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Old plug

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. I still would have maybe connected a line to the pallets just to keep them there. you csnnot unestimate the power of water rising and falling
  2. Pallets will work if you in a got them in a good crappie spot. They draw large bass. Just throwing things under the dock is by far No guarantee. it is going to bring in Crappie. How deep are they????
  3. Yeah wrench I have thpught about shooting it without that little xheap sxope I hace in the past. Will see after get hew glases lepater this month. I have a hexk of a time right now. The small crappoe lines ar avout imposible for me to see in lessxthan very good light.
  4. She os no kid She has grown through hell and high water into a fine young lady entering her last year in college soon. She handles guns flyrods and bait casters better than many men I know.
  5. I got the assembled in spain model 94. I got mine at walmart. They had it on the bottom of the shelf all by itself with a sticker sticker price of sonewhere in the 80s. The gn on the box picture looked pretty nice. I picked it up and itvwas a heavy as a lot regular rifles. I opened it up and that was it I bought it rght straight away. They had a red proce sticker on there but nothing else. IAll together it was about $90 with tax. If you have a older 94 with adjustable trigger it is the Diana 94. As far as the basic gun goes the diana and regular 94 were the same gun. Those RWS are very pricey. Model 34 Diana can cost you $500+ easy new and not far cfrom that used. I JUST LOVE WALMART. I always look closely at prices in that place especially the outdoor section. I got ny little 410 pump checking prices like that. I looked in the gun case and there sat a brand new really pretty 410 pump with a price tag saying about $140 on it. They knew sonething was wrong with that price but they were stuck having to sell it to me. I bought it on the spot. I went into the Walmart in Versailles Mo one time and they had all the Berkley Cherrywood HD rods prced at $11 bucks. They did not last long.
  6. I went over to Wrenches today and we plicked a little with different pellets. I have some of the red tipped ones in 177 and they just tore up a thicker average condensed milk can on the way out at about 50 ft. Of course young miss Ammy Okely herself ( Amber Sims) doing a lot of the shooting
  7. You got a humdinger of a mustle problem.
  8. I do not truly chum I may throw a few whole ones in the water now ne then. I do not take anymore than I think I will use. most times this is a about 2-3 dozen max. I hook them thru the eye with the hook on a spoon. I try to use them while they are fresh. The longer they are dead the less effective they are for atuff like Hybrids. quillback ... I have 2 fishing friends.One is a vert good crappie fisherman the other is all About catching all hecan and cleaning them. I do not like the second friends fishing
  9. No it did not. I been looking at a rws site at scopes and mounts. They do have a recoil about as bad a my 410 pump.
  10. I have trouble woth my RWS scope walking.
  11. I might come up and pick one up from you Wrench. Let me know if you get them.
  12. I use fresh shad at times to catch whites,Hybrids abd stripers It can be a tremendous help if done right.
  13. I cannot find the ones with BB inbedded in them anymore. They hit as hard as anything I ever seen in my 177 RWS. As far as being accirate that thing has been shooting wHere it is pointed since the first time I used it. The BB invedded ones are like a domed pellet
  14. I am not sure that there has always been something wrongvwith him I f you read what I sentvyou itvsays something about acmedicated condition from other treatments. Just waht that that means I have no idea. But tvcould nean some other drug administed to hm for some reason has a effect. You mightvwant ovtslk to the vet about that.
  15. I googled the Symptoms and sent them to wrench. Itis bot something unknown.it effects certain breeds mostlyiy cn happen suddenly.let wrench e plIn itI do ot know whereto start
  16. You never sen Orion
  17. No it certianly has not. Just last week I was very concernd when I saw him. I was trying to help retrieve some maiden of the house garmet from him. i figured go to his food bowl and mess around with it. That will get his attention, and it sure did. He came galloping accross the kitchen about shaking the floor and about knocking me down. To make a long story short. I never did get the garment. He galloped back very fast and knocked me away from his treasures. Mr Wrench sat there and laughed thru it all. He is a nice dog. He likes me and I like him. But never give him the idea your a play thing.
  18. He is a fisherman. hevevseen other picks of him with very large pike and muskies
  19. I see your from North central Mo I ha e friends in Kirksville.
  20. We.l if you beloev it then use it. Be cuase if you doubt it at all It will go straight into your mind where it will mes with your head and hurt your fishing success. I have used about everything and have never noted a difference. I use 20lb braid on wacky worms. Years ago before all the electronic we used to take a heavy 3/4 bell sinker and attach a size 0/2a-0/4 wire hook about a foot in back of it all on 20 lb test we would throw it around in circles search for hidden brush piles. I have had both bass and crappie take that bare hook. Not often but it happened a few times.
  21. How abour if the fish can see your line or hook they will not bite. Yet today a lot of people believe that My dad used o believe if the fish are jumping the fishingvwill be poor.
  22. If it was me i would stop at the nearest White Castle. load up the car with those little gems
  23. I use 2 different rods. One 7 ft and the other 51/2 one that os older than most of you on here. In back the docks the 7 footer gets in my way sometimes.in tight docks. I use 20lb pro braid on both. The pro braid 20 slick stuff is the only one I have found that can take as much abuse back in and around cables etc as Mono. I was thinking about trying some Nanofil till I found out it is worthless in abrasive inviorment. Spider wire baid is about useless as well.. Skipping the wacky pays off a lot. I try catch my wacky when it hits the water very near the bank and skip it a couple times and let it sink.with some small jerks. I belev the skipping very near the bank gets the attention of any god bass in thcare
  24. You would just love my daighter and son in law Gavin. Both in the top systems group at United health till they sent it to India. Wanted them to be sole lasation here in US for United Health. I will tell them about it Tueday when I get up to Herman. But do not hold your breath. the under secretary of HUD tried 3 times to get him to come to Wash. And help with Obama care and he would not budge.
  25. I and wrench have discussed ths in the past I know both of us use 03 or 04 size octopus hooks. The octopus hook in this size seem to hook much better. I use about anything as far as brands go plus some stuff like plastic worms 6" trick worms. I caught sone of my larger fish on the trick worm. . Thing about the worms they do not skip as well as the regular sinko types. I have never seen a real Sinko. I like worms tha have a bit more flex in them. I think the flex thing is more in my head than on the end of a line
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