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Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by ramman123

  1. its not illegal to bowfish carp, buffalo or gar, so what would the Warden have done
  2. DO any of the Stockton Night fishermen/women have an issue with the so called partying Loud music at Mutton Creek Marina
  3. I guess u think that the Seasonal Jobs this brings to the Area isnt worth it. Well I dont See MOCARP Providing Jobs in the Area Just because u pay ur 35-40$ fee doesnt mean u can TRUMP around Acting like u own the County or the Lake itself
  4. Just because you dont partake in the use of this resort or Bar doesnt mean others dont Why do we need More regulations when as a warden or cop they have to really ponder and choose which laws/regulations are going to be enforced at the exact time and place of the occurrence or event
  5. Also MOCARP its people like you that cause us to have to many Frivolous Regs to begin with People are always complaining about Big Gov regulating this or that, if ur at the other end of the lake is that Cove really effecting u that much or are you just a disgruntled fisherman just because u can be as a pc warrior To back ur alleged facts that its being a real Nuisance(to some) besides the picture of the party crowd is there actual proof that they are harming or causing Havvick in which LE need to be enforcing any particular laws
  6. Or maybe you can Buy some acreage with a pond and suit ur happiness, just beacause u and a few of ur buddies are disgruntled about a PUBLIC LAKE USEAGE maybe you need ur own place or just get need along with others, you have rights just as much as they do but u yourself are no more important than the other people that use the lake for their pleasure either
  7. Well Mo Carp I guess you can either suck it sup because you do realize lakes are busy from Memorial day to labor day on weekends so u can either fish during the week or wait until the off season or just fish the farthest areas away from the so called nuisance Also doesnt seem to bother the guys that post on the actual stockton Forum or they just ignore it
  8. If you complain about this noise what about all the Bass Tournaments that rattle off at sun up im not complaining but just making a comparison SO the lake was intended for peoples enjoyment so u either go enjoy it or find some other pleasure doing something else sounds to me (MOCARP) that you want to be a bigger issue than just the friday sat weekend partiers during the Summer season
  9. Not trying to start any thing but that dock/marina has a right to Cater to people of any sorts and u have ur right and opinion on the way u use the lake Times are changing but just think of the revenue that is coming in for those businesses/employees yes its seasonal but still money gained for the local economy
  10. where can i get them besides paying 10-20$ at Bass Pro
  11. DO these really work and whats the catch ratio before u have to switch to a new minnow
  12. I was over by MSU yesterday on Grand in my Maroon Mercury Moutaineer and Seen another OAF Member in a Silver Ford Truck he honked and waved just trying to put a name with a vehicle maybe we can meet up and fish sometime I figured i would post on the Stockton Forum because of all the traffic it receives Thanks
  13. Thanks Phil, i figured with it being hot out that the cool water would make for a great trip
  14. I was wanting to know if Rockaway area was able to be fished from a Kayak with the Current/Flow any info would be of help looking to go either TOmorrow or Friday Thanks
  15. GO TO POMME DE TERRE Lake Gar and Carp are Predominant PM me for details
  16. True but with all this happening now the cost of lures and tackle is outrageous, its almost cheaper to go back to playing golf again for the outright price equasion
  17. Well for Starters if Taney is the Choice Lake i would Suggest talking with Duane Doty or Phil Lilley or their Dock Attendant Ryan at Lilley's Landing and Resort
  18. i thought they started the tournament a few days earlier so they could beat the rain or fish it as a last day ordeal since they were expecting this rain
  19. what is the rental fees for them and where would u put in and take out at
  20. Im looking for any type of job in the area I have years of experience as a cook, but have done Porter type work as well PM me with any info THanks
  21. Bob Bennett Stock Lake Guide Service is an excellent guide and can put u on fish 417-637-BASS (2277)
  22. Went up the river and it was a slow day
  23. BOB BENNETT not Thompson Geat guy
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