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Ozarks Chillbilly

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Ozarks Chillbilly

  1. That would be fine by me! Ik ready for some night fishing too.
  2. Welcome to Ozark Anglers Forum!
  3. Nice video. Thanks for the information!
  4. I've been hearing that some heavyset rainbows are feeding right now... I need to get down there and catch some!
  5. Interesting. Thanks for the update!
  6. Do you have a link on how to tie this pattern? Looks deadly.
  7. Thanks for the update. Hopefully we can land a few this weekend through the tough conditions.
  8. Wow, tough goings. going to try at night once they shut off the water and see how hungry the fish are then.
  9. Just checking in with you guys to see if anybody has been getting out. Planning on fishing this weekend and hopefully will have some updates myself!
  10. I agree. There's got to be a reasoning behind the popularity of these EP style flies though. Only one way to find out.. I will test in a little over a month.
  11. Beautiful fish pics. you've had some good luck! Welcome to the forums.
  12. Wow. Nice fish (both of them). Interesting to see all these multiple catches of one fish. Big boys gotta eat
  13. Tying some baitfish for trip to FL. Happy with the shape but I can't figure out how to get eyes on them without squishing the head in..
  14. Welcome to OAF, tjm!
  15. Nice. I havnt tried tying with arctic fox yet but seems like a really neat material to work with.
  16. Mixing up some dubbing for some interesting blends of leechs. And one random UV minnow.
  17. I could use a couple slapped on to my tying table
  18. #doitforthegram
  19. What a mess
  20. Holy crap. Must've felt like bringing up a cinder block. Pictures capture the moment well haha
  21. Only took about 2 1/2 minutes. He only really fought when I got him up close and pulled drag a couple times. Seemed like a fat, happy (before I caught him) Rainbow. If I had to guess, it was all of 20-25 inches. He was fat. I have a short video I filmed with a GoPro in my mouth... while it is also out of frame is some parts it gives a better representation of the size and length. Not sure how to upload that one.
  22. Here is the bass and another view of the fat ol' bow
  23. Headed down to the dam around 8PM. Slight wind and a handful of cars in the lot, nothing out of the ordinary for a Friday night. Fished leech patterns exclusively, and it turned out to be a very interesting night!! 1. Fishing a size 6 black leech I caught this ultra BIZARRE MUTANT fish.. Aside from its looks it seems quite healthy and swam pretty similar to any other. Caught a couple others 'normal' rainbows. 2. Switched up to another size 6 leech, this one in brown. Caught a few rainbows and then to my surprise a (white?) bass! Terrible pictures I know. (SEE SECOND POST FOR PIC) 3. To conclude the night I hooked up with what seemed to be a brick. Got it in my net and was wide-eyes to say the least. Hooked smack-dab in the middle upper lip. I was too focused on keeping the fish in the water and released and really didn't get any good pictures. The fish swam away on its own accord which was good to see. Was my personal best - topping the one I caught last week by quite some weight.
  24. Headed down to the dam around 8PM. Slight wind and a handful of cars in the lot, nothing out of the ordinary for a Friday night. Fished leech patterns exclusively, and it turned out to be a very interesting night!! 1. Fishing a size 6 black leech I caught this ultra BIZARRE MUTANT fish.. Aside from it's looks it seems quite healthy and swam pretty similar to any other. Caught a couple others. 2. Switched up to another size 6 leech, this one in brown. Caught a few rainbows and then to my surprise a (white?) bass! Terrible pictures I know. 3. To conclude the night I hooked up with what seemed to be a brick. Got it in my net and was wide-eyes to say the least. Hooked smack-dab in the middle upper lip. I was too focused on keeping the fish in the water and released and really didn't get any good pictures. The fish swam away on its own accord which was good to see. Was my personal best - topping the one I caught last week by quite some weight. This post has been promoted to an article
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