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Kenny Gann

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About Kenny Gann

  • Birthday 09/07/1958

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Sparta Mo.
  • Interests
    Huntin Deer,Turkeys,Fishin for bass and crappie

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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. Nice fish Wyatt. And it looks like grampa taught him how to hold a large fish. Nice job Grampa!!!
  2. Ya I'm gonna be there and Tapout is commin with me!!!
  3. And they say there is no such thing as a megladon. I new it was real! (nice job great catch).
  4. Yea Jerry I think it would. I will try that also.
  5. AHH good idea dtrs5kprs. I'm testing and learning. The 2 on the right are 1/4 oz for wind. The one on the left is 1/8 oz.
  6. Got an idea to keep zero's and z-man's on the hook without glue. Used the little zip ties that come in variety packs of ties that are good for not much else but holding wires and such. Slip the bait up on the shank to the bottom of jig head, It takes a little pushin but it will slide up and stay long enough to put zip tie around it and cinch it down between jig head and bait barb. We fished it yesterday and works fine. I even tried glue'd rigs and these both and caught fish on both. And if you want color the ties come in clear,red yellow and green.I will need calmer water to test it so give it a try and post. We will see how it goes.
  7. Thanks Champ, that's what I got tied on. I will let you know. Once again thanks to all you fishin guys for your help and post's on this site, it has helped me tremendously.
  8. Good report as usual Mr.Bill. I'm going to Shell Knob this weekend. Might I ask what brand and color of stick bait were you using. I have awful luck fishing those things
  9. The reason you cant buy a annual permit on weekends is because its a corp funded service not a dewey short service. Permits have to be sold and issued by a park ranger only. They work at dewy short 9 to 5 monday thru friday only. You can buy them online and they will send it right to your house.
  10. Would love to try some of your jigs. I struggle fishing a jig and read more than post on this site because these guys know way more than I do. Im learning and will give feedback on the jigs. Im in no hurry just when you get caught up. Kenny Gann 1635 Hodges RD. Sparta MO. 65753
  11. Ok I will take a stab at it. It looks like fish are attacking and maybe even herding the bait like dolphins do to sardines. Bass i have seen on my graph just suspend under the bait and wait on wounded or stragglers. Bass do attack but usually toward surface not that deep. Just my thoughts.
  12. Question for MOPanfisher. How come if parks and ramps are closed to campers,fisherman, picnickers, swimmers and the like when then again they allow hunters to come in and hunt possibly parking on COE land to do so. I figure if I put my bow in the boat I am legal to use the parkin area and ramp to go fishing (oops sorry hunting)?I see turkey hunters in the spring unloading boats and hunting then fishing in the afternoon. The whole thing seems like a pot callin the kettle black to me. And as long as i mentioned an old saying my dad used to use i will use another. There's more than one way to skin a cat! I hope you get back to work soon.
  13. Thanks for all your comments fellas. This gives me a good place to start without spending a fortune through trial and error,There are so many variations off baits out there that it is mind bogling, Thanks again
  14. Thinkin about investing and I do mean invest in some megabass jerk baits for this winter's fishing.I don't own any at all and the price they are I would be appreciate any help as far as model numbers and colors that work best on Table Rock. If there are jerkbait's out there that are comparable to Megabass let me know what they are. Thanks for the help.
  15. Been reading this post for 3 days now and I agree with Bill and others on living in America where u have a choice. I applaud the fact that all these guys have a opinion and even tho some disagree they still respect your opinion, unlike muslims who kill people for not beleiving there way. Its great to have God and country with people who get along no matter their opinion. Fish Fish Fish thats what we do.
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