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Everything posted by terryjones

  1. I like the Gili it looks just like a big bull bluegill
  2. they're expecting it to crest Monday at 693
  3. thanks Phil for the update I appreciate it
  4. the floodgates are open at Beaver
  5. couldn't of said it better myself.
  6. yep lights and minnowsdoes the trick every time
  7. my buddy and me finished from sundown till sunrise.I had a nice 20 inch walleye to channel cats and 13 crappie.my buddy had 3 walleye 14 crappy and 1 channel cat.the weather was awesome.good luck and good fishing
  8. thanks for the report I appreciate it
  9. sounds like a great trip.nice to hear the eyes are biting.thanks for the info.
  10. thanks for the report.nice eye
  11. has anyone been catching walleye anywhere between holiday island and Big M
  12. that's an awesome fish where were you fishing
  13. glad to hear the eyes are biting sounds like you had a great trip thanks
  14. the problem is when you have one conservation agent tell you one thing and someone else tells you something elsethat's all I'm saying should all be the same
  15. sounds like to me that one hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing sometimesso from now on I will just take my 15 back to the truck and put them in a cooler on ice so I don't end up with a big fat ticket for having 5 or 6 extra crappie
  16. call the Conservation Department back today they said today limit 30 fish so if you keep them separated before midnight and after midnight that is legal they also said it is up to the game or no when you tell him your story as well and he believes you're not so if you get off the water at 4 o'clock in the morning he's probably going to believe you but if you get off the water 10 o'clock in the morning he's probably not going to believe you so ultimately it is legal but it is up to the morning to decide whether not you're telling the truth or not
  17. I had a buddy call the Conservation Department in Springfield he asked him the same question aboutcrappiehe asked if he cut 15 before midnight and fifteen the next day if that would be legal they told him as long as he kept them separated that that would be legal so why would a warden tell you he would write you a ticket
  18. nice fish awesome day congrats
  19. awesome pics thanks a lot
  20. Good point,I've also noticed in the summertime I can catch big crappieright around a big shad ball.
  21. Thanks for the info.awesome day guys.
  22. I too agree that I'd like to see 11 inch crappielimit and an 18 inch walleye limit.it takes a walleye three years to reach 15 inches but at the same time it takes them 3 years to become old enough to spawn.that is the case from what I've read in the publications if this is true then we are harvesting walleye that aren't even old enough to spawn.if we had an 18 inch limit the wallyewould have 3 years to spawn
  23. Wow what a fish.
  24. Jim u are a true sportsman,and a wonderful person.Hope you and your family have a wonderful Merry Christmas.
  25. Are these walleye leftover from when the lake was dammed up.
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