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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by trythisonemv

  1. The problem here AL is that thise fringe ideologically possessed people are the ones driving the talking points on both right ad left. I had an insane conversation with a youth theother day. She informed me that IVF is murdering babies or attempting to make designer babies.... she was completely ignorant if the science of biology just the same as a lefty is unaware that men have different chromosomes. How do you bridge the gap ? When someone has become so ideologically bent it is hard to get in and really is it worth trying ? The answer is yes. But also the bifurcation has made that hard and has made it seem as if there are only two parties and you hve to pick one. Personally I vote more conservative fiscally and traditionaly liberal on social issues when they are actually relevant. We as a society need to stop dragging ideology to th top and focus more on real issues. The government is too big to deal with issues without trying to placate the ideologues from every walk of life.
  2. In this trying political and economic climate, it seems hard to find common ground with people who have opposing viewpoints of the ways to solve the problems. However, we Re all here on this platform to share our common love of fishing and the outdoors... seems kinda silly that we can all love something so much while thinking the others are swine. I posit that if we can connect over fishing or hunting that there must be som similarities to our lives and conditions. So when you are approaching a political topic( ots a major election year) why not assume that the person you just were liking a picture of or a post of might in fact have an idea you hadn't thought of. Or perhaps approaching it with the care of listening to them before responding in a critical manner. Of we can see the others points and convey back to them our understanding of it we can find a way to help them see our own views in the same light. It's a crazy world but if we can find common ground in nature then why not try to at least understand where our fellow citizens are coming from. Socio economic status or travel or service can really drive world views so be mindful of that. People don't remember what you said they remember how it made them feel. . . So be open minded but have the resolve to stand your ground with courtesy. The world is a crap shoot right now so we need to be united if we want to solve the many problems. That being said I choose freedom every time
  3. June bugs
  4. What flies were you throwing on this trip Ryan?
  5. Aino by Andres Anderson
  6. The double work way better though. Jig them down stream or jerk strip in small water
  7. The problem I encountered with single extra long hooks is that you miss a lot of Hookset due to them hitting the head. Now I do tie a single peanut envy but it is just a bow river bugger basically.
  8. I believe the point was not to use the cactus but instead use maribou stem material to make a double color under body . I have tried that but I don't like the look. They fish good as is. Will say if wrench says it works it works so take it as you will lol
  9. Small creek by my home the fish freaking love these things. Same at trout parks
  10. At least there is no guessing what you were using this time 😂
  11. Wonder if the rain has held them off here? We have had so much rain
  12. Haven't seen a one around aurora mt vernon area .
  13. Eagerly awaiting this dude
  14. Wonder why he doesn't post anymore?
  15. Agree here. Roaring is way more personal and easier to access .
  16. Mr John if you are ever in sw mo give me. Buzz. I'll take you to the magical world of creek x
  17. My point exactly. Alas we will never agree on this collectively
  18. Which fish do you refer to? Large mouth are protected by length limits and bag limits and are among the most abundant fish isohr great state. They are not stocked but reproduce very quickly and are managed fir recreational purposes. I see the point al was making but think perhaps it's a possibility that the revenue created as well as the life long memories are worth the concerns
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