -7 now. Cold enough to suit me. And another cold night tonight. Dang.
  2. I don't like to have to put on high boots to go do my outdoors stuff. That I have to do like it or not. Mine works on pretty much all snow and even gravel. Had to replace two auger pins before this last use. To me it's worth it.
  3. That's what they're doing not why. Why are they watching radar? I truly don't get the reason why? I guess I wonder what they would see on radar that would change anything?
  4. They sell them at Lowe's. 👍 Less than a riding mower, not used all that often but when it is - Nice! Worth it to this old man. AND it's electric start - from an extension cord. Except for the cold hands, it's actually kind of fun. It's easy to change where the snow goes so you can keep it downwind. Which is important. It moves a lot of snow fast and high. You can get white in a hurry if the wind is wrong.
  5. Upon further review, it's more like +/- 4 inches. Have a nice path to shop, chicken pen and a good potty place for the dogs. My hands got cold but now no need to put on boots to get around. So it was worth it.
  6. I don't understand why someone has to go to work to sit and watch radar. Can you please explain the purpose?
  7. I'd guess we're somewhere around 6 inches. It blew a lot so it's hard to tell. It is very fluffy so will be easy to deal with when I get the snow blower out. Which might be a while. It's frigid. 1 right now.
  8. It's been snowing since about 9:00 here but the grass isn't even covered yet. It can stop now if it wants.
  9. AHhhh! Sir Folly, welcome. Welcome indeed...
  10. Weather Channel says 5 to 8 inches on Tuesday and another 3 to 5 Tuesday night. Low Wednesday morning -4. Snowblower will get a workout Wednesday. Then warmer next week - 60's!
  11. Looks like another week with the outdoor dogs being indoor dogs. Dang cold February.
  12. Unless I'm mistaken, there are two original Daredevils still playing with the band of that name. They're pretty good, but not the real deal.
  13. Your boat would be dead nuts solid down there. Trailer maybe. Keys are in our top 3 places ever. Those flats are quite something are they not?
  14. I went to Busiek right after buying my mtn. bike. Clipped in at the range and headed West. First creek crossing I found myself upside down, in the creek, still clipped in after going over the bars. Water was a little deeper than I thought and the gravel was a LOT softer and deeper. I had a short and very scared mtn bike career. Decided my skeleton would prefer I stick to gravel roads and paved trails.
  15. All that coasting with none of the climbing. Genius move.
  16. It's good to remember our friends.
  17. Come on down Ness, I'll take you fishing too. Might even bring you back.😈
  18. You bet. It's kind of that way with backstrap too. A fellow needs to be sure before presentation.
  19. Ness won't come. He's already met me. BUT. He should. I'll do my best to be nice.
  20. No second breakfast either. 👍I approve. Might as well have second lunch and second supper but you, grasshopper, show much wisdom.
  21. Maybe you could put together a spreadsheet with assigned menu items, cooks and meal times? People want to know.🙃 OR you could go fishing at 0600 and be back in time for breakfast. Second breakfast is something hobbits do.😉
  22. And correct me if I'm wrong sir, but I do believe that's over.
  23. I was being too nice and waiting for people to get back from fishing. Lesson learned. Next year, breakfast will be at 8:00 sharp. You'll be expected to be there on time and ready to eat. And you'll eat what's put in front of you and like it. (Channeling my grandmother). Or go hungry.
  24. Lighten up Francis, it's a year away.
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