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Carl W

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Carl W

  1. Great to see top water working.
  2. Quill. Did you catch any of those in the clear water? How clear is Indian?
  3. It sure was a great time and good fellowship. Thanks to Quill and Muddywater for holding down the fort and having all the food hot and ready. It was a good day on the water as well with only one good keeper but nothing real big. I caught them mostly on the Rock Crawler. I did catch one on the Ned when I needed a break from cranking.
  4. Thanks for sharing Quill. I was wondering how the water clarity was and it sounds about the same as last weekend.
  5. Thanks for sharing. That is what I fished with on Saturday and did pretty good. I am like you and feel like I am learning how to fish a crank bait and it helps a bunch that they are biting it right now.
  6. Praying now for you Gary. God bless you and your wife.
  7. Bo, what size is best or does a person own several? I have never used lead wire. Carl W
  8. Sorry Dblades. That sucks.
  9. I put in at Eagle Rock today with water temps starting at 45 and ending at 51 around 1:30. We caught around 15 most around 13 or 14 inches with 3 keepers. Only one was a decent keeper at 2.5 pounds probably. We caught all our fish on crank baits.
  10. Me and a buddy fished out of Eagle Rock today and we cranked for most all of the day. The temps were 45 - 51. We ended up with around 15. With 2 maybe 3 keepers. Only one keeper was a decent one and it was probably 2.5 pounds.
  11. Thanks for the report Quill. I was wondering how the water was up that way. I am planning on fishing on Saturday. Carl
  12. I fished Beaver on Sunday afternoon in the Rocky Branch area and only caught 2. Both were keepers with one being a nice one. Water temps were 45 - 49. I saw high 49’s but no 50’s. I fished from 2 until about 5:30.
  13. I will be there, Lord willing.
  14. I plan on being there. I will check the list to figure out what to bring.
  15. Very nice boat! Jealous!
  16. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year everyone!
  17. I struggle to catch much at all on Beaver except on rare occasions. When it’s hard fishing I might catch 1 - 4 fish and I typically fish out of Hickory creek area. I tend to catch more numbers around Prarie Creek though.
  18. That is awesome!
  19. Thanks Quill. Me and a buddy went out early this morning out of Eagle Rock. It had been awhile since I had been up to the Rock. We headed to one of my favorite spots and nothing. We started to run the bank near by and caught one decent spot. We moved around from there moving point to point / docks some but all on the main lake with nothing to show when I finally just moved out to sort of the middle of the lake and was casting Swim baits towards the few that would bust the top. We finally caught our second fish and then our third and fourth but it was still real slow. We found one more spot near a point that they were doing the same thing and we would catch a few but they were hard to hook up it seemed. Tough day! I really thought it would be better. Carl
  20. Thanks Quill. I am headed up in the morning. I will post how we do.
  21. Carl W

    A Few Bass

    Thanks for the report Bill.
  22. Same here. Very nice.
  23. So sad sorry Mike. God bless you all!
  24. Nice!
  25. That's awesome!
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