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Old plug

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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. Good decision Wrench about that visit. He might have blew a big big hole in you with his 12 ga shotgun.
  2. I sure hope so. I live on that neck it's called cedar point.
  3. Middle gravois drove solid last night. I think all the way to Coffman Beach
  4. I have been on this lake through during several freezes. this one is the strangest I have ever seen. this morning when I got up the lake was frozen out from my dock about 50 yards where I live almost on the channel. I a, flabbergasted it did not freeze over the last cold spell. before this morning there was no ice bank to bank in my lake area. now with a slight wave ripple it was virtually been eliminated it all the way back to the dock and appears as if is going to clear it all out. This in face of a 3 pm afternoon temp 8 degrees. All I can think of is this late fall warmth mist have had a awful lot of impact on the thin knees of that warm upper layer.
  5. Only thing I got to say about it s that it would be better than the gun fire solution. That use to go on here now and then around the lake. It is a good thing only boats got shot up and none exploded. There was a guy not far from my old place on Lick Branch Cove got caught for it. Now days with stuff like sniper type riles large scopes and silencers. Somebody could manuever back roads on these country roads and wind up killing a bunch of people. With the present state of mind in this country I do not find it unvelievable.
  6. Well Wrench I do let her do her thing. BUt when she does not do it Do it with my 410 pump . THe problem is not the shooting it is the widow next door. She needs a gun also. Something in a 6-8 "" caliber. I mostly plink off the deck. I really feel 40 yard is to far out anyway.
  7. Wrench I am going to try or buy a bit better scope for mine for my birthday. Nothing expensive. But I will be up to see you to sight it in. I'm not really into target shooting. tree rats chipmunks and such is about what I use it for. I have All kinds of claps so I think I can improvise a pretty good siting in rack If this coon cat next door gets out into the yard more I will not heed it for that. She will go up in a tree after a tree rat and she will catch. She is as agile as they are up there.
  8. Coffmans Beach is. At least on the water as of today. I looked down the lake when getting the mail and seen no ice period.. Have no idea about anything on the Gravois above Cedar Point.
  9. I ask Wrench the other day how many of these pesky tree rats he has killed. He said none but proudly produce his limit of dead plastic Denos. I think he is becoming confused.a bit.
  10. Think that is a nice gesture AL. My Thing is I been fishing about 73 years. I had to learn hands on what would work and when. I have q friend that every time he fished he would go home and record every detail of his trip he had notebooks full of stuff. Wrench will variety this. He went on to win a nationsl FLW championship. you can tell them all you want but unless people learn to STUDY and FEEl what's happening at the end of there line and why they struggle no matter what you tell them. As far as the Meramec goes I used to spend q lot of time between the birds nest and Onandoga. I been gone from that for many many years. a couple of years ago we had to attend a funeral of a friend in Leasburg. I took a drive down to the river for old times sake. What I seen down there at Ondaga Mede me physically sick. People will destroy that river there is no doubt in my mind.
  11. If you owned a dock that was a waypoint on some fishing maps you might be so understanding. I have had everything from a broken prop to dock boat damage to Line and lures fowled in the walkway boat seat you name it. Had people get mad at me because I want to get back in my dock coming in from fishing. Does it bother me they catcvh all the fish NO because they do not.
  12. LIke I was telling you at the house the other day. There are never ever going to get the basic are they Wrench. They are in a hurry and want to it all to be given to them. And truthfully they got nothing all that worthwhile.Deep or shallow it will not matter.
  13. I do not think he does for sure Wrench. Depends on what court, witnesses and past record. He has caused a lot of problems their is records of I remember clearly when The restaurants and bars in Laurie were all up in arms about. I only had a few encounters with him. I only had a few encounters with him and that wa asking about something. His replies were always smart a- - like he did not want to be bothered.
  14. Shift he was a real AH from the time he was a cop in Laurie through this. I remember seeing ing him in the Laurie Police chiefs office sitting there with his feet on a desk and the Hiway patrol car parked in back. He caused a lot of problems about pinching people for being under the influence and some of them were not. He used to sit close to a bar and wait for someone to leave then pick out who ever he wanted to stop and check them. People cold drink 2 bottles of beer and leave and they would test high. There was a stink about it Some called him the Alcohol vigilante. Only impression I ever got from him was aloft arogant wise mouth AH
  15. Good advice Champ especially for those coming to LOZ in the winter.
  16. Good advice there Champ especially for winter fishing on LOZ. I hope all those coming too LOZ will pay close attention too that
  17. It only answers one thing right place and that is just plain MAYBE. Then if the fish are not in the feeding cycle then your out of wack the the other two sides.They are called RIGHT TIME even then you can be off. Then you can have those two right and still be off on the RIGHT WAY. Chunking lure, etc does not mean much if the retrieve is wrong. like how fast your bait is moving ,falling or rising How hard it is hugging the bottom or brush, What kind action you are imparting if any, then the sub categories of those three to understand. Only place I have ever seen all the questions SOMETIMES is with the whites, stripers and hybrids.
  18. I have always thought there is three critical sides to fishing right place right time and right way. Only thing you may get from a fish finder of value is right place. But if the other two not there you will frustrate yourself causing a distraction from the other two.
  19. A few of the best fisherman I know on this lake have not ever paid much over $100 for one so I got to wonder just how much they help folks
  20. I need to get a picture of my friends lure collection. He is one of the foremost lure collectors in the world. If your into that kind of thing and wonder who he is His name is Ed Bryant. Owns Ozark Outfitters in Laurie Mo.
  21. A doctor explained exactly what the problem is in the cold for old people. Your skin is thinner and your not getting the blood is not getting thru as well as it was when you were young. Some think you can have heart By Passes and it restores your blood citculation. That is true it does as for as major organs. It does not help much with the little tiny veins that feed stuff like nerves. Best way to preserve your old age cold protection is maintain a low colesteral diet.evan thst is not going to goon for eve
  22. Yes it is Mitch. FORCED knowledge you might say. Both .i and the wife could have cery easally frozen our finger tips taking down Christmas decorations out in the yard even with thick gooves on.. I have ro avoid anything under mid 40s anymore bare handed
  23. As far as all this cold stuff goes. I been there and done that. i will not being doing it anymore.
  24. I do not have a favorite spot. Spots do not mean anything die to all the variations in ured in fishing. I do have a a favorite area however. That is anything above the Hurricane Deack bridge. If you cannot catch bass up there, you will not be able to catch them anywhere on LOZ
  25. i would say if your not hitting rocks and docks with them your missing out on a lot of fish. I never knew a good stick bait fisherman who didin't. Bass will lay in wait in cack of a bolder ect thistime of year looking up at the bank.
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