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Everything posted by netboy

  1. Sounds great. We were up that way last year for a funeral but didn't get a chance to fish with all the Covid stuff going on. Looks like some nice water to fish. Good luck and put a report up.
  2. And another one.... Opps, check out the correction.😮
  3. Been there, done that.
  4. For all you bird hunters...
  5. Launched the boat and ran up to the same area that has been good for surface fishing. Fishing was good with a sulphur crackleback drifted on top and then stripped back in the surface film. Ended up with with a dozen nice rainbows, biggest was 21" and 2 cutties. Probably missed another dozen by setting the hook too early. With all the recent talk about mishandling fish I want to mention that I always wet the bottom of the boat with a towel before taking a picture so these fish are not roasting on the boat floor while taking the pics.
  6. Great report. Looks like some fun small stream fishing.
  7. I like to fish too much so I would never consider being a guide.😁
  8. I hope you guys are using barbless trebles on those jerk baits. Just sayin...
  9. True, that could also cause the injury.
  10. Launched at White Hole this morning and ran up to a weed bed that has been providing some good dry fly fishing. There were a few fish rising when I got there so I tied on a foam sulphur dry fly and caught 4 pretty quick. They quit rising after that so I switched to a soft hackle and caught another dozen on that. It was all rainbows this morning including a couple decent ones. Also caught what appears to be another victim of the Boga grip???
  11. ....
  12. How to speak Bidenese....
  13. But most of the bait guys don't want to get wet. I have only ventured over there once and there seemed to be lots of great public access docks to fish from (the Branson landing and Cooper creek where we launched). Most folks on those docks had some trout in their buckets.
  14. I think Dan Ackroyd's Bass-O-Matic commercial was the classic spoof on the TV hawkers....
  15. That is true, but it is great to have a C&R area where people can fish for some bigger trout. There are plenty of places on Taney and the White river to fish and catch and keep a limit of trout. The C&R areas on the White river generate lots of income for the local economy.
  16. Seems to me they should make that entire "Trophy Area" a total C&R area like the Bull Shoals Dam and Rim Shoals C&R areas here on the White. Easier to enforce (no 5 gal buckets, coolers or stringers allowed...period) and then you would see some real hogs up there. Here are the regs for our C&R areas... BULL SHOALS CATCH-AND-RELEASE AREAS: In the following areas, trout must be released immediately. Only artificial lures or flies may be used (natural or scented baits are not allowed). All hooking points must be barbless. Chumming is not allowed. Catching bait with bait tackle is not allowed.
  17. Ham, I think you, Johnsfolly and FishinDave are the perfect examples of Stage3. Think about it... you guys not only figure out where to go to catch a target species, but actually catch it when you get there. That's pretty impressive in my book. You guys are certainly not after numbers or size, just the challenge of catching that "smart" fish.👍
  18. Looks like a great trip. The saying about the 3 stages of fly fishing is... 1. You want to catch the most fish. 2. You want to catch the biggest fish. 3. You want to catch the smartest fish.
  19. Very nice Blazer setup maybe an 18x 56"... but you are not interested in mine that is for sale,...C'mon man, it's 1/2 price????
  20. Yes dun colored hackle and sulphur orange body. Sorry for the fuzzy picture.
  21. Sounds like you guys need to get a few of these...😀
  22. Here is a picture of the fly. I use micro fine dry fly dubbing material for the body and then palmer the hackle from front to back. To fish it, cast across stream and let it dead drift as a dry fly until it starts to swing and then yank it under and strip it back. Also pause it a few times during the retrieve and let it come back to the surface. This will sometimes trigger a strike from a trout following the fly. I tie it in size 16 and 18 depending on water flows. I also tie it in olive which works well during the caddis hatch.
  23. Wow, I was first in line for it. After working in West Africa for years and taking Hydroxychloroquine for malaria I still jumped on the chance for the vaccine. I know 2 good friends that died from Covid and it was a horrible death. Imagine slowly drowning over the course of 4 days and then they put you out and put you on a ventilator, which is the last straw.... And then to top it off the family could not be with them during their last days, hours and minutes...
  24. I'll try to post a picture of it tomorrow morning if my camera will capture the detail. It is really not a true crackleback as it does not have a peacock herl on the back.
  25. Here's mine...and it's for sale
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