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Everything posted by oneshot

  1. Took her into town got her another Job.Pays more that what she is getting now. Figure both Jobs together can get more Beer and Gas for the Boat oneshot
  2. When I was a kid growing up,until after I was first married people paid to fish for Carp,and you would find it in the Stores.Here in Missouri. oneshot
  3. My season is over.I haven't had time to post.But had a pertty good season once I figured out where they were running.Got a 9 Point Sunday evening and a Big Doe Monday and another Doe tuesday. I've decided to give up Archery hunting.Just getting to hard getting Deer out and all. Here is Pics of my Buck and one Doe. oneshot
  4. I was down at Lead Mine the other day.Its Low Clear,been alot of Gigging going on. oneshot
  5. Dang I got a whole Tackle Box of old wooden Lures I got off an old man that died over 20 years ago. Might have to check see what I got. oneshot
  6. I'm located 25 miles North of Buffalo.In a little spot called Lead Mine. oneshot
  7. Sorry thats want I go by on another Forum. No I dropped the Price down to a $1,000,figure its got to be worth that,being as everything works on it.I'm just really needing to get it out of the way. oneshot
  8. Bumping (reduced Price) oneshot
  9. Well I was down there talking this over with one of the Guys finishing up.Like we said people were driving up and down the bank,at least pulling their Boats up and down it.Anyway tearing the bank up.So why not just put a long slab of Concrete in? Anyway it is finished looks good. oneshot
  10. Well I have a 12 foot wide bottom.We was worried about weight.We took it down to the river.I weigh 275 I was up on the front,the other person with me weighs about the same.We got in it,got out in the water,rocked it jumped up and down.Seemed pretty stable.So I'm thinking using it. Got a Trolling motor,just go from hole to hole.Talked with a Local,he said just get couple Halogen Lights,run them just off the Battery,just have couple well charged Batteries.Don't fool with Generator. Truth I'd like to get all rigged up before cold weather,see how it is going to work. oneshot
  11. Niangua River oneshot
  12. Went down to check the New Boat Ramp on the river.Someone had already been down there Gigging,throwed all their cleanings on the Parking Lot I just can't figure I mean they could have throwed them in the brush or river but no right up there to stink and draw flies. oneshot
  13. Told my Daughter if she found a guy that would walk the mile through the woods,to get to our place.Meet me with my Shotgun and the Dogs on the front porch.I would think about letting her date him. Oh she is 29 still not married.Ah she does have a Boyfriend. I tell you them girls will break your heart. oneshot
  14. Ok I'm bumping this up.If you need a good little boat this is it.I just put a price on it,not sure what its worth.Just know what I paid for it and know whai would like to get out of it. Plus I need to get it out of the way. oneshot
  15. Hoping to get a couple this weekend then go fishing.Going over on Goverment Land. oneshot
  16. I've been using treble Hooks for Carp.But I've been catching Buffalo over at Pomme De Terre Lake. Today I was having trouble hooking them.Would I be better using a small straight Hook? oneshot
  17. Thats what i heard.Guy told me the fish were trying to get up to better water from the river.He said they made it far as the Whistle Bridge. But he said the fishing in the river will suck for awhile.But fishing in the Park is great. oneshot
  18. My wife came up with this.Maybe because Laborday Weekend coming up their afraid it will keep people away. Makes sence to me! oneshot
  19. This is all I could find.No mention of a Fish kill. Bennett Spring State Park: 57 degrees, high, dingy; fishing is good; water levels have risen due to a recent flood; successful lures are: marabou jigs (black and yellow and ginger), mini-jigs (John Deere and bedspread); glo balls (chartreuse w/ red dot and original 3 color); dry flies: #12 chartreuse cracklebacks; other successful flies are brown wooly with gold spinner and red brassies; zone 3: white Power Bait. Due to the recent flood we were unable to cut weeds on August 22. We have rescheduled the weed cutting to September 11 from approximately 9 AM-3 PM. (Report made on 8/23/2007) oneshot
  20. To me Drum die pretty fast so I catch them,gut them and put them on ice. But thats just what I do with them.I do like them though. big rockpile
  21. Went over to Pomme De Terre Lake today.First thing I caught was a 25+ Buffalo,then I caught another not near as Big. Wife cooked up enough to get our fill,said got enough for at least 3 more messes. oneshot
  22. oneshot


    Got to agree.Love both places. oneshot
  23. Congrats on the New Grandbaby. oneshot
  24. This is giving reasons not to fish either of these rivers for awhile. oneshot
  25. I didn't say they was stopping them for DUI it was just for Seat Belts,lousy $10 fine.Seems overkill bringing MHP,MDC,and other Law Enforcement just to hassel a bunch of guys for Seatbelt Violation. I didn't get stopped because I stayed out all day.My wife thought someone had gotten shot as many Law Enforcement they had in there.They didn't do anything in the Camp Area. Plus I don't know where your from but there is drinking in several Deer Camps after a day of hunting.Which I have no problem with long as all Firearms are Unloaded and put up. oneshot
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