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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by ColdWaterFshr

  1. Wrong on # 1, partly Wrong on # 2 Wrong on #3, Correct on #4, with help from George Soros. 🤪
  2. Better subject matter. . . . 1) Chiefs by 7, but it will be back and forth lead changes. 2) Kelce scores 1 TD, but is held to only 3 catches for 47 yards. Pacheco is MVP and rushes for over 150 yards. 3) A controversial penalty in the 4th quarter that takes 17 minutes of review to resolve. 4) My hickory smoked cajun dry-rub wings exceed all expectations and I enter the bar-b-cue hall of fame.
  3. Hopeless. You change the argument at every turn. And you're not a very good fisherman, and I don't think your soft plastics deserve all the hype. 🤣 But I wish you well. Go Chiefs. Go Taylor and go Bud Light.
  4. Still hung up on the inauguration I see. That beautiful, peaceful transfer of power that almost didn't happen, darn it, . . . .still has a burr in your saddle. Maybe you remember as fondly as I do, Josh Hawley running scared for his life down the hallways of the capitol just a few days earlier. . . . . 🤣
  5. Prager U has given you a well trained eye to spot even the most well-concealed commie. I've been hiding in the shadows, but now you have outed me. Thank you Mitch McCarthy. The country will forever be indebted to your service. Now that I'm outed, maybe I should seek to interview Vladmir and share with the world his point of view which Wrench seems to admire. Oh wait, that has already been done, by the guy who is now on the shortlist to be a VP, instead of, you know, that last guy who was almost put on a gallows on the capitol steps for not caving to a madman. American Midnight, by Adam Hochschild. Read it.
  6. People are so triggered these days, even by the slightest thing. We should all get together and have a couple beers.
  7. Oh thank god. Respectable folk.
  8. Wait . . . snake study. This is the creek with the cottonmouth problem right? I can handle all assortment and variety of methheads, 400 rod portages over logjams . . sketchy county roads, flat tires, and tragic out-of-beer situations. I've been sucker punched in the face, lost teeth, and spent many overnights a jail cell bunk. Tried soberly arguements with a magistrate judge the next morning about Blue Ribbon anglers rights and jurisprudence to no avail. All pleasant situations compared to poison ivy, ticks, and . . . .cottonmouths, this is where I draw the line. Tell me more about the herp guys and what they found . . . .
  9. Solid floaters . . . .🤣 Its not far from Wilson Creek sewage treatment facility, is it?
  10. On paper, yeah, it certainly looks it. But you haven't seen it, and from what I can tell, no one else here has either. Thats the old man in you talking. Flysmallie of 20 years ago wouldn't shy away from an adventure. That lower stretch could be an absolute gem. By god, I'm going to float it before the ides of March. Who's with me?
  11. Uhhhh . . . .traumatized or scared? I was the only one encouraging exactly the opposite. Exploration. You're the one that brought up the section being "well below Blue Ribbon area" and some degree of apprehension with landowners and "strange county roads". 🤣
  12. Have you walked and waded the lower end? From Quail Spur down to confluence with the James?
  13. . . . . . "4-wheel drive floating", "where to park", "private land", , and "not worth the effort", "well past the blue ribbon area" These scary comments for me at least, check all the boxes for high adventure and what could be an epic float. Color me VERY intrigued. I want to float it now, and if I lived closer, I would. Conor, go forth and do it young lad! I would just pick a mild-to-warm day after some recent rains. Start early. Pack light. Use Dry Crane creek at 4.8 miles and the low-water bridge at AA at 6.0 as indicators of your progress.
  14. Thanks FishnDave. Who would I contact at MDC? Ask to speak to a fisheries biologist that covers that area?
  15. We had a nice crappie fry the last time we were out there. And definitely need to do that with the bass. Inviting an MDC biologist to give it an analysis just opens it up to public fishing - is that right? Don't want that.
  16. I've got a buddy that has 2 old Peabody strip pit lakes out near Windsor, MO. Have fished them 3 times with him and its ridiculous for bass. No exaggeration, every other cast, and it really doesn't matter what you throw . . . . topwater, cranks, soft-plastics, popper-flies. The problem is, that kind of almost gets boring . . . almost. He does have a problem with his year class. Seems like there is only about 2 . . . . 16-17 inch bass, and 13-14 inch bass. Bluegill population is not great, probably due to the huge number of bass. Oddly though, the crappie, in certain brush-pile areas, are abundant. All fish look fat and healthy. I think it has catfish, but we haven't caught any. Both lakes quite deep, long - maybe 1/3rd mile each, and narrow. Shallow end that gradually deepens to a fairly long 40 ft deep end that continues. Banks in that area are steep drop-offs, just like a quarry. Densely wooded all the way around.
  17. Oh for gods sake. Where is the f'n remote. This site has become QVC.
  18. Not pissed about it, but there can be no doubt that NFL is moving to pay per view. I'm out. Unless they get rid of the ads, why pay?
  19. Fly-fishing snob here. Fluoro I always use a uni-knot, but I rarely fish anything heavier than 1x. Mostly 3, 4, 5. Terminal tackle, back casting 12-14 pound Maxima mono, and mostly use improved clinch knot. It hasn't failed me yet. Its not a good knot for fluoro though, or anything lighter than 4 lb, which I would rarely use, even for spinning rod.
  20. Do you ever get that not so fresh feeling . . . . ? ROCKET DOUCHE, by Sir Elton Wrench packed my bags last night, pre-flight Zero hour, 9 a.m. And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then I miss this page so much, they miss my spite It's lonely out on Table Rock On such a timeless glitter boat ride And I think its gonna be a long, long time 'Til tungsten jig-heads from Mitch are on the end of my line I'm not the Masengil they think I am at home Oh no, no, no I'm a rocket douche Rocket douche 🤣🚀
  21. let me consider. Would be nice to meet some of you.
  22. better deal here. Support Amazon rainforest.... https://www.amazon.com/BOOYAH-Baby-BOO-Jig-Black/dp/B003ZZD18A/ref=sr_1_5?crid=2L63ZD0J4HKDP&keywords=jig%2Band%2Bpig%2Bjigs&qid=1703132743&sprefix=jig%2Band%2Bpig%2Bjigs%2Caps%2C222&sr=8-5&th=1
  23. Jig and pig. Paul Dallas invented that in 1978. I'll expect some royalties, Mitch.
  24. Dude . . . . you're a slob.
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