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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Smalls21

  1. i most certainly do!
  2. from the Goat Trail- not an advisable trail for inexperienced hikers or anybody that gets vertigo
  3. we went in Jan., less people, not much water flow, but still amazing. also see alot more Elk in the cooler months
  4. if you have never been inside, pretty cool waterfall at the back
  5. Did you hike up to the cave?
  6. Lost valley is one of my favorite hikes, always do it a least once a year. I have an 11 yr old that is the same way
  7. was planning on getting up early Saturday morning to go after some Crappie, but it seems i slept through my alarm. Finally got to Bridgeport around 1pm, headed up around Pt.15 in a small cove proceeded to have the fish surrounded by minnows under a bobber. Fishing was pretty slow, but considering the late start i was not discouraged yet, decided to try Peachtree, in one stretch of bank about 40yds caught these 9 fine Crappie, with the only female being the white Crappie. water temp was 64.3 - 66.1
  8. the alarm was set for 630!
  9. they are slated for a hot oil bath at the end of May, along with plenty of other fried goods
  10. was planning on getting up early Saturday morning to go after some Crappie, but it seems i slept through my alarm. Finally got to Bridgeport around 1pm, headed up around Pt.15 in a small cove proceeded to have the fish surrounded by minnows under a bobber. Fishing was pretty slow, but considering the late start i was not discouraged yet, decided to try Peachtree, in one stretch of bank about 40yds caught these 9 fine Crappie, with the only female being the white Crappie. water temp was 64.3 - 66.1 This post has been promoted to an article
  11. took my Dad fishing, we put in at Aldrich around 9am, headed up into the river, ran up until my prop started eating gravel, started drifting back down. Water temp at Taylor bridge was 55. Dad picked up a couple whites above Taylor, I finally caught a white as we drifted below the bridge. decided to run back up river, stopped at the first big gravel bar, had a free lunch of cheddar brats and Coors banquet, thanks to my cousin who was camping there. Started drifting back towards Taylor, picking up a few whites here and there, water temp had come up to 57.7. You could tell it was a Friday afternoon, as there was more and more people lining the banks. we got just below Taylor bridge, in 1 spot Dad and I caught 15 keeper Whites, mostly my Dad doing the catching, as I became the net man, and trolling motor operator. After breaking off a couple times, we continued to drift back towards the Old Steel bridge, continuing to pick up whites here and there, caught our limit around 430. What started out as a slow morning, turned into a blast in the afternoon. Great day to be outside, and a Great day Catching fish with my Dad!!
  12. took my Dad fishing, we put in at Aldrich around 9am, headed up into the river, ran up until my prop started eating gravel, started drifting back down. Water temp at Taylor bridge was 55. Dad picked up a couple whites above Taylor, I finally caught a white as we drifted below the bridge. decided to run back up river, stopped at the first big gravel bar, had a free lunch of cheddar brats and Coors banquet, thanks to my cousin who was camping there. Started drifting back towards Taylor, picking up a few whites here and there, water temp had come up to 57.7. You could tell it was a Friday afternoon, as there was more and more people lining the banks. we got just below Taylor bridge, in 1 spot Dad and I caught 15 keeper Whites, mostly my Dad doing the catching, as I became the net man, and trolling motor operator. After breaking off a couple times, we continued to drift back towards the Old Steel bridge, continuing to pick up whites here and there, caught our limit around 430. What started out as a slow morning, turned into a blast in the afternoon. Great day to be outside, and a Great day Catching fish with my Dad!! This post has been promoted to an article
  13. thats true, I have never anyone that is from Mexico drink a corona, but i have seen them drink a Modelo !!
  14. It sure is a NICE day outside
  15. IMO, there is no better river than the Buffalo!
  16. there are no fish in flat creek!!
  17. I do know 1 thing about the area! That is home to the Best college football team!! GO BUCKEYES!!!
  18. just put in at flat creek
  19. any one know if Koppies is still open at Cape Fair marina?
  20. if i could use a baseball bat to hit that stupid little white ball, and a hockey stick to put it in the hole, i might try playing golf
  21. If you are close to Springfield, Fin and Feather carries Dave's NED heads
  22. the water at the back of flat creek was clear 6' visibility to stained 2' visibility at the flat creek ramp
  23. First trip out this year! put in at flat creek at 10am to a light drizzle, went up the creek until we ran out of water, started working back towards the ramp, tossing a road runner for whites-NADA, switched over to the NED and proceeded to catch dink after dink. finally caught a couple right at 15". off the water at 3. felt good to get out on the water again!
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