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Everything posted by liphunter

  1. Micro Angler K.D. No V, or nads...
  2. Launched around 6:30 this morning at Ruark. My plan was to continue to try to develop a walleye skill, So far I've just developed a rash. But I'm hopeful. Before I did I wanted to give an hour or sole beating the brush for bass. I just picked a spot that looked good on the sons creek side and keeping it somewhat small. I was throwing a 1/2 oz white an red Strike King tandem spinner bait, no trailer. I would pitch it under the canopy and in the gaps. It went fairly well for about 45 mins. Then it started to fizzle out. Caught 1-17 inch, 2-16 inch, one that just made 15 inches. And a bonus 12 inch crappie. All swam away somewhat irritated. Then I went somewhere else to not catch walleye.
  3. That's ok Dutch. I just remember what my proctologist always tells me. Getting old ain't for sissies.
  4. I haven't decided where yet. But I am either going to Cape Fair or Ruark in the morning. If I go to the latter, I will post what the ramp is like. Mike
  5. The usual perspective is that fish are more finicky when the water s dropping. Is that rate of drop a possible addition to the slow bite?
  6. Moth balls are a great deterrent for things like rodents and ground hogs, and other various critters. Squirrels are just a big rat with good PR. The biggest challenge to that, is staying up all night banding moths.
  7. Since I have retired, I have not launched on the weekend. With the crowds an attitude of the masses anymore. I just figure it's a gateway to the evening news!!!
  8. What in the world is an expanding lug nut???
  9. I am kind of stuck between a belly laugh and throw up right now. weird sensation...
  10. If our big brother is so hell bent on taking care of us. What is the deal with the zipper. Why do we as a society subject our young men and the occasional drunken old guy to the trauma and terror of the zipper. Little Mikey looked like he had been in a war zone by the age of ten. Stop the madness!!! Two words. VEL-CRO. Make it happen!!! Write your local corrupt legislator and protect our young! Send all donations to protect the package .com.
  11. Something I recently noticed that I have done my whole life. It may be common. But with the bait caster I do the whole switching hands thing. But I recently noticed all my spinning reels are set up like a left hander and I'm perfectly comfortable with that.
  12. For me it's pretty much about line size and lure weight. I get down in size and weight the bait caster will not do as well as the spinner. I know this is my issue, but when I get heavy on a spinner. I lose accuracy badly. I could be wrong, but I would think 47 yards aka... 1/2 a football field, would be pretty good.
  13. liphunter

    Whatchya Drinking?

    Sorry Mr. Folly. This isn't that kind of forum! lol
  14. Holly Smokes!!! Did you get any measurements off it? You need to send a pick of that to MLF and show them how it's done!!! Congrats!!!
  15. Yes, What Seth said. It is ready to go. But it does only have the trolling motor mount. It's a little dated, but still has several useful features and works well. You wouldn't need a different transducer, just a different mount. For the transom. Mike
  16. For Sale: Humminbird 597 ci HD. With internal GPS. Came original with the boat. That would make it approx. 6 years old. Still works well. 5 inch screen is a little weathered, but still very clear and clean. Comes with mount and transducer with trolling motor mount and power cable... $150.00 Local (withing 50 miles of Republic, MO.). Plus shipping if I have to ship. ( Within 6000 miles of Republic ,MO.). humminbird 597ci hd - YouTube SOLD...
  17. liphunter

    June 28

    I've never eaten one, but brazillian or domestic, There fun to catch.
  18. Nacho cheese or Ranch???
  19. Am wondering that myself. At some point I would like to take the Mrs. out night time crappie fishing. Just am not sure what it would be like with all the water. Mike
  20. liphunter

    What's Cooking?

    My wife has one. Very nice programmable cooker. Very nice for chicken, beef and any free deer that us 5 acre guys can get! lol
  21. No it's really true. One of the unexpected benefits of wearing them was it helped with keeping the ticks off. But they originally started wearing them because it made them feel pretty!
  22. Confused is just my normal operating status!!!
  23. Yea snag I recognized it. Only youngsters like us would pick up on that...
  24. What size flicker shad does one use for crappie trolling?
  25. I did the same thing today Dutch. Can't imagine we didn't cross paths. I did catch five small ones. The first time ever I have targeted fish and got a few on drop shot. It was kind of a milestone for me. That being said. Looking at Jeff's graph shot. It's kind of obvious to me I wasn't real clear on what to look for. Although I understood they could be suspended. I didn't realize they could be that shallow. Like 10 to 15 feet. Good info. I know it's small but, You never forget your first. 🐟
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