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Everything posted by Ketchup

  1. Wednesday my son in law “not a hunter, tho is name is Hunter” sent me a video at the end of their driveway of this buck. This was at 7:20am. He was alive and just laying there. He returned right at dark and the buck was gone. He noticed a hand full of white hair with some blood. This is on a very remote dirt road with 4 cars a day maybe. He thought maybe it had been hit, but my guess is a bad shot placement by someone archery hunting or spotlighting.
  2. A good way to start that clock in reverse is to get ya a beagle or 2. The exercise coupled with the joys of hearing those bawls would definitely set ya back a few years.
  3. Lets hope so. There will always be those that bind themselves with debt in the name of fun. I’ve done this myself, and let the wants be more important than my needs. I do currently have a boat payment, but it’s reasonable and i could pay it off today if i wanted. After this one is paid for, it will probably be the last boat payment i will ever have. Cash is king.
  4. Hey buddy, if it’s on a 2nd or 4th weekend i would definitely be able, especially with that trout sized discount Phil would give those attendees to fill his slow time. 😉
  5. He said they closed the doors on that boat brand. They pushed that boat marketing to the point of extinction.
  6. Welp, Ben Milliken delivered his caymas back to LOZ and got his Triton back. He said he has a new boat brand sponsor but won’t say who. BassCat i bet.
  7. Hey slab, i live about 10 minutes from Bois De Arc. I bow hunt the area a few days a year. If you need a walking buddy for birds let me know.
  8. I bought/donated a dozen combos for an assisted living facility that wanted to start taking some of the residents out. I received a nice letter and pictures shortly after. One of the best purchases I’ve made, and they use them monthly. There are facilities in every town.
  9. Not a biggie now to miss your rent payments. I mean what is she going to do kick her elderly dad out?
  10. Thanks guys. Re-reading that, boy did i jump around. You guys are smart and knew you’d get my story.
  11. Thursday we headed down to Ft. Worth. Better half had never been to the Stockyards, so the weather looked perfect and off we went. Got back this morning so we could sit in the blind the next 2 days. If you are country and have never been down there, you are missing a pretty cool area. Lots and lots to do and see. For shopping, just picture the Branson Landing on mega steroids. Similar type of setup with multiple streets with stores/bars/food on both sides. We spent Saturday down there. At 11:30 and 4 they do a little cattle drive for a few hundred yards for the city slickers and tourists to smile at. Speaking of tourists, holy heck were they there from every country, and lots of them on the weekend. Billy Bobs has a lot of history. Before it was its current self, it was a facility for making bomber planes during the war, among other establishments. I think there are 27 bars “we don’t drink”, a decent dance floor, great food, and they buck some bulls on the weekends inside. Just a cool place to walk through. The stockyards themselves have a very cool history. The single most cattle sold in a single day back in the old time was 2.5 million cattle. Now that’s some beef. Some of the pens are still standing and being used, but 95% of the hundreds are gone. Walking around outside just admiring the craftsmanship was one of my highlights there. They turned a lot of the buildings into stores, which sell lots of country items. Lots to see. The John Wayne museum is there and a pretty cool visit. Tho decent sized, it wasn’t as big as i thought. I mean after all, he was a big dude. They say his son Ethan is there often, talking to visitors. The streets are still the original red bricks from the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Those streets have lasted time, unlike what we drive on these days. Sunday we spent the day at the Ft. Worth zoo. I love zoos, and have been to them in over 20 states. This one is very clean and the animals all looked very well taken care of. Lots of green grass and flowers still growing. They have planted lots, and i mean lots of bamboo within the grounds and used it within the animal parts as well as the walking areas. Gave me that relaxed feeling, and brought back memories of childhood and cutting some down with my grandpa years ago to fish bream in his stock tank. Pretty nice zoo to visit. Train ride within wasn’t worth the fee. Monday we went back to the Stockyards to get more exercise and see places we didn’t on Saturday. I don’t think we walked in to but maybe 50% of the stores, and trust me we went in to a few. Saturday the place was packed, Monday not so much. The weekends offer live bands playing outside while you walk, carriage rides, etc. but scaled down throughout the week. Beautiful place to visit if you have a few days, an attraction for history or the country lifestyle, and a taste for excellent food. Oh yeah, when we went in to Billy Bobs, they told us they were closing early for a special event. Later i asked our waitress who it was and she said Miranda Lambert had reserved the entire building for her birthday yesterday. She said they had 2 artists coming in to do concerts, but she didn’t know who they were. I can only imagine the crowd there last night, and the names that showed up.
  12. Ketchup

