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Old plug

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Old plug

  1. I think that is what is what the rule is wrench. But i think you have to be dead at anchor. Going along the bank with the troller is not daed anchor. I imagine after this pst weekend the boat patrol is going to really be watching about running light. Tell you something else they do nit like is those big bright white docking lights people put on the bow of there pontoons. I ran seen one up my cove last evening.he has been running around that way this year, I seen him stopped one time and he shut them down. But he must hove only got a warning If your night vision is that bad you should stay off the water. Of course blind drunk out there makes no difference. I am certain some of these guys run without lights because they think they can fool the patrol. I heard there were three wat patrol boats stationed in the CoCo Nuts area Sunday.
  2. I am not much for church for organized religion Mitch but without it there would be no good done in the world. We have a lady here that for years would get on a jumbo jet full of medicine and medical supplies and fly into Africa to distribute it for the Methodist Church. i live in a small town and we have a small church but those people rise up every time something happens. They and her were down after the hurricane in New Orleans operating heavy equipment cleaning up. They also left the day after Joplin was hit to help down there.they and took a semi worth of food with them. 6
  3. Yes if he tells you to do it then do it. We had so some guy running around here fruday night with no lights and the water patrol ran into him sent 4 people to the hospital. The guy was drunk. Drunks try to run without lights around here all the time. They think they can hide that way. But in your case the law says hard to the bank i think.
  4. I think it is going to be up and down very inconsistent . I would be happy to see along period of deep stuff but do not think we will. Besides fishing i do a lot if ornament gardening. Late winter beginning in mid february has kept me busy these past few years. almost every year we have been seeing a warm streak in late winter. It causes a loss of the ground water. I have been known to water as early as February. It also causes plant to emerge before they should. God only know how many times I have drug stacks of foam plant covers out of the shed to cover as many as 100 hosta plants. Whatever it is I just want it to be consistent..
  5. His is not the first temper tantrum. They called that old carrier in the navy the galloping ghost of any coast. There was reason for that. Today we would call it somebodies tantrum. But back the press did not stick there nose into everything. I have been so close to the coast of China, North Korea places like that you could see the coastline clearly. You never heard of all that. Now days it would be a outrage and international incident.
  6. I may try some if those lakes around St Peters. My daughter is living in a apt in O Fallon or Cottelsville during the week while she does a consulting job 6 months while she does a consult job for dome software company up there. Never know though.i have a sister in law lives in a condo off hwy K thst has a large pond in it. Every time we stop there i think buzz baits or other top waters. But have never tried to fish it.
  7. JMIDWEST. ......What is the number of that carrier in the picture your using??? You serve on it ??? I served on one that was numbered 9. Tells you something about my age. There is so awful much room on the new ones. In my day there was not much room on those flight decks. Crawling under turning props and the belly of jets to guide them on a catapult was the way to go. Deck was short and landings were not always a success. When that happened things went everywhere. They use to loose do much hung ordnance it is a good thing that stuff had fuses that did not go off on contact. I had a 1000 lb'er stop bouncing along the deck not 15 ft in front if me one time.
  8. Theyhave a dufferent attitude most everywhere in the britsh isles. Over here you would have wave runners tearing up and down those creeks
  9. Wrench From the looks of that garage your busy. I hope it extends into the next week and So I can sneak up there and raid your fishing fishing area. the cool weather coming in should cement that.
  10. What you guys say is true. I still love to bass fish but i never did like to compete. There was a constant worry about doing well. Now even though I sometimes go out daily it does not even seem to matter if I catch anything. I approach gear fishing with the same attitude wrench approaches fly fishing. I loose my share if fish like anyone else but really I am pleased for having the experience lost or not. I used to do s lot if fly fishing and tying flys and poppers many years ago. I was a good customer of Herters. But like I say the arthritis will about stop you.
  11. WHOA !!!! Glen Miller Band. That is before me. My music was born with Haleys Comets.
  12. Yes it is fun provided you do not have some type of physical thing that might cause you pain or misery. I fly fished years a ago and still have a rod but I also have a lot of arthritis. I have recently thought about returning to it and wanted to see if I could still lay out a good line. Well I layed out a few but my shoulders refused to go much farther. So more power to you Mitch. There is a lot of satisfaction in it. And you csn cstch bug ones also. They catch salmon, tarpon and other giants on fly rods.
  13. First thing that come into mind with me when i hear these fantastic lure stories is where when and how and by how i nean the way it was worked.
  14. Well docks are pretty rugged.but the walkway might have might have gotten weak after all the shaking and be hanging down in the water.
  15. I remember that time very well. I thought they were nuts then and I think there just as nuts today to get hooked on that kind if stuff.
  16. I was nit thinking of that wrench when i posted but I must say those got to be right at the top of all time fish catching lures.
  17. I hate to hear off tournaments on streams. It is bad enough in lakes. I looked at a gasconade river home in that area recently. Now that i find they are having tournaments i do not think I want to further consider it.
  18. I do not know. I know when the first time the mussle population got high in the lake here we was hearing things about the catfish drum and buffalo " feeding heavily on them" from these same people. Then they disappeared for awhile. Now they are back with a vengeance. I was out bottom bouncing a spoon the other night a snagged a small rock that was covered with zebra mussels. They were very small and this us the first i have seen if any in a couple years. So i went ans snagged rocks other place within a mile and the were all covered with them. As far as the invasive crawfish hmmmmm everything I know in the water eats crawfish. I can just see some up to a bed if fish eggs and surviving. But then there are those that scatter eggs and leave then again the crawfish has to get to them by exposing himself. Only thing I think would cause great numbers of them would be the fish did not eat them.
  19. I do not pay much attention to who manufactures the line so much as the size buoyancy of the line. The reason is braid floats and the heavier the test the more buoyant the line becomes. That can effect things like your sensitivity and even the sink rate of fall. I like buck twil jigs in water less than 5 ft because they drop slower an anything deeper I use grubs 90 percent of the time.
  20. I agree with that and when you get into your 70's it will get worse
  21. I have seen a lot if them around the lake myself. My wife turned over a rock a few years ago and there was a big momma under there. I never knew they carried there young around like a crawfish does. But she was loaded with them.
  22. The truth is there is no such lure. A plastic worm it is almost limitless in the ways you can use it. And so is a jig.
  23. Iposted and it never got through soi will post it again just to see if there is someone monitoring things that might have found it offensive. Mitch you said we all know how to fish and about all the equipment. Do not include me in that group. I have only been at it for over 60 years and still learn things. There is many post about lures but i do not see any that go deeply into what a lure or group of lures can do or be amended to do. Like my favored plastic worm. Someone could write a pretty thick book just on the how,when,and what of fishing them. Then there is equipment only thing I know about equipment is it is over priced and people act like a school of feeding white bass to buy it just to be cool. A expert is anyone who can fish for anything anywhere. And fully understand what he is doing. There isn't but a very few on here. And I am not one.but I can vouch for one.
  24. Yes that is a good perspective. The fusion was going to be the car of a lifetime and was our 50th wedding aniv present to each other. Other than that we try real hard to be good neighbors.
  25. I am getting ready to buy a new 2014 Ford Fusion Titanium hybred does that make me elite.
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