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dan hufferd

OAF Fishing Contributor
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Everything posted by dan hufferd

  1. I understand the river code and lake code differences. I guess I can understand the boat ramp thing ie. where you put your boat in. To be honest I never really thought of the possibility of a violation until we all started looking into it. I always go with the lake laws and limits, because I will be back out in the lake at some point during my trip. No conflict for me. Not bragging, but my wife and I caught enough post spawn crappie last year, we set our own length limit of 12". Really it's about keeping more and better fish in OUR water. My motto is "When in doubt,chuck it out." I have really enjoyed learning how to catch walleye from Stockton, I would like to take as many home with me as the law will allow, but I equality want a large healthy population with the possibility of a wall hanger. I don't mind throwing some back. Maybe when I get good at it I will set my own walleye length limit at 20" who knows
  2. MoPanfisher, I sure appreciate your input on this topic, it has been interesting. I don't think you all are splitting hairs at all. Back to walleye for a minute...some states get very picky about when to catch walleye in the river. And I am sure in the right situation a Missouri game warden would too. I haven't read it in awhile but once you are in the river you can only fish 1/2 hour after dark and a 1/2 hour before light, on the lake you can catch a spawning walleye all night.
  3. Bull Shoals is a bit of a jog for me. I have fished and bow fished (for gar) the beaver creek area some, but never for walleye. I have a couple days off and was thinking that I might run down there. I only visited beaver creek during the 1st big flood about a year and half ago, I haven't been back.

    Have you seen any walleye? Do you think I should wait until everything warms up ?

    Any info would be great, if not I understand. Sorry for the clumsy wording I have been up all night. 

  4. You are in the next day so I say legal. Now that you have eight you are done until after the walleye dinner.
  5. I want your job! Bill
  6. Great job and pictures. That will make anyone smile
  7. I hope everyone can understand my intent by asking this question. I want to understand the law better, so that I would not be in violation of it. Judging from all the different answers, asking this question may have helped more people than just myself. Thank you all very much !
  8. That sounds like 75% of my fishing trips. It is easy to get goal oriented, like work. Just be glad you are able to get out on the water. I get mad too. Good read
  9. Ok got it...eat faster. I guess possession limit is in place to inhibit the resale of fish?? So all of us that keep fish for the family fish fry are braking the law? That is stupid, let's vote it out.
  10. Check Jim's Heli arc Joplin mo 417 624 0818 they have been in business probably more than 40 years
  11. But I want my fish to look bigger ! At this point I just want to catch a walleye. I will probably do a back flip if I catch a fingerling. I am going to hold it really close to the camera too.
  12. Good food on the table is a blessing from God ! And that looks good !
  13. The regs seem to be worded in an odd way and open ended. I am not going to say how many walleye are in the freezer. I know several people who live on the lake. They will get several limits in a day and even more in a week. I know that I am not the only person wondering about this. I never see the game warden or I would ask him myself.
  14. You will probably have to load it to youtube then post the link here. Very nice fish, what no coastline??
  15. Daily is 4 possession is 8 for walleye I am still confused sorry
  16. I know this is a dumb question, and I would like to start out by saying that I have never taken home more than my daily limit. What is a possession limit? Scenario... 3 people in the boat all catching walleye, the daily limit for each is four, but the possession limit is eight, how many can you keep 12, 8, 24 ? Can you take some back to your camp site, put them in the cooler and go out for more or are you done for the day? I know I have opened up a can of worms here, I figure there are others in the same boat. I would think you could take 12 home but after reading this I don't know. http://huntfish.mdc.mo.gov/fishing/regulations/possession-and-length-limits
  17. Cool, message me or something and let me know. I can't go it's Easter Sunday Church for me. I think my Sunday school class might be sad if the teacher wasn't there. It is crazy that they would be that deep. They probably come up at night. Some people on Table Rock pick them up on the ned rig. Maybe bounce one of those things around??
  18. They taste like chicken.
  19. I have heard that most are catching them in the rivers right now. I wish I had some 1st hand info I forgot what a walleye looks like, I think they have teeth?
  20. Those are some dandies ! You gave up your fishing spot for us and everything. No really thanks for the post looks like fun. I did not know this but some flicker shads float, and some slowly sink. I was using one as a jerk bait it was working good. .
  21. You need a Holy Cow to go with the wows. Holy Cow !
  22. I have used a zoom green pumpkin magnum finesse worm with a plain old slip sinker and done very well. Last year it seemed like electric plum was the most productive color. I have heard other people picking up walleye on the ned rig, I wonder if they are feeding on crawdads? Thank you for the report.
  23. Looks like a nice hat band !
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