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hung on a rock

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Duskystripe Shiner

Duskystripe Shiner (3/89)



  1. Musky . Probably released by some Fellows lake anglers. I have seen 2 caught in the lake and one below the dam. A couple of years ago several Talapia were caught . When the lake froze and thawed there were several dead Talapia around the old outlet. I have seen some strange looking fish over the years. Only one gar. People release them when they outgrow aquariums or they move.
  2. Excellent! I will try to get it up there hopefully somtime this week. Thanks again for your help.
  3. Not bad and OUCH! I read recently that you were very busy. I am in no big hurry and you have excellent reputation as being honest. I live in Springfield but would have no problem with driving
  4. Thank you for your response. Do you have a rough idea of the most those repairs would cost. It doesn't sound like that's something I could do myself.
  5. It is the shaft to shift rod linkage. It has made a grinding noise 2 times when I put it in forward. After 2-4 attempts it did engage and I drove it back. It did it again when trailering so I just cranked it on the trailer. It goes into reverse with no problems. Drained the lower unit and it was clean. I am going on what I found on the internet.
  6. I have watched some videos on how to adjust the shift linkage on a 95 200 hsp. Mercury black max. Looks fairly straight forward. A buddy warned me that it needs to be adjusted very precise . Is this something I should attempt or have a mechanic look at it?
  7. The bass pro outlet had quite a few terrovas and some ulteras when I was in there the other day.
  8. I thought I might have known you. I have only seen one gar in the lake and thought you might have been the guy who caught it. I have always found it strange there are not gar in the lake.
  9. aarchdale have you caught a gar in lake Springfield?
  10. Alabama rig is good bet. Jerk baits work also, especially this time of year. I have never purposely fished for muskie and have not fished fellows for a few years because of catching muskie. They can ruin a bait in a hurry.
  11. This should be posted at every ramp skiers,wake borders an jet skies use.
  12. I don't belive giving the park cops trash bags would help, I fish lake Springfield enough I could have my mail delivered there, and lucky if I see one 2 times a year since they turned the hot water off. If they had a presence, I can only wonder if it would be as bad. This morning at least 5 dead turtles, which I see alot. Smashed by rocks.
  13. I don't think the city hates fishing, just the trash, line and hooks some leave behind. Go below lake Springfield dam on a Monday the beer cans, bait containers and general trash is horrible. After spoon bill season the treble hooks can hurt. I have experienced the same at Fellows and McDaniels , they do have people that clean it up.
  14. Fished out of Empire on Saturday. Best 5 came on frog, probably 14#s. Caught probably 40 fish, only 7 over 12". Small worm caught numbers, frog caught better fish.
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