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About smbasser

  • Birthday 09/29/1984

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  • Location
    Springfield, MO

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smbasser's Achievements

Channel Catfish

Channel Catfish (14/89)



  1. *sold Please delete
  2. I doubt it, my kids birthday party
  3. Have a pair of Costa Permit sunglasses with the Blue Mirror glass lenses that I bought new last year and kept as a backup and no longer need. Looking for $100. In springfield Mo area. Thanks 417-849-5583 call or text
  4. Any problem with iced in ramps anywhere?
  5. Yeah, water was just too muddy for them to see anything. Went from Nemo to bolivar landing. Never found clean water
  6. Was there today, water was 40-42 and muddy everywhere we went. Caught 1 crappie. We were targeting bass around main lake and crappie was on a jerkbait. Never had a bass bite
  7. That makes sense, i didn't really think of there not being a full time guide on Bull. I think we are leaning towards Norfork or Beaver. It's for a group of customers and one of them is retiring. Just trying to do something as a going away gift. We wouldn't be fishing till April or May and they don't care how they catch them as long as there is a little action.
  8. i'm putting together some guys to come down and striper fish on either bull or beaver. does anyone have a guide they would recommend? Thanks
  9. i'm putting together some guys to come down and striper fish on either bull or beaver. does anyone have a guide they would recommend? Thanks
  10. If bassfisher ain't catching fish, no one is.
  11. smbasser


    I have no idea how the city ramp is west of dam. This is the ramp at RB, Roark Bluff. I heard the hawkers point ramp was open
  12. smbasser


    RB ramp
  13. Quick question, Anyone know if i can launch there before i make the long drive tomorrow? Thanks
  14. Ramp is open
  15. 19+ won. Couple 18 lb sacks, 17 and so on. I believe big fish was 5 something. 18 boats
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