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Everything posted by MickinMO

  1. I have the opportunity to borrow a boat and take my teenage son bass fishing this week, which is something he's been wanting to get into. I haven't targeted bass on Table Rock in over 20 years and that was west of Shell Knob back in the day with a buddy who knew what he was doing. We'll have both spinning rods and baitcasters to use. He wants to just throw spinnerbaits and cranks non-stop, but I'd prefer this not to just turn into casting practice. The ol' general fisherman in me who didn't care what I caught while on the water, would always have luck catching smaller black bass on 3-4" grubs this time of year and might just get a mess of crappie too. I am a bit overwhelmed at all of the tackle options that are a lot different than anything I am familiar with. Would prefer to stay in the long creek arm and not go past the dam or at least not very far. Any basic suggestions would be appreciated!
  2. Fished on Friday by boat and off the dock two evenings. Wow, fishing was great. I get down about twice a year. Best bite in several years. Quantity and quality. When the kids are catching at least one 15"-18" rainbow on power eggs each day, something is going right. With that just under two units flow before 10am and after 5pm, look out. Fishing slowed when the water slowed, but still caught them.
  3. So, is that just below bull shoals dam and the 20 cfs is minimum out of table rock? I can remember doing the dam tour as a kid, and I recall the guide saying and showing us a seperate small generator for the minimum flow requirement. I believe it had it's own penstock and the electricity generated helped power dam operations.
  4. Fished last weekend on a fathers/young sons trip. Great weather for this time of year Friday they ran water most of the day. Fishing was quite good and consistent. Drift rigs with power eggs (one orange and one white per hook) and nightcrawlers did the best. I'd also say that non garlic scent did better than garlic in same colors. The kids probably missed quite a few fish as the bite was pretty subtle. But, that also means more hooked in the mouth vs swallowed. So, many rigs saved and less stress on the fish. Trout Hollow to Cooper Creek, Monkey Island area, and Scotty's to The Landing all produced hot stretches. After the water slowed we just trolled and kept doing well. Saturday was a bit tougher as they only ran water for about an hour. Tried anchoring up, but things were quite a bit slower than Friday. Went back to trolling and did ok down at Monkey Island. Nightcrawlers were best on Saturday with pink/white power eggs next. Had some success with pink worm under a float and with little cleo spoons. 1/8oz with plain gold blade and hook did best. Fish size was noteworthy. Only rainbows caught this trip, but we had several both days that went 14" and thick. Pretty fun on such light tackle. Lots of 12-13" too. Fish seemed more lively below Cooper Creek area.
  5. Much needed for them.
  6. With Beaver inching ever so close to 1130, any kind of large rain in their basin is going to mean that the Corps would have to really move some water into Table Rock. I just don't understand why they let regulate the 3 lake capacity to such varying levels. With Beaver above 90% capacity there is no room for error if the Table Rock basin gets the same deluge as Beaver. I know mid-April the Newport stage drops if the four lake system is below 50% flood pool, which it currently is. So, they would either have to refill Table Rock or pass it all through to poor Bull Shoals who will end up 40ft high. It seems to me that with Table Rock below 920 just pass 15k through starting at Beaver would avoid having to make significant releases from Beaver and TR with a big rain event that is inevitable this time of year.
  7. Caught many goggle eye walking the creeks
  8. The Fishing Hole with Jerry McKinnis was must see tv on the weekends growing up in the 80s and 90s. I think we got cable in 87 for the first time. Me and my brothers would always watch it with my dad, who had met Jerry a few times and knew he lived in the Mtn. Home area. My grandpa had some type of minor connection with Jerry through fishing on the White River in the 60s and 70s; which my dad also spent plenty of time down there too. I think Jerry may have been a guide or ran a resort at some point, I'm not really sure. I know my grandpa stayed at Gastons regularly and another place I can't recall. To this day when pan frying fish or chicken, I still check the temp of my oil by lighting a match from its surface (tip that Jerry regularly showed).
  9. I am surprised how many Texas people are in the Ozarks for their spring break. I mean, I thought if they wanted something colder they all went skiing in New Mexico this time of year? Texas people everywhere this weekend.
