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  1. Yeah, thanks for the waste of gray matter in your head, I'm sure your intellect impresses many. My dad having full body sepsis and being in a medically induced coma for 7 weeks bummed me out, but that is not depression. Nor is the feeling that I had when I received the phone call that my mother was literally ran over by semi and had all sorts of internal injuries depression. Those were "bummers", as a I quote the wise one who only knows about outboard motors yet feels he possesses the qualifications to determine what is or is not depression, but not depression. Your back peddling B.S. that you subsequently posted to this forum is just saving face and I do not doubt that this post, as well as the one below, reflects how you truly feel about this subject. You have no clue how mentally tough I am but the whole world can see exactly how ignorant you are when you post crap like this. I hardly ever wish ill on anyone, but I would love to see you have a manic episode and then some one tell you to "toughen up." There is just not enough words in the english language to convey how stupid your posts are. My "mental disorder" of taking medications for depression helps to keep me employed, thus not claiming disability. Also, you are so illiterate that you could not even read in my first post that I was actually talking about the lack of coverage my, and most Americans, health insurance has for therapy, not pills. Therapy helps heal for some and medicine can help control, but one without the other doesn't help me as much as the combination. BTW, your "facts" are just crap opinions formed from your ignorant assessments of life. Also, there is no way that you would've said that crap to my face. It's far to easy to be an internet troll. I would never physically assault someone for being a mere idiot, but your ears would be ringing from tongue lashing dispensed. And yes, while possessing superior intellect does not automatically equate to a correct point of view superior intellect will lead one to be correct more often than being incorrect. Deadstream, you are an idiot too. Sure, there are people out there that will scam the system, just like those people who use radar detectors, lie on their taxes etc., but that does not mean that everyone does cuts the system. My doctor doesn't peddle anti-depressants or anxiety meds, she actually assesses my condition and attempts to help me. It's sounds like your doctor either is violating his or her ethical duty, or you are in complete denial about your situation and are an egotistical moron who "cuts down wasted dopers." Good for you my friend. Jackasses who barely comprehend the english language, or rational thought, yet possess the motor skills to operate computer cause me anxiety. It's been a fun one guys.This will be my last post on this forum and it's crazy that I had even came back to this forum after leaving it previously. I am actually ashamed that this forum, one of the best for information on the Ozarks, consistently has this type of crap. I would be worried about tourists seeing this and confirming the negative(and largely inaccurate) stereotype about the Ozarks and lead a person to avoid our wonderful rivers, lakes and parks.
  2. "I think it is time to stop pandering to people with mental disorders." I highly doubt pander is really what you wanted to say hear, as I would imagine most people who are transgender would rather not have the whole world to know of it. While I am not transgender, I have depression and anxiety and, while in school and freshly out of school(broke), I couldn't afford medications or other treatment for my depression. Thankfully my new place of employment does pay for mental health and, while it is a process, it's nice to have the help. I would say that the US is well behind the rest of the first world regarding mental disorders. I know that my insurance will not pay for mental health, but I'm sure it will pay for ED pills. People, literally, kill themselves from mental disorders yet it seems that we as a nation would rather fixate on weight loss surgeries etc. It's sad to see statements like yours, not only does it display a deep misunderstanding of issues that people deal with, but it also encourages people to follow and accept these views.
  3. Went out today to Lake JACOMO which is a lake in the Kansas City metro. Spent three hours and no fish, but that is not the frustrating part. I have one of those Humminbird bank fish finders. Started off marking 0 fish, and chummed some to draw attention. I had about ten good sized fish(from the view of the fish finder) around my bait and no takers. This was my first time specifically targeting carp and, with the degree of difficulty involved, it will not be my last time going after these fish. At one point I felt like those guys on Wicked Tuna, marking fish but they aren't biting. In case you were wondering, temperature was 70 and the depth was 10'.
  4. I was hoping to find the real generation on the White today, thus I went to Newlands website only to find that it is down. Does anyone know what is going on i.e. financial troubles/change of ownership?
  5. Sounds like an over complication of the matter. I carry two colors, red and black. Both have silver beads and silver ribbing. Sizes from 16-20. If they aren't hitting that, then I feel as though I am doing something wrong. Usually it starts with how deep my fly is from my indicator. I usually try to keep it around 12 to 24 inches depending on the depth of the water and how fast the water is moving(more current = more depth). Then I go to tippet. I am a fluorocarbon guy and I am not ashamed to admit it. I start with 5x, then go to 6x. The most common error I do, and see others do as well, is lining the fish. It is too tempting to cast the fly on top of the fish and overshoot it just a little, ending up in a spooked fish and frustrated angler. Another thing that might be of help is the indicator you are using. Midge takes are often subtle, thus half a paisa indicator is a good start. You could also go with a smallish dry fly as an indicator and the midge as a dropper. That's my take on midge's and I have darn good luck with(I hope you do as well).
