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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by ScottK

  1. That he would look at the legislation and "reach out" to the sponsor of the bill (Ross) and see if he could address my concerns.... We'll see.
  2. Just received a reply to my email from my rep. (First time I have contacted my representative for anything). At least he responded, we'll see what happens but hopefully they're getting a ton of input on this.
  3. Received my flies today, all very nice! Thanks gents, and thanks mic for hosting.
  4. I did the mini hoppers. Strip of foam, elk hair, dubbing and a couple rubber legs. They did pretty well for me last year on the pond panfish the too few times I got out.
  5. Gotta have your priorities, and the mailman's hamster is right up there. Good on ya!
  6. I'll second OMTC, I've bought both my kayaks there. If you get a kayak instead of a canoe, for the waters you're talking about you may want to look at the Cuda 12 (Jackson) along with the Coosa. Or if you decide you want a Pescador, I may have one for sale (used 1 season).
  7. Smoky Mountain Angler in Gatlinburg is worth a stop in. Nice folks with free detailed maps and will point you in the right direction. We were there last May, and the Greenbriar entrance to the park outside of Gatlinburg was where I had the best fishing and saw a LOT less people. (I was catching rainbows though). Brookie water can be found higher up this road. By the time I got up there it was pouring down rain and my wife wasnt interested in getting out of the car.
  8. On the way, sorry for the delay.
  9. Great blog, I read it often. I got a Cuda 12 this spring, really like it but definitely don't have the confidence to stand and flyfish out of it in December...
  10. Train wreck for me.... I spent most of the morning trying to get my flies out of the trees, Ollie and Buzz did better. WINDY
  11. Planning on being there. Upper parking lot on the east side of the bridge?
  12. Or not... http://fox2now.com/2014/11/21/jefferson-county-nurse-to-be-released-from-hospital-after-negative-ebola-test/
  13. Wow. Very sorry for your loss.
  14. Sure glad I read this thread last night before bed. Made the walk in to the stand a little more interesting this morning. Did get a decent 7 pointer at 7:00 though. (He was coming right at me, what could I do...)
  15. I just couldn't afford college and I was killing brain cells waaaay too fast after high school. One of the best decisions I ever made, albeit with some stress at times.
  16. I'm going to try to make it again.
  17. Nice!
  18. My flies are done. You want me to go ahead and send them or wait a bit?
  19. I thought that too when I first read his post, the Coosa is an 11' kayak. I think he means 2013 or 2014 year models, not length.
  20. Here's one on craigslist for a pretty good deal if they still have it... http://fayar.craigslist.org/boa/4696751183.html
  21. ScottK


    I must have that same dark place in mine. Sure was nice to have a stress free 4th quarter!
  22. Well, I guess I could "hold your beer" while I "watch this".
  23. Happy birthday Phil, and thanks!
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