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Everything posted by ColdWaterFshr

  1. Nice fish! and nice new boat!! That report has me wantin to get on the river for a couple nights . . . and soon.
  2. I was down at Alley last weekend for a family camp and float. We knew, going in, with the forecast the way it was, and we drove down through Rolla in horrible storms anyway. This was the only weekend we could make a go of it. So we rolled the dice. Got to Summersville, the skies parted, sun came out, everything was clean and it was spiritual and beautiful. Set-up camp with the kids, then went down and checked out the river. Was clear and low. Kids even caught a baby hellbender with a dipnet. Had a nice evening of smores and ghost stories then went to bed. Got a little windy overnight, but no showers. Next morning, the camp ranger came by to check on us to see if we planned on floating and asked if we had seen the river. Yes, we told him, he had planned to float, but no, we had not yet seen the river yet that morning (200 yds away). He said it came up 6 ft overnight and was murky and advised against it. Sure enough - it was blown out so we didn't float. Checked out the spring and took the rangers advise and went over to Rocky Falls, just east of Eminence which is absolutely amazing for Missouri if you have never seen it. SPECTACULAR waterfall/shut-in and swimming hole, though it was a little too cold for us to swim. Anyway -- my short advice is to you to ROLL the DICE and go. Fishing may or may not be be fantastic, but the area is beautiful. If the Jacks is blown out, go to the Current, 11 pt, or North Fork . . . they're all within 45 minutes.
  3. Ah - I see that the red Old Town is still pinned in the same spot. Back in early February we came across some guys who were hiking up to try and retrieve it (they had abandoned ship a few days prior). We told them exactly where it was and we offered our chain-saw to cut the limb that was holding it. They declined and said they had some wenches, good rope, and even thought about driving their jeep up one of the trails to pull it out. I said, uh, y'all ain't going to make it back in here with a jeep.
  4. You didn't say WHEN you want to make this trip. Memorial Day weekend thru Labor Day weekend is high sesason for party-floaters and especially on weekends. But there are plenty of rivers that are less crowded, and even some of the more popular ones, like Brian suggested with the 11 point, has sections that are less overrun - maybe not for the whole length of the float you are planning. But you can occasionally have a river to yourself if you go in the middle of the week. Do yourself a favor and buy a copy of "A Paddlers Guide to Missouri" from MDC. Bryant Creek, upper North Fork, Osage Fork of the Gasconade, Big Piney, and a half dozen others in certain sections won't see heavy traffic. But the other problem is if you don't have your own boats, this will limit you to certain rivers and certain sections.
  5. Jacks has some good fish here and there, but its more of a scenery river. I get down there about once a year now, but used to go several times a year. I think the best fishing is between Bay Creek and Alley. Never fished above the Prongs, but I know a guy who grew up in that area and used to fish them all the time as a kid. Like a lot of things, its not what it used to be.
  6. That is a 5-star picture, Phil. The water dripping off the fish and the jig. Could be a cover-shot on Fly-Fisherman or something. Really good. And what a chunk o brown.
  7. Great looking boat. You should be very proud. I would be. Did you have to build a steam box to bend ribs and strips?
  8. I've floated the upper section from Wolf Pen a couple times, but always in early spring, like now, when it is up around 2.5 ft on the gauge. It will definitely keep you on your toes. Lots of tricky little spots, and lots of bailing in an open canoe. Wouldn't want to bring alot of fishing gear or tackle -- you could easily lose it. Water is real pretty, deep emerald green. Beautiful area. Nice pictures!!
  9. Park is ALWAYS fishable. 2 or 3 days a year when it is flooded, maybe not so much. Upper river, same deal, maybe only 5-7 days/year at most, but it drops out fast.
  10. Must be extra tasty if Chief doesn't want them to become a C & R only species. I agree, lets go verify this. I'll bring the butter, lemon-pepper seasoning and foil. Shoal Creek, Little Sugar, Big Sugar, Elk, Spring . . . here we come!
  11. Wow. Fruit Loops this all is. Andy and Chief keep beating this Neosho thing to death, as if somehow these proposed reg changes are going to wipe them out! Help me understand how they will? You don't know whats right for our side of the state!! Hilarious!! I know that corner of the state fairly well. Grew up there and now live on the east side. I don't think anyone is suggesting that the Neosho strain don't deserve extra consideration . . . but as a longtime smallmouth angler, I sure didn't know very much about them. So to me at least, it sure seems like you're splitting hairs and using as it an excuse to tear everything else down and just making yourselves look like those type of people that can turn a 10 minute meeting into a 2 hour long one. Just to stroke your ego. I'm not a member of MSA, but I have been in the past and I have nothing but good things to say about the organization. I just don't have time to go fishing enough let alone go to MEETINGS about fishing. Be that as it may, I will say this again, if I were organizing a club -- you dudes are the cancer that I would not want in it.
  12. On a wild hair, ran down to the Norfork tailwater with a couple buddies for a day trip. Brought the canoes and shoved off from Quarry just as the water was dropping out. Fishing was ridiculous on scud/midge droppers. For a while it was fish on every cast and we proceeded to vacuum the river. 2 out of 3 of us managed a grand slams, I was the exception, but did catch a nice 16" cutt. Rainbows and Browns up to 19" were caught, all very healthy and full of fight. Water came on about 6 just as we were taking out. Perfect day.
