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Bleeding Shiner

Bleeding Shiner (1/89)



  1. Wait a minute, let me get this right....fish aren't biting so we go gig now? And on top of that we gig a smallie? What is this amateur hour. If ur gigging fish and not frogs your in the wrong sport. Go shoot some carp with a bow if you need to let some agression, there's no sport in standing naked after dark with ur 5 buddies in a two man boat stabbing fish keep that monkey dodo up on the big river.
  2. Updated profile pic. Caught this baby down in one of the STL sewers. Good posterior eatin, aarchdalecoresleep and myself got a little drunk last night and went nightcrawlin down in the creek if you know what I mean.
  3. It was a joke...But hey I'll be sure to contact you when I need advice on keystone beer, junk fish or turtle necks.
  4. Caught him on that Mitch Craw.
  5. darn good day on the river. My first smallmouth in a while, was about 11 inches. Best eatin I've had in a long time. Last summer I probably cleaned and ate over 100 smallies under 17" just to get rid of the babies. Gonna have a lot of fish fries this year as well, keep you guys posted.
  6. Fished for about 2 hours up and down the riverbank near Fenton, few bites on a small crankbait. Did catch this little guy on a soft plastic, at least he put up a good fight.
  7. Fished for about 2 hours up and down the riverbank near Fenton, few bites on a small crankbait. Did catch this little guy on a soft plastic, at least he put up a good fight.
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