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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by fishingaddiction

  1. I was out on the Rock today in the KC area. The day was just fabulous and the fishing was decent also. Good report RPS happy to hear you got on some Ned fish. No toothy critters? I will try and get my day on the water posted, if I can stay awake long enough.
  2. I heard that.
  3. Weather conditions were in your favor today. Good days fishing and a great report and nice to hear the small jaws are wanting to play. Have you had any issues with the green snot?
  4. Dave I stand corrected on the weight of your gear, the Ranger is still quite peppy. I get your drift on your past life as a bass club president, your current fishing status would be much less time consuming. Rob: Nice looking baits, fish catchers they are with all of those teeth marks on them.
  5. You've got it going on up in the river. Quite a difference when you compare the upper White to the KC area.
  6. Not my favorite thing to do either James. When fishing seems tough my mind gets to working for solutions, something different to try.
  7. I prefer mushroom head jig heads from 1/32 to 1/8 oz. with small hooks from gopher or pj's. You won't have to look back to far to find previous post on this board that go into great detail.
  8. The water temps have gone down somewhat since last Saturday. I wonder if the majority of the staging fish have moved out deeper? Have you had any action dragging a jig, tube or wobble head plastic or run the A rig down to around 20' or so for suspended fish?
  9. I don't envy you fishing in the wind today, it was just brutal. Kinda glad I had to work, but tomorrow may be the day you have been looking for except for the chance of rain in the late afternoon. You had a good keeper to total catch rate. Sounds like Quill might go fishing as well. Look forward to more posts, as I am coming over to fish Saturday.
  10. Good old fashion butt kicking on the crappie. Good fish catching, quality time with your Dad, can't beat that. Great pics and report. By the way and I like the sun hat better than the KU hat. LOL
  11. A good day all things considered. Great pair of LM. Weather forecast looks good going forward, so things should improve.
  12. Hard to cast until that shoulder heals. Hope you are able to get back out soon.
  13. Great information. Hopefully this will be helpful to all who are considering purchasing a gopro or already have one. In my opinion they are worth the investment, you just have to use your imagination some to get the most use out of it. Appreciate the great info!
  14. Dave, that is one hell of a wart collection, but I realize that is just your stand by box in case the crank is the ticket. I don't know how you could possibly carry your gear in your boat, and still be able to get it out of the hole. Your finesse stuff alone would require one or two full compartments in you're boat! ha ha. You had better make a deal with Bill to not send the pic to your wife. On the other hand if she is like my better half, she gave up trying to monitor the amount of tackle I buy a long time ago. We have been married 32 years, so I guess that proves my point.
  15. wd: Thanks for the gopro info. I have had mine since Christmas, but haven't decided on the right mounts for the boat. Are there other locations to place the suction cup mount other than the top of the outboard? Although the ouboard field of view is a good position to capture lots of area. Possibly the wind shield, or on the top cap of the boat? I am thinking also about the clamp mount with the flexible arm. Have you had any experience with this one? The camera could be placed anywhere you had somewhere to place the clamp. Also are you getting enough run time with the standard battery? I do have two battery's that will provide additional run time. think there are other options for direct connection to an alternative battery source. Any feed back would be helpful. Thanks.
  16. Very nice pics, you got to fish a lot of the lake and had some good action. Sorry for the upsets on the big ones, but that is fishing. Thanks for posting.
  17. Excellent intel Champ. Others have posted having a fairly tough time of it Sunday, ya'll managed to hammer out a good day.
  18. I had several come up to the surface busting shad early in the morning Saturday, so I agree that top stuff is not far off. As always they were just out of reach for a cast. Good tip on the fluke and floating plastics. Fished the Keitech swimmer some on a light jig head, the softness is part of what makes them so effective. Phil: I love your idea on the water balloons, you could put some fish formula in them.
  19. Good report MOBass, sounds like you and your son enjoyed some quality fishing time together. When he gets the hang of the split shot bite you'd better watch out!
  20. Good suggestions on using the super finesse stuff to combat the moss, but really tough to fish the 1/32 head in the wind!
  21. Thanks for the KC report Bill. I fought the moss Saturday. Any suggestions as far a baits, techniques or presentations that would work in the moss? It just seems like we have more jerks and not just tournament fisherman out in full force this spring. There is plenty of good water for everyone to fish if they would just have some respect for others. I also think some just don't know any better.
  22. Congrats on the win Danger. Sounds like the event was mostly fun with some good fish caught.
  23. Correct. Looked to be big girl LM, with some K's mixed in.
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