As long as we are talking about casting distance, the line and reel you use make a lot of difference there too. Balancing rod length, weight (UL, L, ML etc) and action (slow, medium, medium fast, fast, extra fast) right sizing the reel, and line you choose is the trick. I like 2000 or 2500 size reels on 6'6" LF or MLF rods and tend to use lighter line than a lot of others. 4 or 6 lb mono (big fan of Maxima and have been for years) and recently due to Ham's influence, 8 lb nanofil with 4 or 6 lb leader work really well for me. A decent reel with a good drag is a must. and so is a properly filled spool. I've used Shimano Sahara's, Daiwa Exceller, Lew's Speed Spin and Pflueger President lately and like them all. The Shimano's get a little picky if you get them wet so I don't buy them personally anymore. Recently bought an Okuma Trio and a closeout Daiwa Ballistic but haven't got to fish with either of those. With the stuff I have used it's no problem to cast a 1/8 Marabou Jig 60 feet or so. 1/16 naturally is going to be a little less distance.