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Chief Grey Bear

Fishing Buddy
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Everything posted by Chief Grey Bear

  1. I haul my canoe on an old boat trailer. I used to have some home built racks that I could haul more. I can still get 3-4 on there if I have too. But anyway, you can usually find one for reasonable price. One place to check is a boat repair place on a lake. They seem to have acres of junk boats sitting on a decent trailer. Might be able to cut a deal.
  2. Apparently, you can unhook, check background settings, stoop to pose, snap pic, and release fish in 30 or less. Just snap.
  3. Can you go #2 in 30 seconds? I need to get one of those watches! I'll never get old! I can fish forever!
  4. I've got 3 of them I got from his wife. Just got done reading it for the umpteenth time last night.
  5. There are a few. Very few.
  6. Or just take one of the fish. I never understood why people think they have to be in every photo. Make the fish the star, not yourself.
  7. I thought that was you. I was in a pickup today. You were fixing to turn east on EE. That was me you had to wait on. I almost turned around but I didn't believe my eyes. On another side note, there are at least 4 swans at Bronaugh.
  8. Do you have a redish topper on your truck?
  9. WOWZA! On a side note, you wasn't in the Milo area this morning were you?
  10. Was you out there Saturday too? We saw some yakers that afternoon near the narrows.
  11. Oh, well, when you put it that way, well then yes, you can feed a family of four.
  12. I have no words
  13. What are ya feeding? Hamsters?
  14. Well I didn't mean that they actually drove to it. Holy cow!
  15. No goofy! They don't go to the nearest cell phone tower and check them to see all of the thousands of people that have been by it at that time and then go and start questioning them.
  16. I'm pretty sure that's not exactly how it works. Do you have any concept of how many thousands of people's cell phones were in that area at that time that those guns were stolen? I'd lay good money that they had an idea who it was and then checked cell phone records.
  17. I didn't even buy a tag this year.
  18. Time for the meat prep. In back we have beef ribs. If you have never had beef ribs you're in for a real treat! In the front right we have the ol' T-bone. You can never go wrong with the T-bone. And at less than the price of hamburger how can you not? At the front left we have Chuck-eye steak. It is a cousin to the ribeye. After grilling these will be sliced into strips and used for quesadillas. After today I will be done cooking for the week!
  19. So if everyone was doing all that could be done, why continually come here and complain nothing was being done with your own "snarky comments"? I fail to see how that was any help to the situation.
  20. People can't be this stupid?? At least I hope. I mean, who could really be that stupid. Nevermind.
  21. Kinda my thought. Maybe Joe Homeowner can't work a phone. Maybe this is a little more technical than we thought.
  22. Is anyone equipped to operate a telephone anymore?
  23. Classic. Everyone standing around complaining waiting for somebody to do something. Then blames government.
  24. I haven't but I would! You bring some on our next trip!
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