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Jason Essary

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Jason Essary

  1. Im with Techo. Capt will work your brain over on the hummingbirds. He toke time out of his busy life to give me an onboard rundown on the ins and outs. Kudos and Thanks Don.
  2. If your going throu Kimberling city, there are to bait shops that sell them. Ozark bait and tackle and Table rock bait and tackle. Just bought some from tablerock today to feed my pet lizard. Other than those I dont know any else.
  3. Ditto, thanks Eric.
  4. Great night Mule. You just got to love the lake when it gets quiet at night. What depth were you running the jig and what kind of banks seemed more productive. Thanks
  5. wow, great questions. As if I was asking them myself. Cant wait to hear all the answers.
  6. great day Don! Love those days. Been doing pretty well around that area also, been throwning football heads. Good luck and be safe.
  7. Roy, sounds like a great first hour, then slow after that. Love the niters, its so fun to prowl around the lake at night, esp when it means something.
  8. Jason Essary


    Actually where I fished last week its breaking up. Bottom 90% clean around point 5 and such. Trees are still covered deep, roll through one and you have a huge ball.
  9. Great question. I had a 3.5lb smallie follow my redfin yesterday so close when I stopped it he bumped it with his nose. funniest thing ive seen in awhile. after the bump, he backed off and started to go deep. Gave two hard jerks and started waking again and he came back and sucked it in. This is not the norm, I miss more than connect and dont have good luck with followers. One thing I like to do is when the waters clear and calm, once the bait gets within 10' of the boat or closer, I get it out fast. My thoughts are followers wont come to the boat and spook.
  10. Wow Duck, alaska for that long? what all are you going to go after?
  11. So there is no knot on the main line tied to the swivel? Didnt think of that one, as always above and beyond Eric. You to Snakem.
  12. believe they are talking dbl flukes, no topwater.
  13. Nice Job Eric. Let me ask, do you use a 3 way swivel on the greed rig?
  14. We ran everything you could think of. Mainly black brush hogs.
  15. Fished the Friday night millcreek derby. Had 16.92 lbs. 8th place. Second out of the money and first out of the gift card... . Windy windy night, and for some reason the spinner didnt come into play much. First place was a bag of only 4 keepers (5 fish limit) that weighted in the high 22lbs. Second was in the low 22lb then it dropped to 19lb for 3rd.
  16. I will give some reports to whats going on, should be fishing bout every friday mill creek tourney this summer. Give what I can. Love the lake when its quiet and dark.
  17. We toke first place and big bass. Guess the fishing gods were smiling on us. My partner has done the night thing for years, he seems to have a fishy sense. Cant wait till friday night to see if we can come close to repeating it.
  18. Fished the Mill Creek Tourney Saturday Night. 730 to 3am. Long time on the water and soar muscles afterwards..lol. Had a great evening of fishing. Missed all the rain and caught fish all night. I had a bad feeling that with all the day events that the fish would be "beat up" but seemed that with all the commotion they feed better after dark. Fished everything you could imagine and caught fish on about everything. Spinnerbait burned under the surface seemed to be the best for numbers thou. All in all a great evening of fishing. Partner caught a 6.8lb and I caught one right at 6 with anouther 5lb to go with it. Dont know if we can ever repeat that kind of a night. 5 fish limit, 24 some pounds.
  19. Congrats Champ and Donna. Wonderful job guys.
  20. Yes, fishing it with Ryan Sifford.
  21. Now this fish was from July last year. 38" Long and only 22lbs.
  22. rps, I have seen those. Been wondering what the advantages were for them. I might have to get one and give it a try.
  23. Love to use the spinner about anywhere you think a topwater would work during the day. Normally slow rolling it back (keep it out of the moss), but last year learned how to pump one. Its a new tech. for me, but you raise the rod to 12'oclock and let it flutter down while you lower and wind in the slack then pump it again, staying close to the bottom. That night they hammered the pumping but would not take it if it was a steady retreive.
  24. Now, I think its wonderful that the man released the fish, but I have caught a couple muskies and hundreds of northers while fishing in canada. To me that fish doesnt look over 40". Any one else have any comments?
  25. What a fun night, lost count. best 5 went 15lbs. Great report, thanks again Don.
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