  10. Down with the fam this weekend for some R&R. Fishing was pretty slow this morning. Jigs under floats, rooster tails, spoons, worms under floats, power bait off the bottom, night crawlers, etc, etc; we tried it all. Caught a few with best bite on gray/white rooster tail with silver blade and silver little cleos just below Cooper Creek. Caught a carp on a night crawler! Good fight on 2lb test for a 10 year old. Not much action really Short Creek down to Lilleys. After lunch they started running one+ unit and we headed for Monkey Island. Fishing turned on from 3-5pm. Caught mainly stockers, but hey; six people on the pontoon and everyone caught at least one fish and we had some doubles. Used lightest bottom rigs and orange/white power eggs best combo. Pink/white mousetails also saw success. Absolutely perfect weather to be on the lake today and time with family that hasn't been together in some time. Foilage is about a week from being perfect. Awesome time of year to be down here with the crisp mornings and pleasant afternoons.
  11. With the auxiliary spillway added at Table Rock and the pile wall project at Beaver Dam in the 90s, now this: https://www.swl.usace.army.mil/Media/News-Releases/Article/2748088/additional-interim-risk-reduction-measures-to-be-implemented-for-beaver-dam/ Something doesn't feel right.
  12. DNR would never
  13. Saw him last weekend!!!!
  14. It is nuts the way too many people drive on Taneycomo these days. I guess like in too many other parts of society these days, courtesy and safety are out the window because everyone is in such a hurry. Not sure what the answer is or if there even is one. I have said this before, but a lot of these people weren't fortunate like me to have boating sense instilled by older generations of fishing and hunting mentors who taught the right way to do things. I think Taneycomo could use a speed and/or horsepower limit. I know a smaller boat and motor that is plowing can throw large wakes, but getting the speeds down will help overall. Hey 21 foot yellow wrapped Nitro, looking at you kid.
  15. Had not been down since March and at that time I think the no wake buoy in front of Trout Hollow was gone. Now there is a red anchor type buoy. Is there a snag in the channel there now or is that their attempt to slow people down without putting out a no wake buoy? Searched the forums and didn't find anything. Curiosity bug has bit me.
  16. Family group trip this weekend. Tough fishing both days. Boat threw all kinds of stuff and nothing had the edge. Caught fish on little cleos, rooster tails, orange power eggs, orange trout worms, pink gulp eggs, and old salmon eggs of all things. No fish on nightcrawlers or jigs of any size or color. Fish we caught were nice size wise and fought hard. Slowest two day stretch I can recall. Didn't see a lot of fish being caught from other boats either like usual.
  17. Would a siphon or use of the sluice gates be enough to make a difference with O2?
  18. Miss my 2003 G3 1860. Had a 90HP 2 stroke Yamaha on it and in calm water that boat would scoot. Great for fishing any lake and using as duck boat in winter. Bought it new from Center City Marine in Springfield. Boat was easy to pull, put in, and load. Light enough to manhandle in the driveway or when putting in storage. That boat would float in 3 inches of water. Never should have sold it. Guy who bought it from me was going to build a larger front deck and turn it into a bass fishing boat
  19. Nothing wrong with white bass. Just have to get the red/brown stuff cut out of the fillets and I let them soak overnight in a brine before freezing or cooking them
  20. Tasty
  21. Always did best tied up to a tree at mouth of coves. Big Sac arm south of twin bridges. Minnows
  22. What a hog. That dull slap of the water gives me chills
  23. Wonder how many years in the lake's existence there has been a 10ft rise between Thanksgiving and Christmas?
  24. Lot of old models and data used. A lot more runoff in the basin with NWA, Springfield, and Branson development. Feds were using data from the 1960s to price mortgages in the 2000s and helped lead to the meltdown.
  25. And yet, they could have been passing more water though and keeping the White from potentially becoming ridiculous. But no, they backed it off once the lakes dipped just below flood pool setting up a situation when any large widespread rainfall could have destructive consequences from from NW Arkansas to New Orleans. Corps plays russian roulette.
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