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Everything posted by taxidermist

  1. Ok then by looking at everyone remarks, catching fish hurt fish. So everyone should stop but me As for Power Bait, using iton small hooks is the problem go with a #6 Eagle Claw Crappie hook and its a lowerjaw hook most ofthe time,along with not anchoring to fish. keep drifting!
  2. Hard to say which is heavier as that depends on the age of the animal and there is now way to second guess the weight let alone the compaction quality of the ground. Not all cats have the same size feet.
  3. I want to be the inspector that checks the serial numblers.
  4. 2008, the water was crazy. one night it went over the Hwy 65 bridge by a couple inches. Below is Crooked Creek at flippin from 101 bridge. Yes White River was up and over the bottom. We put in at Rim Shoals and ran up to Roundhouse shoals and you did not see anything but water between the bank by the sewer plant and the bottom of the mountain on the south side. The gravel sizzled, sounded like a pop bottle fizzing.
  5. Yes its legal, but you must have navigation lights as mentioned. It does not matter if its a rubber raft at night you must have nav lights. I would also recommend a good spotlight! That sucker gets dark at night really dark. even under a fullmoon its dark.
  6. I know some people will lol, but jerk baits along bluff lines in the main lake, in bubble gunm pink wrok pretty good for larger smallies.
  7. As low as the lake is you should be seeing some brush piles fairly easy. Rocky points and and gravel banksmay yeild some big eyes.
  8. Yes they have guns and they kill everything that moves on one of their drives, bucks does it dont matter. Also due to their religion they dont get tickets nor do they normally pay one f they do get one. Most of their Bishops allow them to use electricity to make windows and doors for resale. One company here use to buy a lot of sawed lumber from Amish at Windsor MO.
  9. JFK was a Conservative by todays standards!
  10. Years ago I mounted a lot of Smallies out of both CC and Bull SHoals, I dont think I ever saw one over 22 inches may have been one or two but not many several in the 6lb plus range but zero over 7 lbs. river fish can out weight lake fish by 18 ounces size for size. the reason is muscle tissue verse fatty muscle tissue. Muscle weight is much more.. So a fish for a river or creek can weight a bit more than a fish from the lake of the same measurements.
  11. The gravel mining helped the creeks to have some nice deep holes of water. These were great for smallies. Same crap is happening on the Ouchita, Talked with Ric and M&M wed. and he said the holes are filling with gravel, he has been running M&M canoe rental since 1996. gravel fills waterholes
  12. Flour, Cavenders seasoning and fry!!! Duck hunting in middle and lower Bull is hit or miss. Really some days its great and other days you should stay home.
  13. Banjo minnows and flying lures. Actually the flying lures worked pretty good around brush and boat docks.
  14. First it is not murder, Murder is something that only applies to humans.. Dont put PETA rhetoric in wildlife problems. Like calling a firearm a weapon. It is not a weapon until used against a human.
  15. 4. Fishing During the Spawn. Kills the fry 5. Fishing a fish to exhaustion during summer with light line, not only i summer but in winter too. Large fish are not athletes. 6. Mishandling of fish after being caught.
  16. Yea I was around all week in Flippin and Bull Shoals, thats why I was surprised very few shad came thru.
  17. Just got this emailed. 39X19 they say.black sculpin streamer just above the Hurst Hole.
  18. dont really think its been cold enough long enough for a shad kill. there may be a few small ones coming thru. Slow with twitches and let it rest and drift a few feet then repeat. I just got an email minutes ago a fellow caught and released a five lb 4 1/2 ounce Cutthroat last week plus week before a rather large brown was caught. I am trying to the the pics.
  19. I dont read many novels. True Grit being the one. I have recently several times over the past four years. As mentioned John Wayne was John Wayne in his version of True Grit. I like JOhn Wayne. As the wife and I went to Bridges version of True Grit, I was very pleasantly surprised that the movie was closer to the book. Bridges did a very good job and should get an Oscar, the little girl was excellent as were all the other actors in this version. Most of my reading is anything I can do with my hands. Some wood work, mostly automotive and such
  20. If you want to see some Golden eagles that are close, well kind of. The River along the old part lower post of Ft Riley has several hundred eagles gathered right now and there are several golden eagles in the area. Along Beeman and Stuart Ave is where many of them will be roosting in the trees on the Ft Riley side.
  21. Wife and I hit the river about 12:30 pm. water was about three units, temps was low 50's. Made our run up river in one of our favorite places, Ranchette to the Rim Shoals area. New boat was a bit slower but rides nice, does spin a bit more on our drift down river. Anyway I used Rainbow trout colored jerk bait with good success, she used several colors of power bait with Sunrise being the best. The trout were feeding heavy I think because of the past low water or no water. Wife did very well on some rally fat rainbow, many 14-16 inch fat bows and awesome colored breeding males. I t sure is hard for me to let her release those super colored fish. I was strictly lure fishing. I caught 23 brown trout with only two of them under 12 inches. all was really fat but one. Some really sharp males with hook jaws! at 14-15 inches Had one really nice long fish 21 inches but he was skinny not 10 inches circumference! I had the hook break at the boat on a nice brown that was heavy. Nice boat wife was able to spin around in the seat and get the net!! Caught 2 brookies and a few nice bows. So it was a darn good short trip time wise. Tied my best day for browns,wanted to stay longer but we were at the ramp and the sun was fast dropping behind the hill. Near the end of the catch and release area is an new eagle nest with a pair if eagles near by. Both mature, but the smaller of the two appears to be the male as to the actions they were doing on the limp. I had been told and saw shows all my life that eagle mated in the air, Not so!!!
  22. No the jury is not out on spiders with me, I had my fill of spider bite a couple years ago.
  23. At this time seems, live bait is working very well on Norfork. But sometimes artificial work well too. You might want to look at the Lake Norfork Striper club for ideas. http://www.norforkstripers.org/
  24. Well after a few trips int he barge as the wife calls it, she really likes it, I do too. With my bladder problem its easier to_ _ _ . lol Anyway its a bit slower but its fine. Lots of room.We did have to make two attempts to go over Redbud shoals with not units on line first attempt we bumped a couple times with the prop the second time was fine. As mentioned earlier I have fished a 42 Supreme with a 20 jet and comparing the two I like the 48 Shawnee better. Under higher water a larger motor may b in order while a 15 4 stroke will get you there with two people. I think maybe a 20hp 4 stroke Yamaha would make a huge difference.
  25. Piebald eagle or Appaloosa eagle
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