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big c

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by big c

  1. Really great article, thanks!
  2. And i for one can attest, the info James provides is priceless. I am pleasantly suprised all the quality info you all share. As a relitively newcomer to the area i really appreciate it.
  3. Disregard, just found the info, thanks
  4. Just recently?
  5. Glad for ya Champ!!
  6. Very nice and thanks for the detailed info!!
  7. Ouch!!! If that's the case I'll blame the renters. You know i would say more if this wasn't a public form and i retire in a year (but who's countimg). Tight lines and stay safe.
  8. Nice! Glad they were put back healthy, Did ya at least look up and wave?? Pence yesterday and Hillary thursday, come on November. See ya soon.
  9. Actually i appreciate all reports, didn't mean to slight anyone! Cant wait to get there more. Will do, Mike.
  10. Actually i appreciate all reports, didn't mean to slight anyone! Cant wait to get there more.
  11. Thanks Mike, hope to get there sooner than later. Michelle retires this coming friday, should make it easier to get down. Keep the info coming from that part of the lake, thanks again!
  12. I hope you have a speedy recovery sir.
  13. PM sent, food for thought.
  14. Ben, count me in, thanks!
  15. Yes, thanks from me as well. It is refreshing to see these post.
  16. Thank you
  17. Very nice sir!!!
  18. Sounds like a good time. When it comes to an instructional trip you're at the top of the list. Know this from experience, im sure he learned and had fun! Take care.
  19. Very nice!
  20. ^^^^^^^ Dave, we must share the same profession! Doughnuts, oh yea.......
  21. Thank you sir. Thats what we found when there, you explain it much better than i tried to!!
  22. Its all good. I'm going print the pics out and put them in the boat. Untill i get them figured out.....warmouth it will be!!!!!
  23. Thanks, looks like they would work well.
  24. Good fishin Alex, nice pics!!
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