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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Smalls21

  1. I think I'd be ok with that too
  2. just asking, and i dont care either way. there seems to be some discontent on the forum regarding BPS and Johnny Morris, just wondering if maybe johnny slept with somebody's wife or something
  3. those are good little trucks, i just got rid of my 97 dakota last year, that thing was a beast !
  4. When i became a Dad 8years ago, i told my dad, if anything ever happens to my daughter, the person who did it better pray that the cops get him before i do.
  5. i usually rig the middle wire with a small blade scrounger head, and a havoc beat shad or grass pig jr
  6. have any of you guys ever used old lead wheel weights melted down?
  7. I don't really care what anyone says it is a good movie. Only movie i have ever seen in a theatre, at the end of the movie nobody said a word, complete silence
  8. I went yesterday and there were Green County Mounties at the doors, trying to prevent theft i guess
  9. Ron's custom upholstery in Spfld does really good work.
  10. any chance you were fishing on the Miss Cortez? I witnessed a similar event with a nurse shark
  11. if you are in a boat, i always just troll a buck tail jig upstream
  12. i would start soon. from aldrich, i would follow the channel up to the bridge
  13. anybody fishing in the Derby need a partner? willing to pay gas, drinks. no guarantee on catching big fish, but will at least get the net for yours!
  14. i really dont think you can go wrong with a Lowrance or Humminbird. you should be able to get a nice 8"-10" screen for that price. I saw that BPS has free install with purchase for the spring classic
  15. A couple good breweries in town too!!
  16. cashew kitty and sweet-N-sour puppy!!!! MMMMMmmmm
  17. have you ever thought about accupuncture? I did it a couple times before my shoulder surgery, helped with the pain until my shoulder could be repaired
  18. If you are in Springfield, you might check out Race Brothers, or maybe Locke Electrical supply
  19. that would be great if someone has an open spot, I would be willing to pitch in gas money
  20. This sounds like a lot of fun!!! any chance of a bank fishing division? I don't think my boat will be ready to go by then
  21. buddy of mine a couple years ago caught a 6lb-5oz spot around cape fair
  22. no, it wouldn't have made a difference
  23. OK that helps! I have CRS so I never remember what they supposed to do.
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