  13. Don't end it yet, I just found this! Pretty funny stuff. Kinda silly that a few are concerned about where MSA will focus its efforts on certain strains in certain rivers and what not . . . when only 4 dudes showed up at the 1st meeting. And others who complain about the $20 membership fee when that $20 gets them a GREAT book that you couldn't photo-copy for less than $20 at Kinko's. If I were the membership dude in charge of the group, I would reach for the big rubber stamp that says "membership denied" for a couple of you menopausal types, and you know who you are. You'll do the club more harm than good.
  14. Kayak on upper Taney would be less than ideal. During even moderate generation you got 250 HP boats screaming upriver - so good luck in a SOT, you're braver than me. Make sure its a bright color! Dead low-water in summer, eh, okay, but you will still be competing with some boats just past the 1st bend. Be careful.
  15. Yes, long time ago, both upstream near Garrison and further downstream. Used to be a fun little creek to wade-fish for smallies and goggle-eye. In higher water its a sporty little float, bring a bucket to bail with.
  16. While I love canoe ownership, there are some hidden costs that Bobber kind've alluded to with his rental vs. owning. Hauling a canoe: In 20 years of owning canoes, I think Yakima almost has more of my money than the total purchases of canoes. Unless you drive the same car for 20 years. I've had to get different towers, clips, lengths of bars, replace lost or worn out straps, and other miscellaneous odds and ends -- seems like fairly often. Got 2 sets of racks, one for each vehicle. And 5 different vehicles over the last 15-20 years, it adds up. MPG drops way down with 2 boats on top, too. Drive 2-3 hours just to get to your favorite river and back -- that 24 mpg you used to get on hwy, just became 15. Shuttling cars: Wouldn't mind it so much but for the TIME it eats out of your trip. I've only paid outfitters a handful of times for doing this chore for me, and depending on who, they charge almost as much as renting a canoe. I can safely say that I am dollars well ahead by purchasing vs renting, but Bobber makes a good point if you only plan to float 2-3 times a year, might think again.
  17. Don't listen to Al. He used to know a lot about canoes, but having since moved over to the dark side (jet boats), you just can't trust him anymore. I've got a couple canoes and love them both dearly. My Old Town 158 has been a great boat for the 20 years I've had it. Still going strong. kind've an oxblood. I swear it has the power to heal itself. I replaced the plastic molded bow seat with a nylon webbed seat (and left out the spacers), and I can sit very comfortably solo in it. So I sit up a couple inches higher than I should, which I like because it isn't so hard on my knees, but the sheer weight of this boat makes it very stable to begin with. Great fishing boat and 2-3 day float trip boat, and a decent weekend tandemn camping boat. My 2nd boat is a Dagger Reflection 15 (royalex) and my newest pride and joy. Bought it used off Sparkleminnow, but I don't think he ever had it on the water more than a half-dozen times. Has beautiful wooden gunwales and decks which the chicks really seem to respond to. Cuts through the water like a greased diamond. Dagger is now out of the canoe business and I think Mad River is now making the Reflection hull design. Good boat, very light and responsive, but at only 15 feet its more of a day-trip boat, or couple nights on the river w/ gear for 1 at most.
  18. Don't forget Capn. Kangaroo
  19. Stick w/ your Captains and you won't go wrong: Capn Chuck Capn Babler Capn Don Capn Crunch
  20. Paul Dallas is IN. I'm not much of a cartographer, but I can keep the drinks flowing and I have reliable source for some killer blotter acid if things start to get a little stale. When do we start?
  21. Yeah the owners of the red canoe were on their way to try and rescue it as we floated out. They wanted to drive their Jeep to it by using the trail, and I finally convinced them that would be impossible. Had I gotten a better look at it and seen that it was folded over, I would have told them to save their energy. There is nothing to salvage with that boat except for maybe the seats, and it ain't going nowhere until that tree gets cut. The Wenonah was heroically unpinned by Gavin and Slosh and was floated out by its owner. No permanent damage to either.
  22. If thats what it is, I appreciate the candor. Saves me the drive if my curiosity should ever decide to tempt me to investigate. Matt and Brian just saved me the trouble. My homewaters are Lake Springfield, and I have no problem at all with calling it a festering lagoon of a S#!t hole. Nice video Matt and Brian. Really makes me want to hit Crane sometime. Paul
  23. I'm only familiar with the upper end from Boxley to Pruitt. But you won't be able to even float up there in the summer because it gets too low anyway, so no worry about dangerous rapids. And they really aren't that bad anyway unless there have been some recent rains. Below Kyles my book shows it being all class I, so unless there has been a lot of rain, you'll be fine. I've heard the lower sections aren't nearly as crowded as the upper, but I've seen hundreds of canoes on the water there in April and May, so "crowded" may be a relative term. By mid-July, its hot enough that the party may be over on the lower sections. Upper end doesn't fish that well at all, and I've heard the lower section is only a little better. Call some outfitters and ask their advice. Have fun!
  24. joeD nailed it. Below Dry Fork it is consistently worse than it is better, and above there, well, might as well fish the park.
  25. Good point, and thats my next big bone of contention I have with some giggers . . . not all of them I'm sure, but from what I've seen of the Washington/Jefferson county variety at least --- they tend to be SLOBS. Aw heck, throw Oregon, Dent, and Phelps County in there too. Who hasn't been to a boat ramp and seen exactly this same thing? Scales everywhere, rotting smelly fish entrails either on the bank or right there in inches of water. It ain't exactly littering, but its pretty durn hoosier-ish, not much different than finding sawed off dear limbs right near a hunting access. Maybe they can't be busted out on the water in the dead of night, but I'd sure like to see some tickets written AT the boatramps to the knuckle-draggers who are fouling them in such a way. I bet these would be the same crowd who don't mind gigging the sportfish too.
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