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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by 176champion

  1. If i would have had those corks on my hat i had like that i wouldn't have lost it...my hat blew out of boat while running and when i turned around to go back and get it, it had sunk, so i may have to do this to my new hat.
  2. Oil dry works good also...parts house 50 lbs bag for 7-8 bucks.
  3. As we grow older i think our nerve sensors and blood circulation take a hit. I remember going to Grandmas house and it would be 80 degrees in house in the winter time and i could never understand why she kept it so hot in the winter time. Well as i grow older (64) i understand why and whats happening to a point, me having been a heavy equipment mechanic for years and then auto mechanic, welder fabricator as well, has done damage to my hands and fingers either by smashing them burning and freezing them(did ac work also) with freon, so i believe this all contributes to my hands especially my finger tips getting cold even with good gloves on. If i was 30 years younger or even 15 years younger i would probably be out there at some point fishing in the cold weather.
  4. 45 -50 of the sun is shinning...When i was young dumb and full of well you know temps never bothered me..but as i have said before the older i get the colder i get...lol...been fighting a cold as it is since Monday night..darn fever keeps coming and going...
  5. Well it's not fishing gear but it is related to fishing and it was on my birthday that i got these live well lid vents...suppose to help keep live well cooler..
  6. Kitty litter works pretty good also..use to carry a bag of it in my van years ago.
  7. Well i have i have 4 ramps within 25 miles of my house....so it could be Capefair ,bridgeport, bigM or Shell knob, take your pick...lol
  8. I decided to share my fishing spot as a Christmas Present to all..
  9. My boat cover is frozen to my boat and it's way to cold for me to be out there....as i get older i get colder....
  10. Thanks for report!!
  11. Merry Christmas to you and your family and to all OAF Family..
  12. Here's the picture..and here's the link but it's from the champion owners facebook and it's private but they allow charger guy's in there also.. https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1955905837757275&set=pcb.10155830200413956&type=3&theater&ifg=1
  13. 210 champion hull made by Charger... I noticed in the pictures posted on facebook that it looks like the front compartment lids are higher than the rest of the front deck.....or is that just an illusion?
  14. Merry Christmas to everyone and be safe over the Holidays... This is what i woke up to..ice and then about 2 inches of snow on top..
  15. I see the pictures...Pretty Blue..
  16. Nice!! It was so foggy here at the house and in town you couldnt see the car 6 car lengths in front of you
  17. I use the first type plug, as i had problems with the flip type plug... Possible leaks happening is why i run an auto bilge pump... Try taking a garden hose and put the outlet end of hose up against thru hull pushing water into the hose, as i have seen hoses and connectors leak this way as there is more pressure against the hose and such when boat sitting in water.
  18. Yeppers they there..
  19. Way to go Cheese!! Sounds like a great outing...Just post the GPS numbers for us of where you caught these fish( making a funny).....just kidding..
  20. A friend of mine has developed a back rest for a butt seat, it is an add one and i feel it is a great product and very useful...he only has a facebook page as of now but here is the link.. https://www.facebook.com/ButtSeatBackBrace/?notif_id=1513545641445351&notif_t=page_invite
  21. I been looking at the electric heated gloves as my fingers get so cold my hands actually hurt....there are some very good suggestions on here..
  22. The phone locating app is very good as long as everyone has it turned on and proper permissions set...
  23. I live alone and 98% of the time fish by myself..All my kids work, but i do text my son and tell him where im going and text him when i get there and text him when i get home, so if i come up missing he has an idea where im at or should be anyway.
  24. Hate to say it but look on bass boat central and on face book they have a props for sale page http://www.bbcboards.net/forumdisplay.php?f=20 https://www.facebook.com/groups/867504260008743/
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