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Everything posted by Johnsfolly

  1. Planning on heading out that way likely on the 20th. Plan on being in MO through the end of the month. Planning on a couple of days to hunt/fish. Want to get into some gray or fox barkers ๐Ÿ˜. Turkey if I come across some or better yet a bow killed deer!
  2. May have to push my better half and daughter (yes they are OAF members) to put their names in the hat ! That would give three chances for a Doty special sculpin to head east.
  3. Now I'm jealous ! If I caught a little one it would still fulfill my goal. Congrats on some great fishing thus far! I hope that I win the Doty special sculpin so that I can use that when I get a chance to get down to Taney.
  4. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    Weds night had baked potato soup with sweet corn on the cob. Double smoked bacon, Yukon gold potatoes, sharp white cheddar, sweet yellow onions, ... (no Old Bay but was added to the corn ). Photo of the soup topped with sour cream.
  5. That is an awesome brown trout. Just a great fish! Congrats on a successful trip.
  6. That may be up for some debate ๐Ÿ˜! Seriously, congrats on a great time out catching fish buddy!
  7. Duane - put me in the mix. You know that I am a sculpin man! Thanks!
  8. I'll throw my hat in the ring๐Ÿ˜.
  9. @BilletHead or @Al Agnew or @MoCarp do any of you know if quartz was commonly used for points, particularly in the northeast? I found a quartz piece in Connecticut that I was certain was a point. I gave it to my brother when I went to college. Haven't seen it since.
  10. Ness - I heard that one before, but still makes me laugh!
  11. By the way I found this point on Steve's farm and it did not have my name written on it .
  12. Couple of funny stories along these lines. I knew a guy, Steve, that worked for me in the past and was kind of a prankster. He would do things like set up vine/twig doll (like from the Blair witch project) in front of a guys deer stand or put a buck skull on some brush down from another guys stand so that the antlers were above the brush and moving in the wind... This guys was a really skilled point hunter. He still had the most impressive collection of axes, points, etc. that I have seen outside of a museum. He would often hunt points with another guy that would walk past points. On one prearranged point hunt, Steve took a large point from his collection and wrote the other guys name on it and placed in a obvious part of a creek bed that they were going to hunt. So needless the say this guy actually found this point. He was so excited until Steve said "that's a great one! it looks like it has your name written all over it" then the other guy turned it over ! When I was in grad school I worked at a sanctuary in the Poconos. This property had only been owned by three families in the last 150 years (approximately 640 acres with a 56 acre lake). It was rather untouched. Back in the 40's they had a storm that had hurricane force winds come up through one of the valleys that knocked over hundreds of trees. They set up a mill on the property to mill those trees for lumber. In the mid 70's there was a archeological grad student that was looking for burial mounds on this property. He came upon a spot in the forest that appeared to have well over 40 mounds. He secured funding from the University to dig on some of the more prominent mounds. They spent the whole season mapping and digging several of the mounds and found nothing. Turns out the mounds were the remains of the root balls from the trees that were knocked down in that storm . I would not have wanted to go back to the department chair to explain this mistake.
  13. I've got nothin here either๐Ÿ˜’.
  14. I'll let her know buddy.
  15. My daughter had one of her best years. She reared and released over 20 monarchs and 5 swallowtails !
  16. Not sure of the strain, but it appears to be the snake river cutthroat subspecies. Our resident cutthroat specialist @BilletHead can confirm!
  17. Don't want to see any human sacrifices if you two get together and form an obsidian blade or use Teotihuacan green obsidian. Just saw a Expedition Unknown episode on them !
  18. I would have to buy a boat first then tear it up !
  19. Congrats to you both for meeting up, getting your boat fixed and fishing with Wrench. As many have said, myself included that is one of the great benefits of this forum. Marty - I agree. I know that I am a better fisherman through the relationships that I have formed while on this forum. I also feel like I am a better man as well.
  20. Would have lived to have seen those redhorse. I don't know what species are common in the Niangua. Congrats on catching dinner!
  21. Marty always impressed by your skills and knowledge. Very nice points my friend.
  22. Very nice find. Looks like a young one. Should not be too woody. I'm jealous. Just been finding lots and lots of bitter boletes or Amanitas and some suspect gilled mushrooms. Not any good edibles like that one.
  23. Hope that he's a bit of a masochist and wants to be bit repeatedly! Good Luck!
  24. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    I have heard that as well. Haven't seen anything but a few grays here.
  25. Johnsfolly

    What's Cooking?

    We love that recipe as well. Have seen a squirrel in the yard in over a week.๐Ÿ˜’ Something has been tearing up the pine cones in the woodlot. So there has to be a couple around. Would love to have some squirrel dishes.
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