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Ozarks Chillbilly

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Everything posted by Ozarks Chillbilly

  1. Good stuff. I am getting excited for the weather to get cooler and for the big browns to start feeding like they're at a buffet. Atleast that's what i'm hoping for... Somehow have still not caught a brown out of Taneycomo. Of any size.
  2. The drain plug feature is semi-common among drifting type watercraft. Stealthcraft for example on some of their models have a drain plug screwed on the floor located around the middle of the boat on each side. Not too sure on the L&L Jon boats though. Never heard of them either.
  3. Freshwater: McCloud River Rainbow Grayling Brook Trout Muskellunge Saltwater: Tarpon Giant Trevally Redfish Any type of game shark All on the fly, please!
  4. Some good ol' Turnpike Troubadors. Excited to see them in Springfield early October.
  5. Really neat story. It's awesome to see a fishery reintroduced. Great for the recreation, great for the fish, great for the environment.
  6. I appreciate the info! I have been seeing some really cool flies tied on Ahrex hooks recently. That in itself proves that they perform good. I will have to pick some up and try them out! Do you typically purchase them online or does your local shop have them in stock? I will have to check here, not sure if they carry them. Thanks
  7. Good stuff! The fish structure almost looks like if a trout and a freshwater drum had a kid.... it would be a sucker! Haha
  8. Those colors/spots are gorgeous. Great catch & love to seem 'em wet like you did. Looks like it was a successful trip!
  9. Stealthcraft makes a hell of a boat. Skates across in inches of water with ease. Congrats on the sale & whoever made the purchase will surely enjoy it.
  10. I'm definitely not sure about filleting suckers..... But I have seen some HOGS of suckers in some of the inlets on lower Taneycomo. Seen a few people bow-fishing 'em. Not sure if there is really a way of fishing them without killing them, i'm not necessarily trying to do that. Cool fish though!
  11. Hey guys, my name is Chris. I'm from Branson, MO and recently transferred to Missouri State to pursue a Hospitality Management major. When I'm not up at school, I enjoy going fly fishing. I mostly fish on Taneycomo (wading & by boat depending on water flow). I sometimes fish for bass, but i'm not as good at catching bass compared to trout. I find it interesting and enjoy the never-ending pursuit on catching fish! When the opportunity presents itself, I would like to expand my fly fishing skills and target other species. Saltwater fly fishing looks awesome, we're planning on heading down to Florida this winter and hopefully can pull in some fish on the fly! I've been a 'lurker' on forums and website for a while but i'm happy to find this discussion board. Boat loads of good information and an active and helpful community from what it seems. Not to mention, it's oriented on the area we're from! Thanks for checking this out... See you on the boards and on the river!
  12. Awesome, thanks for the info! This is one of my go to streamer pattern profiles. Tied in multiple color schemes. The wool head definitely pushes water,him just not sure how to construct it without the lead eyes. They're pretty small though, so I'm not sure if it has side to side motion or more jigging. I guess I should just test it out in some clear water.
  13. Thanks for the input! You make a good point about the jigging action. I can agree with that even with my fairly new streamer experience. I've found that the articulation helps a bit with distributing the weight at least a little bit. Would you recommend deer hair for creating heads/collars to achieve that side to side motion? I'm honestly frightened to attempt stacking hair but once you get it down I'm sure it's addictive! Thanks
  14. Spent a little time at the desk and figured up this pattern. Takes a little longer to tie but the end result was really satisfying! I'm probably going to wait a little longer until the winter season comes to fish it. Hopefully I can pull in a healthy brown on it. The smaller fly is a size 6 random sculpin thingy I made, just in the vise for size comparison. Materials: Partridge of Redditch Universal Streamer Hook size #2 trailing a #1 Senyo's intruder wire Barred marabou (olive) Barred olive zonker strips (flesh colored) Dyed UV polar chenille olive schlappen UV2 sculpin wool Fish skull head w/ Earth eyes Hopefully it fishes well and can produce some nice fish! It has a lot of materials, meaty fly. Probably need to use at least a 6 weight to huck the thing around. Let me know what y'all think!
  15. Is there going to be another one of this in the future? Would love to participate.
  16. I've been fishing up by the dam the past few night. Have had success fishing some streamers in various sizes. Only have caught rainbows but they sure are hungry! Healthy too. Love catching them on articulated streamers.
  17. As previously stated in the thread, both hooks provide great tying for various reasons. I love the B10S In size 6 or 4 for my medium streamers (zonker+woolhead). For my articulated flies, I have started using Redditch's Universal Predator hooks in size #1, #2, etc. Some fly shops don't carry these mean hooks, but if you're in the Springfield area I have started going to Plateau Fly Shop. They have (so far) had all that I needed and more. Good luck!
  18. Haha love the name! Has anyone noticed any other differences in holes/snags since the flood? I know it's pretty hard to judge this since we don't have fish-eye views, it will probably take a few more weeks of fishing to really get the feel for it.
  19. Always gotta send 'em back to their home safe! Were you guys fishing from a boat or wading? I've had limited success wading up by the outlets. Super fun nonetheless.
  20. Regarding the title of this thread.. This guy (from Denmark I believe) has a youtube channel with some really cool fly tying videos and fishing techniques. While the flies or types of fishing may not directly relate to the ozarks area, there are definitely some tips to be gained! Here is a pretty interesting video about him catching big searun trout on dries:
  21. I love fishing streamers (all sizes, but the bigger the better) and have been fishing at night recently. I haven't been around the trophy area though, fishing up by the dam outlets. Have had some success on size 6 zonkers w/ wool heads to push some extra water. Also fishing some articulated streamers, really fun to fish and usually catch some healthy fish! After about 8:30PM they have been typically shutting off all the generators. I've been fishing from about 9PM-2AM and various times in-between depending on success. Good Luck!
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