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OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by m&m

  1. Trophy, thanks I'll mention it to him. Mike
  2. Quill, count me in also. Mike
  3. Here are a couple of square bill blanks from Predator that my son painted last night. I hope they run straight. He will check them out Friday. Mike
  4. Wasn't it a 5 fish limit? Mike
  5. Sprint, thanks for the report. sounds like you had a nice day. How was the water color around Baxter? Mike
  6. Gruber, I always use a lure on my treble hooks. I never tried it without a lure. HMMM....holding a treble hook in your hand to try to entice a fish to bite the hook.....not something I think I will try. lol looks painful. I have buried hooks too, as I am sure most of us have. Mike
  7. Cheese, nice day of fishing. The pictures look good. We went up the white river near eagle rock and WT was 49.4. No fish for the 3 hours we fished but we managed to see 2 bald eagles swoop down and grab fish from the lake. Sounds like we should have went to Cape Fair. Mike
  8. TFR, I am awaiting an order from them. My son wants to paint them. He is excited about the opportunity to create the finish. I'm excited to test them. But might not be able to test them until spring Mike
  9. Nice pictures. The fish really look healthy this fall. Mike
  10. Health looking fish!! Nice pictures and thanks for the report. Mike
  11. Cheese, congratulations. We built our vacation/retirement home in 2011/2012. Even when the leap day tornado took my top floor, I did not get discouraged. We've been in it as a vacation home since September, 2012 and I still get excited when I start driving down from STL. We come down most weekends until I retire in a couple of years. You will enjoy learning this lake even on the days when the bass win. Way to go!! Mike
  12. Ben, the idea is a good one. Is it perfect? Probably not. But most fisherman would want to know real time water temperatures so they can decide if they will fish the James, White, Kings, long creek, etc. The enhancement for me would be the water temperatures on the various parts of the lake coupled with the lake level on a running log so I can see where it was on the 1st day of the month and every day since then for the month. I can compare that with various daily weather feeds to determine the various stages the fish might be in when I can go fishing. It is a very good idea. The wolf river in Wisconsin has underwater cameras strategically placed so fisherman can tell when the white bass are running. People get used to it and head there when the video shows the movement. Your temerature idea from various parts of the lake is one that is worthwhile. Mike
  13. Thanks for the information from the 15 people who joined the discussion last night in the chat room. The info on the upper White River, using jigs and swim baits will help me as I continue to learn how ti fish TR. Mike
  14. Bo, Nice afternoon trip. Fishing that deep is something that I don't do. But for those of you who do, it sure paid off today. Mike
  15. Just a reminder for anyone who wants to join the chat room tonight at 7pm. talk to you then. mike
  16. That's pretty much what we found Wednesday and Thursday last week. Mike
  17. Quill, I for one would like to gain some knowledge of the upper white river from the mouth of Roaring River to about Haddock Creek. I am planning to head that way Saturday morning and was wondering if all the rain has made the area look like chocolate milk. Mike
  18. Cheese, thanks for the report. how deep were the fish? Mike
  19. Quillback, are we still on for a chat room on Tuesday? If so, I'll see everyone there. Mike
  20. Great color on that fish. Mike
  21. Ken, thanks for the report. nice pictures. I threw the same RC on Wednesday near Bridgeport and caught a few but all under legal size. No takers for me on the WP though. Mike
  22. 176Champ, I fish out of a 1986 Cajun 17' 6" with a 1989 150 Johnson GT. I have a lowrance 1240A in dash flasher and an Eagle Fish Mark 480 up front. I find that I use the flasher when I am running the big motor and I use the Eagle to tell me the water temperature. Then I pound the banks out to 20'. While those who can use their electronics to catch huge sacks have fun doing it, I am just a common guy who sees a tree laying in the water and I have to throw a lure at it. There is room for all of us. Mike
  23. Wareaglecamo, I'll let them know you tipped your hat to them. The fish were <5fow. The other SM was about the same size. I've fished in this weather before but the younger boys wanted to go so I decided to rest my bones. Mike
  24. You should see me trying to keep the pictures and the facts separated because I'm posting 3 different days of fishing at the same time. So I totally know what you mean. Mike
  25. Bo, if it works, he will be very busy. I'll certainly be a regular customer. Mike
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