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LD Fisher

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by LD Fisher

  1. WOW! Beautiful sunset. Gotta love just being on the water!
  2. I hear ya Cheesemaster. When I can't go fishing I like to read about others having fun!!! 176...congratulations on the successful surgery...........now start some fishing reports!! LOL!
  3. Or...........................you can decide where to spend your money when fishing in the heat!!!
  4. SWEET!!!
  5. Good point Travis. I've been talking to David with All Aboard Ladders about one to fit my Talon bracket. But first and foremost, I need to be able to get back in the boat by myself or it's worthless!
  6. Couldn't have said it better. I've always said that raising kids is the hardest job in the world..................you really don't know how well you've done for 25 years or more. I've been lucky, we've spent a lot of time on the water and I attribute that as a very important part of raising them. It doesn't have to be water, but it helps because they can't get away from you when your in a boat. but spending time and teaching them about the outdoors seemed to work very well for me!!
  7. Great report and fantastic job with the boys! That's what it's all about!
  8. Makes catch and release easier and..........doesn't stick you when the fish throws it back to you. ?
  9. My Yamaha HPDI has a trim switch on the motor also. I think Merc does also. Most outboards 115 hp and up have them I believe.
  10. Wow! Forgot about those. Use to have them for lunch with crackers when hunting quail years ago. Doubt that my stomach could handle them now!
  11. I thought about it. We were in 75 fow and a ways from shore or docks. Thought about setting on the motor after she raise me up and using the trolling motor to go to a dock. But I can tell you that setting on the motor while she headed to a dock through waves really didn't appeal to me. Would had been fun waving at other boats while I rode the bucking motor though. ? But, while being risky, it's good to know I can get out of the water if I have another brain cramp!! ?
  12. The wife and I had a great week on the lake. Caught well over 100 fish in three days with one 21" Wally that will make a great grilled meal. Most all on the drop shot and earthworms. BUT, I was leaning over the side of the boat washing my hands after baiting my hook when a wave hit the boat and over the side I went, head first. I popped up and grabbed the side of the boat and my wife tried to help pull me back in.....that doesn't work for a 67 year old My automatic inflatable vest went off and I paddled to the back of the boat. I remembered reading that you could use the trim on the motor to help you get back in the boat, so I straddled the cavitation plate and my wife hit the trim on the motor. Trimmed the motor all the way up and after a bit of work figuring out how to step on the Talon bracket, I made it back in the boat. All that being said, I learned two valuable lessons. 1. Inflatable life vests work and if you are older like me with two artificial hips, you should have a life vest on all the time. Your balance and reaction time is not what it used to be! 2. You need a boarding ladder on a bass boat. I didn't have one, but I will by the next time I go fishing! And I will practice getting back in the boat with clothes on to make sure I can get back in. This was a learning experience and I was ribbed pretty hard by my family, but if it wasn't warm and I was by myself, the story could've been a lot different. My wife was too busy trying to help me back in the boat.....so no pictures.............Thank God!! I really didn't want to tell on myself, but I think it's important to share this!! I always thought I was careful, but was surprised how unexpected and fast this happened. So be careful on the water and consider wearing a life vest even while fishing and if you don't have a ladder on your boat, get one! That cavitation plate is not very comfortable to straddle and be raised while your on it!!!!
  13. Thanks Okie, he called and told me he met you. Great trip and report! Gonna hit it this afternoon and again in the morning ( if I don't melt!!).
  14. Thanks everyone. He's a lot of fun to be around. Turning into a pretty good crappie fisherman also. Can't believe how long he will sit on the dock at night to catch fish. c
  15. Great report, thanks for the info. I'll have to give the crawlers a try later this week! I'll need to ice them down though so they will hold still and I will be able to see them to get them on the hook.
  16. Well, not for catching a lot of fish or the heat, but for the company on the water. My grandson, (Tripp) had a great morning after hitting the water at 5:30. I think he's got the fishing story's figured out already!!! First, how big it was. And then the actual fish. ?
  17. Nice fish!! And very good eating! Thanks for sharing.
  18. So will my wife !
  19. WHAT???? That's not normal?????? I thought that you picked your reel while you were waiting for the rings to settle from around your top water lure!!!!!!!
  20. Next year it will feature a remote control where you won't even need a rod...................just turn it on and throw it in the water!!
  21. It does have the trigger, but she does close the bail by hand................still gets line twist!!! I bought them for her because I thought they would be easy for her to use.........big mistake! They only see use for crappie now, off the dock with a bobber. Don't want to try to throw them over 10 feet. And they still get tangled up. Useless is a perfect description!!!!
  22. Bought the wife 2 of the Cabelas Verano's last year, she was having a lot of problems with line twist with the Shimano's (spirex). So far, she hasn't had any problems and that means more fishing time for me.
  23. I hope it lasts through next weekend at least. Wife had so much fun last Fri that we get to do it again!! Lake might be a little busy though
  24. Amen. The wife and I were out at 7:30 Friday morning in the upper Kings at the mouth of a cove and it was on. We caught 25 on the WP over the next hour and a half!! Biggest was three pounds and hit my WP 3 times before hooking up...............it was a blast, even in the drizzle. But at 9 someone hit the light switch and it was over. Went to the same place Sat. morning and nada, but we were limited on time.
  25. Dave, have a friend that fished with me this week and he wants to buy some of your heads. His name is Dan Fox and his email is dfox48@att.net   I tried to find your email address but haven't yet. He is from Okla. but is still a good guy. If you can email him or give me you address again I would appreciate it. I need more head too ?

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