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Everything posted by 176champion

  1. Does this apply to commercial docks and marina's also? that could be stupid expensive for the marina's...
  2. We all buy within our means, i dont begrudge any one that wants a new boat or truck or what ever that's there choice and if they have the money that they earned to do so then that's fantastic we only go around in life 1 time enjoy as you see fit.
  3. I just fluffed and buffed my 1989 Champion and it's purty and i have no payments and it floats and it's mine not the banks...lmao
  4. That's just the basic model also for 98,900..
  5. Best of luck to you in your new job and location.
  6. Thanks for the report Quill...nice fishes... I was going to go this AM but got called last night and had to work today.....being retired is so much fun...lol
  7. Grouper fillets is the best tasting fish.....oh wait we talking fresh water fish..gessh....blue gill and crappy have my vote..
  8. Knowing what your boat will do and not do is the big thing..... i have had my 176 champ air born before and thats not fun, that was right after i bought it so i found out what not to do...lol But champ that was a Champion not a ranger....sorry just had to say that.....lol
  9. Interesting never knew there was a fish like that.. When i see the name Quillback i think of a porcupine ....lol
  10. Drooling....I'm running wireless broad band on home computer for internet..a good day is 5 Mbps bad day .35 Mbps...lol
  11. Boat overloaded that swamped on LOZ and other mishaps on LOZ fro the week. http://www.lakeexpo.com/boating/boat_crashes/overloaded-boat-sinks-on-the-grand-glaize-arm/article_420e6d30-5f6f-11e7-96be-a748314124a6.html
  12. I saw on facebook where they had a 20 foot boat sink on LOZ today and roughly 12 people where rescued..
  13. Accidents happen on LOZ and TRL that we dont here about..but MSHP says different.. https://www.mshp.dps.missouri.gov/WP03/search.jsp
  14. I was thinking maybe some water mines placed a certain distance around your boat where your fishing...But thanks for sharing..
  15. The tuna rigs where headed to TRL this afternoon in a 6 mile stretch of road on my way to town 8 of them passed me going towards TRL and they tow just like they drive there boats all over the place...lol....
  16. I bought 3 pair of shoes for a little over a hundred..lol...i'll be 64 in Dec.. Guess im gona have to put my boat up for sale to buy some "old man" shoes and tackle..
  17. For 70 -100 bucks a pair they better be able to walk on the water or put themselves on your feet.
  18. I lost all my pictures and videos on photobucket...so i dont use them no more..
  19. JPB they have this for smartphones and tablets https://www.walmart.com/ip/FishHunter-PRO/50627363?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222227040500546&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=c&wl3=95814847817&wl4=pla-234856566497&wl5=9023786&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla_with_promotion&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=50627363&wl13=&veh=sem
  20. Sent you a PM also...
  21. As we age Jim our bodies change as to what we need..im 63 and i can't do stuff i did when i was 50....last 1 year or so i have been fighting side effects of blood pressure meds, been on 4 different types in last year, meds are due to heart attack in 1999..
  22. Im happy with 7 inch screens or even 5 inch....4.5 screen with gps on my console and a 7 inch on bow ..7 inch on console would be better as to see the gps map better.
  23. I'll be glad when they get my meds straightened out, i been getting dizzy just standing up and then i weave back and forth like im drunk so i have been staying out of the boat, plus i cant drink enough water it seems, drank 85 ounces yesterday....found out some of the heart pills have a diuretic (water pill) in them.
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