    Tuff Buck

    You seen all of this from your lazy chair?
  13. Ketchup

    Youth weekend

    Well, our day wasn’t to bad but he didn’t harvest his first deer. We had 7 does and a spike which came and went 3 different times throughout the day. We tried getting a shot on him 2 times but he never stopped moving. Those does were pretty alert in the rain. The new blind has 6 windows and they were seeing the slightest movement from us with the windows behind us. This week i will put a single black curtain on a string to pull to one side on every window to eliminate that issue. It rained all day but maybe an hour. For 8 years old my little guy did awesome in that blind for 10 hours. Now to focus on the bow until the next gun season.
  14. Ketchup

    Youth weekend

    Nice buck for the young lady. Cool blind. We’ve had 2 does come in at 5 yards. He wants to wait for a buck for his first deer.
  15. Ketchup

    Youth weekend

    Anyone get out with a youth so far this weekend? My little guy and i are out now waiting for his first ever. He has an attention span the size of a pebble, so i brought his Nintendo Switch game knowing it would keep him in the blind longer. Good luck to the youth.
  16. Ketchup


    Quill, that wasn’t myself but a similar situation. When my trailer came free it must have locked up the breaks because when i stepped out there was a strong smell of rubber. Possibly what happened to the guy in your comment. The only damage to the trailer was the v-nose hit the ball as i was stopping. I was able to bang 99% of that out. BH, i hear ya. I always thought i was mostly like my dad, but the older i get the more i see in my mom.
  17. Ketchup


    This website has turned into a ghost the past year or so, so lets post a situation i had yesterday that will make ya laugh or give me that mad emoji. Bought a new enclosed trailer on Tuesday, adding to the 3 i have. I pull trailers 5 days a week of some type. We camped at Ruark this past weekend with the 5th wheel while better 1/2 pulled the boat. After getting home i unhooked the boat from her rig as she had to run somewhere and hooked it up to mine. I normally put it right in the shop after returning home, but it was late Sunday so it stayed hooked up to the truck til yesterday morning. At 4:30am yesterday i backed it in the shop, then hooked up the new work trailer and off i left. Headed south on 65 crossing over Sunshine that sucker came disconnected from the truck. Any idea what i forgot to do? Nope, i latched it on. The boat needs a 2” ball and the trailer is a 2 5/16 like my others. My normal routine is to unhook the boat, remove the slide in hitch with the 2” ball and stick it on the tongue of the boat trailer and put in the 2 5/16 sleeve and go. Well i forgot that small step, and left me with this situation. I keep my chains fairly tight and cross them when hooking up which saved me. What happened tho was that the jack of the trailer went under the flatbed of my truck so I couldn’t pull forward to reattach it, nor back up. So 1/4” by 1/4” i pulled it over to the side enough to pull the truck forward. Got it rehooked and stopped at Lowes and bought another 2 5/16 ball setup and all is good. Just glad there was very little traffic and that the trailer stayed attached with the chains.
  18. And magazines, clips.
  19. I fish mainly the Pomme side. The fish are starting their journey towards shallower waters following their meal of choice. I haven’t been up there in a week but did catch several fish on a few baits. The most productive was a sexy shad colored 1.5 square bill on wind/rock banks in the dam area. I did catch a few on a jerkbait in those same areas. Most fish were either within inches of shore or in 5’ of water. I caught a few around docks throwing a 6 Sense Hogwalla in GP on a shakey head. Most were on the walkway areas of the docks. If i were to go today and i were in the dam area i would start on the points on those 3 coves to the right of the dam. Fish those from the point to the backs as they are small pockets but have deep water still. From there head towards Bolivar Landing picking out chunk sized rock banks and keep that square bill in your hand. If that fails, toss a Ned around.
  20. What are you fishing for?
  21. Ketchup

    Oct. 4

    Launched out of Cedar Ridge around 8:30am to light rain. Went out with the intention of sticking to 3 size/colors of square bills in the first 1/2 of smaller cuts for 3 or 4 hours. Started at the point directly across from the ramp catching a drum on the 2nd cast. Kinda surprised at that catch. Ran 2 coves west and caught 2 small smallmouth pretty quick, neither keeper sized. Ran across to the Masters swim beach area and spent 2 hours there catching 4 more short smallies, 5 largemouth with 3 keepers, and another drum. I did throw a Bone colored Chappo back there catching the larger bass and another keeper. Not bad catching for a 4 hour outing.
  22. Is that your wife on the ladder?
  23. Nice greenhouse
  24. This one was hard to follow along.
  25. Seen whites but no bites. Not sure on walleye. I did witness a guy pulling his crappie up out of the water and a musky grabbed it out of the air. Pretty cool sight and sound. One of our guys hooked one too so the musky are active.
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