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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Pictures were from a relaxing Rockhouse to Trigger Gap overnight run we did last year. I too love catching smallies in the creeks. Locally we got to run high water Hailstone last year and we did the Cossatot the year before after floods. Mulberry and Frog Bayou are our go to runs with kids though. Never floated in MO, but prob should change that. I got probably 200 trips down Brown's Canyon near Buena Vista upstream of the gorge on the Ark. Worked a bit downstream in Big Horn Sheep Canyon before you get into Gorge also, and also ran some low water Animas trips near Durango. Only thing i've done out east is the Nantehala in western NC. Almost ran the Ocoee on that trip but opted to stick to Nante since our cabin was 5 mins from the takeout...it was just too convenient. Still have the St. Francis in MO on my semi-close bucket list. Think it runs Class 3 or 4 at high water and is 5 or 6 hrs away?
  2. Didn't know you were a whitewater boater too...you aiming to be the next Dos Equis most interesting man!? I was a guide on the Ark in CO in a previous life over the summers of 2000-2002. Got to go back for the 1st time since then at high water the last couple years. Starting to plan now for family overnighter on the Green, Yampa, or San Juan this summer...permit dependent of course. We may have room for an extra boat if we get permits? Upper CO or back to the Ark i guess if we come up empty. Pics are from our 1st overnighter on the Kings last summer in my new to me boat that I bought from my old company...actually it was my 40th birthday present from my wife that she let me pick out! Keep it right side up:)
  3. Noted and thx:) May wind up at PC if 1 of the 10 spots are available. Prob won't be able to get there til 430ish so who knows?
  4. I just called the Core and got info on camping in the off-season on Beaver since the rec.gov website is no help. It sucks that due to lack of funding they have to shut down most of the lake while it's still in the 70s(or will be this weekend anyway) and the leaves haven't fully changed yet, but i guess it is what it is? Sites are 1st come 1st serve at horseshoe bend, lost bridge north, Dam Site River, and 10 sites at Prairie Creek. Some sites at those parks will not be accessible but they should be blocked off and obvious. Hickory Creek will have some availability beginning the 10th or 11th as well but it is totally closed now. All other parks are closed for camping. She said to just set up tent or RV and someone will be by to collect $ and check you in. Sites should have power and bathrooms accessible as well. I told her i had truck camped, not using firepit or picnic table at Rocky Branch in off season before, and she said i could have gotten a citation had i been caught. I have a smaller boat so i try to camp closer to where i plan to fish...was hoping to be at Rocky Branch this weekend but looks like i have to make another plan. Was hoping to get on some walleye and/or striper/whites so i'll prob end up at Lost Bridge North?
  5. I fished Indian Creek/dam area also sat night -Monday afternoon. No luck Sat evening pulling bottom bouncers and trolling a bit in 25-35 feet down for 5 hours or so. Met a couple buddies below the dam and whacked some trout Sunday morning to get a little action after a slow night. Another buddy came up Sunday evening and we trolled big cranks and umbrellas sunday night and sat morning from 15-40 feet down marking a few but with no takers. Tried to bottom bounce crawlers for eyes at dusk Sunday before my buddy got there, but 5 minutes after i got lines wet i was waved down by ski boat that had bad gas. Spent the next 45 mins at 3/4 throttle going 5 mph towing them back to the Dam ramp with my little 83' 40 hp on my 16ft tin tracker. Bummer, but most annoying about it was the 30-40 foot cruiser(really the only BIG one i saw all weekend) that passed between me and a striper boat as i was hugging the camp peninsula shore. Had to turn 90 degrees back into open water to hit big rollers square...nerve wracking for a sec but managed to stay dry and boat stayed in tow. My buddy left midday Monday and i went back to BB and picked up a 19 and 20in in the same spot in 15-20 ft of water with much deeper near by. WT 76ish and pretty nice weekend for fish and fisherman i suppose. Heading back that way again this weekend, but family is coming so not sure how much fishing i'll get in or whether this weather will change everything again. I don't post much because i don't get out much, but much thanks to those who do that allow me to live vicariously through your adventures ...and misadventures sometimes:) See my baby proudly holding daddy's catch. Hopefully i can get her to sit still long enough for her to get 1 this weekend...or she will just name all the worms for me instead:) All Take Care,
  6. You are a wealth of knowledge Randy, and I do appreciate your willingness to share it. One can lurk on the blogs, read articles & books, get all the newest gear, etc., but getting time out on the water is the only way we really get better. For someone with limited time and finances like myself, I'm sure you have saved me both with 5 hours of your time. Paying it forward to a stranger, while expecting nothing in return is something we can all learn from that goes far beyond fishing. I enjoyed it and look forward to the next time!
  7. Small world. Heading to Francis Case the 1st week of July after a family reunion in Yankton. My uncle's guiding us for walleyes but I'd love to play with some healthy smallies too. I've been experimenting with ned on Beaver Lake a couple times now too...you all know how that experiment goes! I'll be bringing a couple just in case.
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