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snagged in outlet 3

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Everything posted by snagged in outlet 3

  1. Not from my anus. 😆
  2. Killin it on the mole tournament trail. No livescope either. Old school molin 😂
  3. Out at sunrise and rode with my buddy in his boat. Boats everywhere so we decided to fish Cooper on down. No picture worthy fish and only caught a few small fish. Very slow!! We only fished a couple hours since I was driving home today. Cicadas where really chirping down there and my buddies boat at Cooper had 4 in it this morning. I’ll be back after Mother’s Day. I forgot to ask if @Johnsfolly has a mole on his life list.😂. This guy was next to me at the light on the way out.
  4. So what’s the hard decision?😂
  5. Pics or it didn’t happen 😁
  6. I seriously doubt that
  7. I look forward to seeing that. I’ve been there twice decades ago. Caught em on a cinnamon caddis.
  8. I take the roll out of the edge with one of those round things the chefs use and touch up the edge with the carbide tool. Works great and I don’t have to dig out the machine or buy new belts.
  9. Me too. But I really like the small hand held carbide too.
  10. Lastly an acrobatic 19” brown. I’ll be back out tomorrow morning.
  11. I caught a bunch of regular sized 12”-17” trout and this 3.69 pound white bass. Had a mole swim up to me so I netted him and took him to shore. Then I was in the parking lot and another mole walked right up to me. I guess to say thanks for saving his buddy.
  12. About 50 minutes later I caught this 24” tub.
  13. Got out again this morning right first light. Overcast, fog and flood gates. Caught this 26”-27” Costco salmon right off the bat. The “check it” board is 25” long. Hardest fighting fish of all of them.
  14. They backed off all the rain for Hollister. Barely sprinkled for a while is all.
  15. I just love smallie fishing. WTG!!
  16. Got there this morning right after sunrise. Both are 22”. I weighed one and the one that flopped was a little thinner. Take off a few ounces for the silicone netting I can’t clear when they are in the water. Caught em real good until about 10 and slowed down to good😁
  17. It’s crazy how good it was.
  18. There were shad swimming everywhere.
  19. I didn’t get down here and on the water until 430 but the fishing was unbelievable. I fished until 630 and then called it quits for dinner. A buddy of mine caught a 6.25 pound brown. I don’t have a picture of it, but it was a beauty. I caught this 20 inch rainbow and lost count of how many fish were caught. I’m headed over there in the morning again.
  20. Fishing was out of sight this evening!!
  21. So what's the problem?😂
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