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Everything posted by fishingaddiction

  1. Good point, and I do believe your right about schooling fish hitting them. Stick with the 1/8th oz white jig and light action spinning rod with no more than 6 lb test. This set up would allow for maximum distance on the cast, which is usually required when schoolers come up. There are a lot of lures that will work on schoolers, so I haven't thought about using the zig jig. Ham: I hear you on the creek smallies, as Quill pointed out the brown/orange jig should be good. Makes me want to load up the yak and hit the upper Kings River.
  2. Quill: Funny you would mention the zig jig. I have used these on trout for about 3 or 4 years now. They will out catch other trout lures 5 to 1 under most circumstances. There is a learning curve with getting the rod action right, so that the jig is presented properly, but when you do....WOW. I have used them for white bass, but nothing else. What are your thought's?
  3. I'll be sure to check out your fish pic's to make sure the pink helicopter is in there. Ha Ha
  4. You hit the nail on the head ab. I can't tell you how much this forum has improved my fishing technique's especially for the Rock. It's all about sharing information from everyone who posts to this forum. Each of us can either choose to use this information to improve or ignore it.
  5. Air temps are getting warmer each day this week. Should get water temps up a bit and improve catching. Glad you caught a few Bill, thanks for the post.
  6. Enjoyed the links to the articles, thanks for posting them. The article about Shin Fukae on Beaver was very interesting in how he approaches finesse fishing. Agree with the dragging retrieve on the little rig, other than when the moss was bad last spring. At that time I had good success with popping the rig up and letting it fall on semi slack line not letting it hit bottom and getting in the moss. Strikes would occur on the fall.
  7. You and Donna are to be commended on giving it a try Sunday. Sorry the catching wasn't any good, but better days are ahead. As you know I tried to go Sunday, but would have had to break ice to get to open water, not to mention possibly dumping my truck and boat into the drink on the slick ramp. Good luck with the Beaver derbies, and thanks for posting.
  8. +1. This deal for me will be used in the same locations and conditions that I would throw the grub.
  9. Thanks for the detail Jason. I had planned to go fishing this morning, but launch ramp and water was froze. Hundreds of small shad were frozen in the ice. Big time shad kill going on right now. Guess I'll wait for better conditions.
  10. Sounds good Champ. Like the lure choices and locations you mentioned. I will also have the grub rod ready. I plan to trailer to hwy H ramp and go up lake from there. Our house is not far, and been wanting to fish that area for a while. Several good rolloffs as well as bluff ends. Don't let Donna out fish you too bad. Look forward to hearing how you did.
  11. Thanks for the info Jason. The rig was good for you. Sounds like main lake stuff. Your fish were fairly shallow over deeper water?
  12. Drove over the hwy 86 bridge at the Kings this morning and saw a thin layer of ice on both sides. Suppose to be a heat wave tomorrow at 40 so maybe some of this snow will melt just in time for another front to arrive Monday. What the heck!
  13. Didn't go today Champ, but we came over this afternoon, so I am going out tomorrow. What is your game plan? I am going to check some deep locations with the a-rig, and the spoon. May throw the jerk bait if I can't get anything going deep.
  14. Good info bluebasser. Your a good ways from my neck of the woods. I will order from TW. Don't know when I will able to try them, maybe next weekend. Be sure to post your results when you try them.
  15. Good to know the little baits have good hooks. The bass should suck the spinbait 80 down deep due to it's size and shape. Plug: I agree with you about not jumping on every new technique that comes along, but this one caught my attention. I seem to do very well on the rock with finesse lures, so fishing this one is right up my alley. I am going to give this a good work out, and will report any success or failure. 40 years of fishing has taught me to stay with what has worked in the past, but to also check out new and innovative lures and presentations.
  16. LMAO! abkeenan that is great. TR looks like Jason answered your question.
  17. I can't even type a complete sentence, this cold weather has got my fingers froze.
  18. Who is going to win the Major League Fishing title? KVD certainly has to be the favorite, with the numbers he has been catching. I am pulling for Martens or Hack Attack. Bill, I am not sure the Hogs will win an SEC game next year. We have got a long way to go to be competitive again, and I wouldn't about us beating Mizzou anytime soon.
  19. That is great. Thanks for posting it Quill!
  20. You would think TW would pay us a commission for all the sales we've generated for them in last few months, not to mention all of the other on-line retailers. Of course QB would be the top salesman! I just hope we all are feeling better about the $$ we've dropped on rods, reels, baits, line, when we are slaying those HAWGS this spring with all this new gear.
  21. Great feedback and comments by everyone. Having watched all of the video's about this technique and the Realis Spinbait 80, I am going to order a few and give it a shot. Dave: You make a good point about the lures and techniques that have been introduced in the US after they originated and were developed in Japan. Has anyone seen these baits at any of your local tackle shops? I really would like to look at some of them and the colors before I order them.
  22. I agree with this 100%. Did they say when the projected closure would be?
  23. He already has that pegboard filled up. We're talking a different pegboard.
  24. There could be something to this. I see this as another option in the spring when female K's, LM, and Smallies are moving in from deep water for the right moment to move up shallow. At this time of year the swimming grub is hard to beat, but this is something they haven't seen. Who know's?
  25. Read an article in bass master on this technique. Suppose to be deadly on suspended bass in clear water lakes. The lure mentioned for this is Duo Realis Spinbait 80. I got this image from the Tackle Warehouse website. Has anyone used this technique on the Rock?
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