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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Fbit.ly%2F2kMz9uv&h=ATP0b-XL68Rt4JTiXaEEgf-rp6J9WUBw1H1mW1bPS4G-CVykNupfT35NWUHT1PhkbBDfDHN2rhDp_JaBBqs5rZFpo8V_jOG1CrvtwixBLecNvuZhSCaAEMj_AAcTVZw2XePEi2N34TXNJWdJDUzcYVkGRo9CWsh59BCuAn5zO-Ph4El4OBEwv8NDwWuvupMmpIMRTG0mwUmyRduDGbfIpSny77-51LgHB_VrmdsLr-BfdizrYbpZTSZXVu4V2bQquVsERSYSDSuO5puiffeiPmF1yv46xXLHoPlpcCTi1dTN9g We are lakefront and have a view both. Due to life changes, we are making a move but this is going to be difficult. Will still be close enough to drive though. If my bass fishing would be compared to golf, I would be considered a "hacker". Still love it every time I go!!!
  2. Bo, I was a little shocked when Nutech or you were not mentioned also. We happened to be in the area that day so my wife and I were curious to see how they did. Didn't see you there but saw the guy with Nutech stuff. I was very confused. Appreciate your products and all you have done for me.
  3. Take care of yourself BO. Appreciate all you do for this site and the fine products you make. God Bless.
  4. Hey Champ, those are both great points on the 3 fish limit. Here is my thoughts: If the goal is to get more people interested in tournaments/bass fishing what if a "novice" would win or place high in a tournament? They would probably be hooked on tournament fishing for good. If the goal is to sustain tournament bass fishing (and I'm probably thinking locally) don't you have to get new people involved? If they even have a little success, you have a chance of keeping them. So if I were a a better tournament fisherman I would want them to come back so I can take their money the next tournament. (ha!!) I know a lot of us here take young kids fishing and it is amazing what catching one bluegill does for their interest. Now when I take them to catch their first bass, they are hooked!!! Again, just thoughts from a "simple man" I do love this sight!!!
  5. From someone who doesn't fish tournaments much, I have always liked the 3 fish limit or big bass format. There has been a decrease in tournament participants over the last few years. The reason: those who can't fish 5 to 7 days a week feel like they are donating their money. If there were a 3 bass limit, even a "hacker" like myself might have a chance to win some money. Also, as previously stated, the mortality rate might possibly go down hauling fewer fish in a livewell in the summer and with the spawners in the spring. Just some thoughts from a very simple man.
  6. I have had my BB1's for 3 years and nary a problem. Guys at Sportsman are the best.
  7. I do not want to add fuel to the fire on this subject but would like to make some comments. I grew up in a Midwest area where bass fishing water were limited but have witnessed what effect "Meat Fishing" can have on the bass population. I think it is great to keep a couple to eat. I live across the cove from a resort and I witness bass being cleaned & packaged all summer. These folks are normally very nice and I do appreciate the money they spend here but I would hope I would respect the future bass fishing in there home areas (normally Kansas) if I visited. I have some ideas on what I would like to see done on the lake but I know due to monetary concerns they will never happen: Bring down tournament limits to 3 fish per boat, make paper tournaments or use of cameras electronic devices etc... the norm rather than unusual. I would like to see a local big bass tournament trail. It would get "hackers" like me a chance for a day of fame (Ha!!) Bed fishing sucks but I know there are tournament fisherman and others who are good at this. I am not convinced if you move a spawning female from her nest & haul her around in a livewell that she will successfully spawn. I really the enjoy the opinions expressed on this site and the passion each of you have for this great lake. These are just the views of a simple man. Thanks for letting me share my opinion.
  8. Thanks for the help guys. Sounds like Championship Marine is the key. I am a mess around any fix it job, ( I make Tim the Tool Man look good!) You guys are the best.
  9. First of all, I want to thank those on this site for the information & knowledge shared. In golf I would be considered a 'hacker' but in fishing I guess I would be considered a novice who just enjoys going fishing. To my question: Took a couple of youngsters fishing yesterday & we got too close to the end of a dock. I now have a scratch/gauge in the top of my boat. Do you folks know of any fiberglass repair folks in the Shell Knob area who are good & reasonably priced? Thanks for any help you can give me.
  10. Was out for 4 hrs, had a 4th grader with me so we did lots of talking, fishing, etc. Caught one nice spot & one nice largemouth. Both in less than 20 ft in bluff transitions. Jerkbait & jigs were the trick. Hopefully more coming shallow????
  11. Just wanted to say a quick thanks to Bo. Great products, great customer service & most of all a great person. Was a treat to meet him. My wallet will be much lighter after meeting you!!! Good Luck Bo!!!
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