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Rick E

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Chestnut Lamprey

Chestnut Lamprey (2/89)



  1. Many of you know Hammer Time or have read his posts and may wonder where he has been. His father has Alzheimer's and he has been helping to take care of him. His father passed away this weekend. Please send a prayer out to his family if you choose. Thanks
  2. Interested just waiting for your response to the PM. Please contact me. Thanks
  3. PM sent
  4. Thanks Eagle Rock.
  5. When I click on a brushpile to pull up the dialog box to get more detailed info and coordinates, most of the time it says no information available. A few have detailed info, but most don't and they used to all have the detailed info with coordinates and date planted. Just trying to update my graphs with current info and doesn't seem like it is available.
  6. Thanks 176. That one works but if you click on the symbol it used to show you GPS coordinates and date planted. Most of these come back no information if you click on them. That old site gave more detailed info but it doesn't seem to work any more. Thanks anyway.
  7. Does anyone have the current link to the Corps planted fish attractors on Table Rock? I can't get this one to work http://huntfish.mdc.mo.gov/fishing/where-fish/fish-attractors-map
  8. Great to enjoy a trip with your Dad.
  9. I night fish almost as much as I day fish. I like to use a black light and fluorescent line on slow baits like a jig, worm, etc. When I am slow rolling a spinnerbait or other moving baits, I use regular fluorocarbon and no black light. I don't want to see the line jump before I feel it or I tend to jerk too soon. I want them to get it in their mouth a bit. I have the Night Fishion black light system that mounts in the rub rail. A little pricey, but works great and very convenient.
  10. That could be it. The smaller one might be shaped different. I will look in the tackle box tonight.
  11. I noticed on TW website the body shape of some of the new colors on the "loud" version is different. Does anyone know if the shape has changed?
  12. Thanks for input. A couple of people told me they crossed it within the last couple of days and it is wider with the barriers removed. I hope so crossing it at 2 am coming back
  13. Does anyone know if the bridge at Kimberling City is safe to pull a boat through now? I have stayed away from it as I heard it was very narrow while pulling a boat but heard that it is wider now and wanted to confirm. Thinking of fishing Mill Creek tourney tonight. Thanks
  14. I thought you needed a COE pass but I could be wrong. I am pretty sure they put a note on my truck one year when my pass expired the 1st day of the month and I didn't notice it and they let me renew without a ticket.
  15. If you are talking about a little white mark on the side of the gills I have found that almost all of the Table Rock smallies I catch have that same white mark.
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