  6. grizzly


    Looks like you guys are getting more rain today. Any clue of how much the local weather forecast is calling for? I was hoping to come down in a week and a half.
  7. Or they could put a limit on the amount of gigged fish. For example, 100(or whatever number) confirmed gigged fish equates to the end of the gigging season. It might be a little harsh to those who gig ethically, but it could put result in people reporting those who poach in order to keep the gigging season alive.
  8. I think the "One example of a situation that would probably result in a citation is if a person repeatedly gigs gamefish." statement puts a bit of a hole in the "unfounded, unsubstantiated conspiracy theory" jargon you are throwing around. Realistically, gigging puts an MDC agent in a difficult situation. We all make mistakes, but a gigging mistake hurts just a tad more than a barbed fly in a barbless only area. The agent is a human and may take mitigating factors into account despite the fact that it seems that this law is one of strict liability. Personally, I don't know what I would do if I was the agent in a small town where everyone knows each other. . .
  9. I have an 11 year old daughter and I'm already starting to see the teen years coming. I love her to death and she is the center of my world, but I have a sneaking suspicion that the teen years will be interesting. "When I was sixteen, my father was the most ignorant man in the world. By the time I reached 21, I was surprised at how much he had learned in five years." Mark Twain was correct about so many things.
  10. Sorry for jumping in so late and maybe this is a dead horse, but I cannot believe the amount of outcry regarding C&R and the ethical implications of such an act. Everyone on this forum fishes and there are really two options once you land a fish: keep it or release it. I personally prefer to catch and release. Call me what you will (trophy hunter, number counter, unethical . . .) but I can sleep at night with my decisions. You have your way, I have mine: as for the right way, the correct way and the only way, it does not exist. If this makes me immoral, then maybe I’m just having a better time fishing than you. As far as caring about the fish in the river, ask the people who purposefully avoid fishing a stream when the fish are spawning. In my opinion, the will to defer a passion that one loves in order to allow for a better future of the river/stream is nothing short of reverence for the fish. I will continue to "torture" fish in a merciless manner. Here's a nice little quote to sum up your hypocritical stance on fishing: "He who fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster himself. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you."
  11. What are you fishing for? (It might help a little). Trout? Something with some shine to it. I would have an attractor pattern, such as an egg, but the dropper is going to be normal sized(a sz. 14 PT flashback or something with some flash). Otherwise, big streamers. A double articulated fly will be my first choice. Look on Kelly Galloup's website to find some patterns.
  12. grizzly


    These trout have been through just about everything: drought, floods, heat, farming, DDT . . . . I think they will be ok. Maybe not a great brood for next year, but these trout are survivors.
  13. This topic is very repetitive on this forum and it is apparent that neither sides will ever agree. I would have to imagine that regular pole and line anglers affect our smallmouth population than gigging simply because more people fish with pole and line as opposed to gigging. Enforcement of the wildlife code has always been an issue in Missouri, it's comparable to traffic violations as there are so many highways and so few cops to enforce those breaking the speed limit. What is one to do? I think the MDC needs to hire more people to enforce the regulations. Merely putting words on paper lacks any substantial impact as those who posses an utter disregard for the law will continue to conduct these activities until they are caught. I hope they catch these bastards.
  14. Dain, I read back through my post and I think that I may have came across a bit harsh. I apologize if I offended you. Anytime I am fishing and not catching, I look to my tippet and my approach. Fluorocarbon has really treated me well. When I fish the white, I usually don't go below 5x and I rarely, if ever, use 6x. I just checked my tippet rolls and it looks like 4x and 5x are the ones I used the most last year. I have a friend who guides out west and he never goes below 5x, even if he is fishing spring creeks. Nonetheless he strictly uses fluorocarbon. When my friend started out fly fishing, I put him on a 3x leader with a 4x fluorocarbon tippet and he caught a handful of fish on taney. The reason I used heavy tippet with a beginner was due to the stiffness of the tippet prevents wind knots and tangles(in my experience) and it made for a more enjoyable afternoon. Hope this helps.
  15. Your experience could be the result of a few things. I would imagine the presentation was off i.e. that your fly was dragging. I don't fish trout parks anymore, but I always notice the people dragging their flies all around. Work on mending. If that wasn't the case, the fish could be spooked from all the anglers. Trout in these parks don't seem to mind people so much, but you never know. I've never known trout to be too picky at RR, but I do use fluorocarbon when nymphing. I really like fluorocarbon over mono when fishing nymphs as it sinks better and, supposedly, it is less visible under water. I think 5x is right on at RR, but I do fish 5x fluoro. Fish the blue ribbon streams if you want solitude Blue ribbon streams are the only streams I fish in MO when it comes to trout.
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