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Old plug

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. I see in the people around me a goodô deal of anger about what is going on here. It is all about money and having to much of it coupled with the nations current attitude. I will aay this I have a terrible attitude about most summer people.
  2. Tell me about it Wrench. I know tou know I had ro rewire my running light this past couple dqys. I tell you I spent more time trying to put electrical connector together and put the panels back inthe boat when I was done. I was bouncing and rolling around pretty good considering I have a lot more lift than I need(6000 lber) that locks in the up position to boot.
  3. THUMBSEETH That drop shot can be used as a Carolina Rig, pitched,flipped and used like a shaky head. Very versatile bait. It can ve a real pain in the A-- at times though with that line a weight getting tangled. SETH I ahve been at this so long I no longer go out and and fish all day long.I still love to fish but I have learned over time to try and fish the peak feeding periods. In that way it does not make much differance what the day is. I am a strong believer that when fishing gets bad it is because the adult bass are in no mood to play with something that is not real forage.
  4. I got my above mentioned worm order today. Picture does not pick up all the blue that there. I ha e decided to call it Cow Pucky in the blue berry parch. The blue is hardcto see in this photograph
  5. i Good for you. Smart move. I look around. Some smaller Companies turn out some pretty good stuff. Mitch and his group certainly try thier best. I buy some of my stuff from BIG BITE BAIT through Tackel Warehouse out in Caifornia. I recently bought 4 bags of what they call Finesse Worms But at 8" I do not think they meet the discription. I also buy a worm from them called Kriet Worm. It is a monster worm even though only 10" long. I think there are at least 50 of these in my locker right now. The finesse worm has been very productive for me this seaon as well. The color selection of BIG BITE bait is not something for those of you who think color is everything. The bag of Finesse worms I had bought first at a store were something called Pumpkin blue swirl. They are about the nastiest color I ever seen, but they have done well for me. And there are more on the way. They cost me $3.61 a bag of 7 minus shipping.
  6. I think the hook size and design is important. i know I and a friend bith use offset Octopus hooks size 03 and 04. I very rarely miss a hook up.
  7. I believe it is getting wrse and worse all overI wanted to fish a straight channel bank this evening not far from Coconuts. they just blew me off the water .Hate that place.
  8. I use a lot of pumkin are anything in the green/ pumpkin vien that is in the natural vein. Then there is PINK. I do not really care about colors for color sake. But that one can be a exception at times.
  9. Do not call yourself cycnicsl call yourself right. Look closely at how they operate. I have said this several times on here if you want to fight with any political group or agency go to the press.
  10. When I first moved out to LOZ many years back some people took the resoluion of all this into their own hands and shot upbboats on occasion. It justvmigh come to that again. If someone was to destroy your property. they could go to jail and be sued. darn unfair. OF course you can not expect anything to happen to the upper class high and mighty. MAYBE
  11. Hardly adimes worth of differance as faras Iam concerned. There are other things I use like a sinko a lot like big unweighted or lightly weighted plastic worms. One of my favorites is the 10 " Big Bite Kreit worm.
  12. You need to come home Warrior. Is all I will say.
  13. Well I have owned a few John Boats in my time. and used to guide occasionally on the Meramac river between birds nest and To onandaga. I am starting to suspect you might sell these things. I know there is a place in St Louis somewhere they do. You have a god time enjoying yourself Wyipper Snapper.
  14. I sit on my dock everyday Lilly and have everyting from small flatbottom boat 50 ft cruisers come by. Been doing ot for 25 yrs. All kinds of wakes and I do not see how that boat loaded down with people will not displace a lot of water. Besides that It looks dangerous for passengers and other boat traffic. It is nothing more than a expensive thrill ride. That boat is going to have to be moving pretty fast to get up on high plane as well. You said you were not promoting it Lilly. Maybe not by the definition of the word. Lets just say your supprying it whole heartdly
  15. No it is not just a picture. They said they would had them for those who wanted one. I imagine when its running it will run a lot of small boats off the water. The thing is a potential disaster on that narrow lake.
  16. Well Phil living here on LOZ I think i have a much better prespective of what kind of damage that thing can do. And WILL do. You sound like your promoting it. Ibet you are.
  17. Good job of promoting your area. You all will just lve this thing. Going to be worse than a wake boat in narrow Taneycomo. I see accidents, drownings and a awful lot of bank and dock damage. But thats OK. We are all in existance to support the rich and powerful.
  18. I know your healthy Wrench. nothing bothered me either untill I got into my 60's
  19. I got a bg black one and still use it now and then
  20. One of the first big bass killer spinner baits ws the Hell Diver. I got one around here somewhere. I have never seen another single spin up with a larger blade on it.
  21. This years awh has been somewhat of a mystery on LOZ over large areas of the lake. I for one was convinced it did not happen for the most part. Then one morning here at the house I seen some fry but was notvsure what they were. Well thos mornig I caught a 17" somewhat skinny bass from a local dock. To make a long story short , it got deep hooked and I could not revive it. So when I filleted it mich to myx surptise it turned out to be a female with eggs. Those eggs though were were tiny and looked a bit bloody. To me itx appears she was in the process of absorbing her spawn. Seems like hard evendence.
  22. As strange as it may sound I ha emore casting trouble with the new reels. Justhard to adpt when you get old.
  23. should not really surprisd anyone. Was told many yers go by a good bass fisherman that you can catch a bass on your false teeth. I do not doubt it a bit. You just got to ge in the right place at the right tine.
  24. I have not been out a heck of a lot this past few weeks and none this week waiting for a replacement Troller prop. The best two I have caught this year were 4/6 and 5/4. Really been hard to nail down the hogs these past few years. Prop will be delvered Friday and I will be making my evening runs again about every week day.
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