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Everything posted by m&m

  1. Just a reminder about the chat room tonight at 7 pm. Mike
  2. Mark, I've got no dog in the fight but as a marketing guy as you report to be I think you just angered a large group of anglers because you told Champ that since he doesn't fish your tournaments, his opinion doesn't count. WOW!! I am not here to defend Champ as he can do that for himself. Rather as I see it, he merely stated a fact which you verified. At first he said that this year's grand prize is a lesser valued boat. You confirmed that in your reply. Then he asked a question wondering why a typical participant would care about the grand prize. It would have been very simple to provide an answer instead of telling him that his opinion doesn't matter. JMHO Mike
  3. I always think that the best fishing is when I am throwing a lure into the lake. The best catching might have been yesterday, or tomorrow or even later today, but I sure have fun fishing right now!!! IMHO Mike
  4. Ken, nice report, fat fish. I fished a couple of spots around the dam on Friday and Saturday for a total of about 4 hours and did not get bit at all. Fish were on the graph in the 20-30' range. I was experimenting with a drop shot as I am just learning to use it. This weekend for me was to gain experience with the drop shot. I now have a feel for it. Of course it would have been nice if some fish wanted to bite it while I was experimenting, but oh well maybe another day. Sounds like the guys up the rivers had a good weekend. Mike
  5. Nice fish. I'm gonna remember to keep a rod and reel with me when I accompany my wife on errands. I usually go with her. Never thought about letting her run an errand and I would fish. And she said yes when you asked her to drop you at the ramp? HMMM.... I need to know your secret on that conversation. That is as valuable as your fishing report. Mike
  6. Bucketcreekmike was that you guys in the pontoon around the corner from Rock Lane marina around 1:30pm? Mike
  7. Quill, sounds like a plan. It's on my calendar. Since the chat room may include people that want to speak about different topics, the only suggestion I have is to insert the name of the person you are replying to so that it is less confusing. I can see 3 or 4 conversations about different topics going on at once and it may be hard to reply to one when someone thinks you are replying to another. Kind of like I did at the beginning of this reply to you. I listed your name first so that you know I am replying to you. I am a simple person and this helps me to follow chats. IMO Mike
  8. Bo, Nice trip and great pictures. I just love fall fishing cause you never know so you have to work a little harder but it sure pays off with ones like that. Mike
  9. I would always have a jig tied on as a third go to bait. Nice report, hammer. Mike
  10. Thanks for the report. Nice jag of smallies. Mike
  11. Ken, I can only speak for myself on your suggestion. You can look at regatta permits issued to tournament organizations and see that there are plenty of them on TR if you want to fish tournaments. Believe me when I say fishing a tournament and running a tournament are very different. So if your desire is to fish tournaments, there are plenty out there. If your desire is to run tournaments, it will require an investment in professional scales, equipment, etc. and then you will compete for contestants with other established tournaments. If you are looking to join a bass club, there are a few of them on TR too. They hold club tournaments for members only and I'm sure others on this forum can provide information on those. Good luck. Mike
  12. Bill, thanks for the report. Interesting to get your info on the way to work the lure. Mike
  13. One of the great thing about chat rooms is there can be multiple conversations going on at the same time. I understand what you are saying and you should start a topic that interests you and those that want to join your conversation will gladly contribute while others are talking about something else. It may sound confusing but somehow it works. Mike
  14. I just read a report that BPS is looking into buying Cabela's. Less competition means tackle warehouse prices look all that much better. Mike
  15. Jim, that smile says it all!! Welcome back to the world of fishing. Mike
  16. I'll be there. Everyone should put a note on their phone as a reminder. Mike
  17. Jim, last night you said that you wanted your dad to catch a fish. So it sounds like you had a successful day. Nice report thanks. Mike
  18. Quill nice report. I'm still waiting for my first Amalie on a WP. Sounds like yours was a nice keeper. Mike
  19. Phil, I think that we can let it manage itself over the winter and see if there needs to be any rules around it. There will always be those who want secret information and don't pass along anything to the others. We will eventually identify those and can manage it. Since a person has to join before they can be admitted to a chat room we can work it out. IMO Mike
  20. Phil at one time there were 13. I was on at the beginning and dropped about 8:15. Mike
  21. Champ, I agree with you and Flysmallie. Last night was the first and it seems many forgot. I bet there will be greater attendance at the next one. I typically fish around the dam area and last night was able to ask a question about the Big M area cause I read about guys fishing there. nobody gave away secrets but the high level of sharing was very informative. To all the lurkers out there, you should join as a member and reap the benefits of expanded knowledge. Mike
  22. I echo Jim's comments. For those who missed it we talked about anything and everything that someone wanted to talk about. I agree with Quill once every couple of weeks should work well. I thought the Tuesday evening at 7pm time was perfect. There were people who entered the chat room, left and returned. I left and came back because one of the contributors advised that BPS had WPs in stock on their web site so i hurried over to it and ordered some while they were still there. In a couple of weeks i would think the fish are going to be moving to a different pattern than the mad shad feeding frenzy they are on now. I would like to know about that. JUMO Mike
  23. Big C, I sent you a PM. Mike
  24. That sounds like good advice. I agree that TW is a favorite way to fish. During the summer months I have to keep 2 Ned Rigs in the boat along with a top water and a frog. the 2 Ned Rigs are because when I break one off on a fish, I am too impatient to tie a new one one with that small line. You are correct about the angles and boat positions. Most of us know about angles and boat position when it comes to dock corners but sometimes we forget it about points, lay downs, etc. Mike
  25. if it is any consolation, i went out Sunday around 11am and fished it from the Stormy Point Village boat dock and could not buy a bite for an hour. I thought with the little wind blowing into the dock I would have had better results. Oh well....it is like every other new trendy bait.....sometimes yes and sometimes no. Mike
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