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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by cheesemaster

  1. cheesemaster


    Yes. It was heading up river both times I seen it.
  2. cheesemaster


    I have seen an airboat a few times on the James (Cape area) over the last year or so. It is loud - real loud.
  3. I am like you - but I don’t eat any fish. If it comes from the water - count me out when it comes to eating it.
  4. Sweet! Good job. Enjoy the walleye!!
  5. Ken - Spoony was into it, not sure if he still does it or not.
  6. Went for about 3 hours. Put in at 8 and done at 11. Wind was getting pretty bad but the fishing was good. Caught 6 with 5 keepers - ended with 2 that went 3lbs one that went 2.5 and a couple that were just at 15”. It’s been a while since I was out - I definitely need to get out more. So here are three of them. All on a jerk bait. Didn’t check water temp - couple feet of visibility and color was great in my opinion.
  7. I can take care of the chips and cookies. If we don’t get many contributions I will jump back in and bring some additional stuff.
  8. Sweet fish!! A single fish that goes 6.6lbs makes it an awesome day. Nice!!
  9. Man that’s hard to hear about. I met him a few times at the OA tournament and he was always extremely nice and very easy to talk with. He seemed like the kind of guy that was just high on life. I am sorry to hear you lost a friend Mike. I will pray for friends and family.
  10. I bought 2 of them to try. I will let you know how it goes. I am sure I will NOT give them a fair chance before going back to a jerk bait. 😩
  11. I won’t win the plaque but I will fish and bring food!!
  12. Another great outing! I too enjoy the graph pics.
  13. Sweet work Quil!!
  14. Great observation - Now that you mention that I have to say, here around Cape Fair I have not seen the numbers as years past either.
  15. Lol. Couldn’t imagine.
  16. Very!!
  17. Took a video - too cold to get out of the truck. Not sure that it will load. IMG_1059.MOV
  18. It was a good outing - wish there were a few more keepers - but beggars can’t be choosers.
  19. Went out for about 4 hours. I left the ramp at 7:50 am and was back at noon. I never started the big motor. Just fished both sides of the bank in a big circle from my house. I caught around a baker’s dozen or so. 1 keeper that was a little over 4lbs. It was skinny but had a big head and mouth. Mouth looked like it should have been 6 pounds. Jerkbait was the ticket for me today. Tossed a rock crawler, buzzer, and a shakey head. Water was 52. Misted for a while and cloudy the whole time.
  20. Sweet!! I am a bank beater and don’t use graphs hardly ever - mine are pretty junky anyway - so I appreciate a picture of an active graph like you posted. Very cool.
  21. Happy Thanksgiving to everyone. Many of you I have never met but appreciate the posts and contributions to the forum.
  22. Any updates on the tournament?
  23. That’s a heck of a crappie!!
  24. Yes it is. You know the one.👍🏻😎
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