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Everything posted by strangercreek

  1. I was looking around for something to use for someone that doesn't want to bother with a fly rod and found this. I have tried to get back into using some conventional gear but always find myself adapting conventional methods into fly fishing somehow, but this is a neat idea. I would like to try it just for fun. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mbgff4bylyg
  2. I never hear or read about the Upper White above Beaver Lake (West Fork of Upper White?). I am assuming there are no trout but does anyone have experience with this stretch? I'm wondering if there is a striper/white bass run. just curious, thanks
  3. This is why I don't listen to talk radio "mouth heads".....don't even get me started on the garbage on the radio in Kansas City I understand the fear of flying but once I was able to get myself over it I am able to enjoy travel alot more. It is nice to get off the place in 2.5 hours to go fishing in Florida or goof off in Vegas for a weekend without the drive, especially straight through flights....and I've even had some rough ones. You definitely have more chance of being in a car wreck, however your chances of surviving a plane crash are much lower than surviving a car crash....but numbers (numbers of cars, drunk drivers, morons who don't pay attention, cell phones, texting, idtiots that drive on bald tires, etc etc) show that driving is much more dangerous. I still get it....its just unnerving for some people, but still the best way to travel in my opinion.....not saying I don't enjoy an occasional road trip....the southwest and the drive between Kansas and South Carolina are two of my favorites.
  4. Both good ideas IMO. I also like the idea of carrying a Personal Locator Beacon (these things can save lives). I think some of them even have the ability to send "I'm OK" messages.
  5. I have a Cortland Classic Peach 444 DT5F for sale. I fished it for one weekend at Roaring River and have decided I need to upline the rod for which it was purposed. I have no use for DT5F otherwise. It includes the plastic box, spool, cleaning pad, and a spool label. I put on a 2 inch butt section made of 20lb amnesia with a perfection loop and glued the nail knot. My loss your gain. I paid $60 + tax....selling $40 shipped. Thanks Jason
  6. Jack, I waded zone 2 all day Friday and Saturday, there were others doing the same.
  7. Is is the opening day in spring that gets the large crowd? I've always wanted to see it in person at least once, but I'll just be glad to go fishing
  8. ....trying to decide wether or not to brave opening day. I would get down there around noon, is it shoulder to shoulder for most of the day? I already have time off work, just didn't realize it was opening day (at least the river will be open)
  9. Lamson reels are always good, and the Konic or Guru are decent buys. I have a Teton Tioga on one of my 5wts (one of the models from the original company?) Very solid low frills US Made reel. They can frequently be found on ebay for less than $200, (less than $100 sometimes)
  10. I can't waiit to take my little girl along, she will be three in Jan. I've been letting her play with a fly rod outside, she likes to wave it around and watch the "yellow string" fly around
  11. Does anyone else get American Angler? There is an article about Ross Reels and Scientific Anglers being bought by Orvis. I wonder if it will change the brand quality at all. I'm not big on Ross Reels but I have several SA fly lines. Interesting
  12. I think there is some sort of vote to today about the back pay.....we'll find out if its a free vacation. I heard someone say yesterday that its already so close to weekend that they don't want to get called back yet. They are welcome for me paying their salary. This whole thing is a joke and a disgrace, I'm embarrassed and I have never worked for any gov't agency, federal, state, local, or otherwise.
  13. Exactly, just go into a govt office for some reason, it stands out like a sore thumb...that also carries over to State,Local and the USPS from my experiences. I am just calling it like I see it. Go into the post office in Union Station KCMO sometime, when its break time its "BREAK TIME"!. I love the automated postage/shipping machine. Here is something that I snapped a pic of while it was out being serviced though.....cracks me up.
  14. I'm not disrespecting any govt workers I don't know. I said "all the govt employees I know" (and I know MANY). There are a few good ones but most of them brag about their cush jobs therefore you can make a character judgement about them, its not difficult. The govt is bloated and there is no denying it. I will however generalize when it comes to politicians though, just follow the slime trail. Let me take this a step further. The respectable govt employees I know all have something in common, they are Veterans. I think we should reserve civil service for them, not civilians. I think that would help. With all this being said, from what I understand the govt workforce is a drop in the bucket compared to all the other "expenditures", still angers me though....
  15. Right, the best you could hope for is for them wear uniforms like NASCAR drivers so that you know who they are representing. The marriage between politics and corporations in this country makes me want to puke in my soup. Some people see 535 people trying to serve this nation.....I see 535 people serving themselves, nothing anyone can say or do will ever change my mind, let me also add that the majority (except 2 or maybe 3) govt employees I know are totally worthless. One acquaintance has told me he is happy about this as it is a free vacation (the back pay will almost certainly be there),,,,,ridiculous. I won't continue because I can't say anything nice or respectful here.....
  16. What the hell is wrong with this world?..... an eye for an eye
  17. Glad you have it under control F&F. I haven't gone mushroom hunting in the last few years because I just can't deal with ticks anymore...use to think I didn't like snakes, they don't bother me at all, ticks are my main fear. I don't know if this is a wives tale or not, but it really does seem like all your previous tick bites start itching when you get a new one.... I've tried everything, skin-so-soft, OFF, etc, I always get them.....
  18. Still sad to think that a man died in this situation. It sounded like there were several witnesses. I have been following this (not until now as there hasn't been any updates that I could find). Here is something from today with Crocker's lawyer saying he was being pelted and stoned with "rocks the size of softballs" and he was beaten and bruised. http://blogs.riverfronttimes.com/dailyrft/2013/08/james_crocker_paul_dart_float_trip_shooting.php? I wasn't there, so I won't take any sides, but thought this was interesting.
  19. Alot of aspects here sicken me, the fact that his wife and son(stepson?) saw him shot....and what is the guy who was wielding the rocks feeling? I would sure as hell feel like I had a huge part in escalating the situation and contributing to getting my friend shot. That would be a difficult pill to swallow for the rest of one's life....really sad. I still can't get through the fact that there were probably children around (in a group of 50 there had to be), they will have that image in their heads for life also. I know I remember major stuff from when I was really young, something like that sticks with you.
  20. ......and by the way, I would have been the first canoe headed down river before Crocker even made it onto the gravel bar...the fact that he even showed up would have been enough indication to me that something might happen......I'm out of there
  21. Like someone mentioned earlier, try your hardest not to put yourself in that position, but when it comes to making a living, sometimes it just isn't possible (and I love my job.... I'm not going to work in some safe corporate hell hole just because I get harassed in a parking garage once in a while)
  22. Sometimes a cold Dr Pepper is REALLY needed, nothing else close. I don't do it that often though. It has improved anyway, they remodeled the whole place and cleaned it up.
  23. I understand everyone's frustration with how guns play into this. Anytime something like this happens, especially close to your neck of the woods, it really hits home. We have had many many shootings, and a few shootings on public transit in KC recently (this is way I live 30 miles west). It always brings up the argument and I get it, but I just don't buy into the fact that guns are the problem...and even if they were, they are here to stay (in the criminals hands anyway). If crocker did have a record, it will be interesting to see if he was a legal gun owner......he shouldn't have been
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