I've got a buddy that has 2 old Peabody strip pit lakes out near Windsor, MO. Have fished them 3 times with him and its ridiculous for bass. No exaggeration, every other cast, and it really doesn't matter what you throw . . . . topwater, cranks, soft-plastics, popper-flies. The problem is, that kind of almost gets boring . . . almost. He does have a problem with his year class. Seems like there is only about 2 . . . . 16-17 inch bass, and 13-14 inch bass. Bluegill population is not great, probably due to the huge number of bass. Oddly though, the crappie, in certain brush-pile areas, are abundant. All fish look fat and healthy. I think it has catfish, but we haven't caught any.
Both lakes quite deep, long - maybe 1/3rd mile each, and narrow. Shallow end that gradually deepens to a fairly long 40 ft deep end that continues. Banks in that area are steep drop-offs, just like a quarry. Densely wooded all the way around.